CNS News 59


No 59, October 2023


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In a prefect world

Dear all

I have to admit that I am not the one who always shows up at KI's more ceremonial events, although as head of department I am often invited.

An exception was the recent installation and welcoming of professors in the Aula Medica. After all, KI has a talent for events that require pomp and circumstance and this was no exception. Great music, choir and string quartet, speeches from the whole management, marshals, and banners. A proud head of department got to see no less than three inaugurated professors (Lisa Thorell, Johan Lundström, Karin Jensen) and the welcoming of four adjunct professors (Kristina Teär Fahnehjelm, Magnus Schou, Rikard Wicksell and Niaz Ahmed), from our department. You are all very welcome in your new capacity! As the icing on the cake, our Karin Jensen got to speak on behalf of the new professors (a familiar feeling about this as this has been granted to CNS professors several times in recent years). If you have a chance to go to any of these of ceremonies, try it!

Even though the summer holiday was a while ago, I hope it was restful and that you still have the strength and desire take on the new academic year!

All the best, Mats

Information from the Administration


Signatures from Head of Department


Remember to use when registrering in a signature system like DocuSign, Ethixs, ResearchWeb etc. Otherwise, Mats will not receive the notification to sign, and he will not be able to use BankID when required.

That beeing said, we are so grateful that you use for other signatures and Head of Department matters, it reduces the load on Mats' already overflowing mailbox and speeds up the process.


KI RIMS - Karolinska Institutet's new Research Information Management System


The system collects information about you and your research from other systems. It will make it easier for you to export publication lists, collect data for your qualification portfolio and keep your personal profile page on current and updated.

The system will be gradually opened up during the fall and winter of 23/24, find out more about RIMS and upcoming introductions and workshops.



New Finance Administrator

We welcome Isak Keisu to the Administrations office. He will assist you in mattters regarding travel expenses, expenses and invoice handling.

Isak most recently came from a similar position at Folksam.



New Educational administrator

We welcome Karin Eriksson who will work mainly with the medical program, as administrator for the part Beroende included in the course "Klinisk medicin – inriktning neuro, sinnen och psyke" and also with course-wide, administrative tasks.

Karin has extensive experience from the academic world. She joins us from Stockholm University, where she has worked as a study administrator for the past year. Prior to that, Karin lived in the United States for more than 20 years, where she studied and worked at various universities.


New Professors

We congratulate our new Professor at the department

Andrea Varrone



New Docents

We congratulate our new Docents at the department


Tobias Elgán - Docent of Public Health Science
Rayomand Press - Docent of Neurology
Charith Cooray - Docent of Neurology

Research news from the department

New gene discovery gives hope of fighting severe MS


A new study in Nature by an international team including researchers fromIngrid Skelton Kockum´s Research Group has identified the first genetic variant associated with disease severity in multiple sclerosis. The finding opens the door to the development of treatments that fight disease progression – a great unmet need facing people with MS.



Pete Williams receives funding from Stratneuro

Pete Williams, lecturer and research group leader at the Karolinska Institutet and St. Erik's Eye Hospital, is awarded three million kroner from the Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (Stratneuro) at the Karolinska Institutet to develop ways to distribute nerve cell protective drugs in the eye using nanocarriers.


Study on internet-mediated CBT in PTSD published in Lancet Psychiatry


Alexander Rozentalat the Center for Psychiatry Research is one of the researchers behind the published article that shows promising results for internet-mediated CBT in the treatment of PTSD.


New donation to the Osher Center for Integrative Health


Bernard and Barbro Osher donate USD 2,100,000 (approx. SEK 23 million) to the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Karolinska Institutet. The donation follows an earlier donation in 2005 from the same donors.



Targeting Epstein-Barr virus to treat and prevent MS


University of Bergen in collaboration with researchers from Maja Jagodic´s and Fredrik Piehl´s Research Groups at Karolinska Institutet have been awarded a significant grant funded by Horizon Europe with €7 million during 2024-2028 in recognition of their dedication to target Epstein-Barr virus to treat and prevent Multiple Sclerosis.


Johan Lundström receives ERC Synergy Grant to develop digital scent transmission


The project D2Smell (Digitising Smell: From Natural Statistics of Olfactory Perceptual Space to Digital Transmission of Odors) has been awarded an ERC Synergy Grant of EUR 11.8 million, which is shared between three researchers:Johan Lundström, Karolinska Institutet, Noam Sobel, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, and Jonathan Williams, Max Planck Society, Germany. The interdisciplinary collaboration aims to digitally transfer scents to recreate them in another location.




Erik Andersson receives Stora psykologpriset 2023


Erik Andersson, Director of Studies at the Department of Psychology and Docent of Clinical Psychology at Karolinska Institutet as well as chairman of the Swedish Association of Clinical Psychologists receives the prize for his ability to integrate teaching, clinical work and research.



Simon Jangard is awarded this years Jörgen Engel-stipendium


Simon Jangard, psychologist and doctoral student, divides his time between the Division of Psychology and the Centre for Psychiatry Research, Simon is awarded this year's Jörgen Engel scholarship for an article in which he investigated a number of different aspects of social decision-making in young people with alcohol use syndrome.


Clinical training clinic at Optometry program wins the KLOK award 2023


This year's KLOK award goes to the Optometry program, which together with the St. Erik Eye Hospital has developed a clinical training clinic where students from several educational programs can broaden and deepen their knowledge in an interprofessional learning environment.



KI student wins first prize in an international thesis award


Medical student Julie Cheung from Karolinska Institutet (KI) recently won first prize at the prestigious Global Undergraduate Awards thesis competition in the category of Medical Sciences.

Julie wrote her thesis with Caroline Lindblad as main supervisor and Emma Hammarlund as co-supervisor. Both affiliated with Eric Thelin's research group at CNS.


KI researchers awarded in the spirit of Arvid Carlsson


Johan Lundberg at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience is awarded for his studies concerning mechanisms of importance for the pathophysiology and treatment of depression.

   Doctoral education at CNS

Ingrid Kockum, director of Doctoral Education CNS






The course catalogue for research education courses for the spring semester of 2024 is open for application during the period 16 October to 15 November, 2023. Please ensure that you apply for the courses that you plan to take next term. Remember that before you can do your halftime control all students need introduuctory, ethics and statistics courses and most students also need a course in good clinical practise. There are several GCP courses you can choose between; No 2621, 5580, 5274.

It is time for PhD students to report study activity and financial support during the Autumn term 2023. Students have been contacted via mail by Alexandre Beckman with the form that you need to complete. Please return completed forms to Alexandre before November 28th, 2023. You can find more information here:

I am currently contacting PhD students employed at KI and supervisors who have a lot of activity but have not yet applied to defend. This is because of the new employment restrictions which leads to less flexibility in timing of PhD defense. It seems that most of you have good plans in place.

We will shortly distribute a survey regarding work environment to PhD students in the Neuro and Eye and vision section. Please do answer this short questionnaire as it will give us important information to use when trying to improve your work environment. We will distribute the survey to your KI e-mail but will send reminders to other e-mail addresses that you have given us also.

I would like to remind researchers who want to become supervisors that you can apply to establish PhD positions 4 times per year, next time is on the 1st of November. You can find more information about the process here. Please read carefully and follow the instructions when applying for a new PhD position.

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Maria Nilsson, GUA





Så här mitt i höstterminen pågår undervisningen för fullt! Det goda söktrycket har gjort att vi så gott som fyllt våra platser.

På Psykologprogrammet finner vi Erik Andersson som nyligen tilldelades Stora Psykologpriset 2023 för sin förmåga att varva undervisning med kliniskt arbete och forskning. Stort grattis! Inspirerande för studenter och kollegor.

Årets KLOK-pris gick i år till Optikerprogrammet som tillsammans med S:t Eriks Ögonsjukhus utvecklat en klinisk utbildningsmottagning där studenter från flera utbildningsprogram får bredda och fördjupa sina kunskaper i en interprofessionell lärandemiljö. Särskilt glad är optikerprogrammets Mirza Karamovic som skickade in nomineringen och fick ta emot det fina priset, ett konstverk i glas föreställande ett hjärta och en hjärna.

CNS fick glädjande besked gällande fristående kurser HT24-VT25. Vi beviljades hela 16 kursomgångar varav 4 helt nya kurser!

Arbetsgruppen för kvalitetsgranskning av examensarbete publicerade nyligen en uppdaterad version av Kriterier för bedömning av examensarbete. Nytt är att större tyngdvikt läggs vid den muntliga presentationen och opponering. Kriterierna avser godkänt examensarbete på grund- och avancerad nivå och kan därför behöva anpassas och kompletteras på programnivå utifrån specifika mål och betygsskalor. Formuleringar med målsättningen att generativ AI ej ska kunna användas på otillbörligt sätt lämnas till programmen att fatta beslut om.

Examensenkäten för VT23 har publicerats. Även om svarsfrekvensen är bekymmersamt låg kan vi se att CNS, med frekvens på 51%, ligger något högre än KIs totala på 45%. På frågan ”Jag skulle rekommendera KI som lärosäte till blivande studenter” svarar institutionens studenter 5,3 medan KI totalt svarar 4,7.

Articles published in Medicinsk Vetenskap

That's why you feel nausea- and how it can be treated


Chewing gum, acupressure, vaccine. There have been numerous attempts to stop nausea. We have interviewed the researchers who are examining an important revolutionary mechanism that makes us feel sick.

Psychiatrist Cristian Rück: "A zero vision for suicide is not possible"


Thanks to the research conducted by Christian Rück and others there is currently research on all compulsive related disorders. He is now venturing into a perhaps even more difficult and important task: Suicide prevention.

Risk assessments of violence can be changed


Who is at the highest risk of committing violent acts - and who is not? Forensic psychiatrist Jonas Forsman's research involves an instrument that can, in a best case scenario, simplify the assessment of most forensic psychiatric patients.

Misinterpretations can sometimes lead to violent actions


Anette Johansson conducts research on what separates psychotic people who commit crimes from psychotic people who do not.

Sentenced to care - punishment or opportunity?


In 2022, roughly 350 people were sentenced to forensic psychiatric care. There is a unique borderland between the judicial system and healthcare, in which a person who has completed their medical treatment can be prevented from being discharged. At the same time, many patients are saying that they have benefited from the care. And fewer people relapse into crime after they have received forensic psychiatric care than they do after being imprisoned.

Medicinvetarna - aktuella avsnitt med gäster från CNS

#125: Vem är synestet?


Tycker du att måndagar är gröna? Eller att månaden juli doftar hav? Då kanske du är synestet. Synestesi är ett neurologiskt fenomen som innebär att två eller flera sinnen är sammankopplade, och fenomenet har en viss samvariation med vissa neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Janina Neufeld är biolog och forskare och har länge intresserat sig för synestesi.

#127: Har du koll på skärmtiden?

Hur oroliga ska vi vara över skärmvanorna hos det uppväxande släktet egentligen? Riktigt ordentligt oroliga enligt psykologiprofessor Lisa Thorell som anser att barn upp till två år inte ska exponeras för några skärmar alls.

#129: Vem får rättspsykiatrisk vård?

Hur går en rättspsykiatrisk bedömning till? Det vet forskaren och rättspsykiatrikern Katarina Howner. Hör henne även berätta om vad forskningen visar kring vårdtider, behandling och återfallsrisk bland de patienter som döms till vård i stället för fängelse.

CNS i media

Lär dig kontrollera din ilska: Effektiv behandling - Vi vet att många som har problem med sin ilska drar sig för att söka hjälp. Man kanske tycker att det känns skamligt att inte kunna hantera sitt humör. Vi ville undersöka om vi kunde hitta en fungerande behandling där man kan få hjälp via internet, säger psykologen Johan Bjureberg vid Karolinska Institutet.

Så skyddar du ditt barn mot ätstörningar - Ata Ghaderi, professor i klinisk psykologi intervjuas.

OCD-diagnoser ökar kraftigt bland flickor- Oskar Flygare och Kristina Aspvall vid CPF medverkar i Psykologtidningen

Forskare om ätstörningskliniken Mando: ”Metoden saknar evidens" - intervju med professor Ata Ghaderi

Så får du en deprimerad hjärna att vilja träna - Lina Martinsson, forskare vid CPF, gästar Sveriges Radios "I hjärnan på Louise Epstein" för att prata om fysisk aktivitet mot mild och medelsvår depression.

Meditera dig till bättre forskning och hälsa - Man brukar bli bättre på det man tränar, det gäller löpning och styrketräning, men också när det kommer till att fokusera sin uppmärksamhet, säger Walter Osika, som har intresserat sig för kontemplativa metoder, som meditation och mindfulness, i sin forskning.

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.


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