Promoting Sustainable Development Through Global Infrastructure Initiatives: A Sino-European Perspective

Event Information

Hybrid - University of Gothenburg and on-line


Event type

On behalf of the Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools (ACE), the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg is hosting a one-and-a-half-day conference that explores how sustainable development is understood or should be conceived in the context of global infrastructure initiatives. The conference will be held in a hybrid format.

Sustainable development as a key organizing concept has assumed an omnipresent status and can now be found in most, if not all, policy instruments, business statements, political speeches, formal and informal discussions. Sustainable development frame is considered critical in resolving global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and injustice that we face as a society. This frame has assumed greater importance considering COVID-19 led circumstances and is being utilised as a guiding force for governments attempting to revitalize national and regional economies with added resilience. 

Instructions for Submission

Abstracts (MSWord doc or Adobe pdf, not exceeding 800 words) should be submitted together with a short biography (not exceeding 100 words) via the following email, no later than Monday, 2 May 2022.

Authors of successful abstracts will be notified by Friday, 13 May 2022. Authors should submit the first draft (7,500 -10,000 words, including footnotes) by Friday, 2 September 2022. Draft papers will be shared with other speakers with a view to create interactions during the conference.


The conference proceedings will be subjected to a peer review process and published as an edited book. Details about how to submit finalised papers for publication will be provided to all speakers after the conference.


The conference is free of charge. The event does not cover expenses for travel and accommodation.




Event | 7 April 2022