Call for papers: Special issue – Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus

As a follow-up to the conference organized in November by UNDP, the World Bank, and the International Economics Association, there is now a special issue to be published by Environmental Research: Climate. This is a new multidisciplinary, open-access journal from IOP Publishing which also publishes Environmental Research Letters, a very well-ranked journal in Environmental Science.


Social norms influence what responsibilities, opportunities, and behaviors are seen as appropriate for women and men in the community and at home. These social norms promote gendered behaviors concerning the household division of labor, labor market participation, asset ownership and accumulation, and attitudes toward consumption decisions. Consequently, women, non-binary people, and men diverge in their capacity to adapt, opportunities, and resources upon which to draw to counter the negative impacts of climate change. Vulnerabilities and risks from climate change vary by gender. The same is true for individuals' opportunities to take advantage of and contribute to the green transition agenda. While the research on the nexus between gender and climate change is growing, the scale and urgency of the challenge that humanity faces calls for additional rigorous evidence that can better inform policy design.


If you have a paper that fits the description, please consider submitting it. You can find more details about the submission process here


Co-editors of this special issue

Johanna Fajardo-Gonzalez United Nations Development Programme
Anna Fruttero World Bank Group
Daniel Halim World Bank Group
Alejandro López-Feldman University of Gothenburg
Ana Tribín United Nations Development Programme

Event | 24 January 2023