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Nr 47 2020-06-18                                                                                               ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all

Summing up the Spring semester I must again point out how well the undergraduate teaching have turned out despite the restrictions. The programs and courses at our department but also at KI at large have with few exceptions been pursued. All last year students could graduate on KI’s many programs a few weeks ago. With that being said, summing up the department’s research during the Spring, every other study has been affected by the restrictions. To compensate, researchers have with amazing flexibility in many cases found new ways to do research. A great number of studies have started to study the pandemic itself. This does not, however, compensate fully for all the original studies that have been paused. And, as we approach the fall the situation becomes even more difficult since we run out of options to shift things around.

With this background, it is with some relief I see the signals from the government and the leadership of KI that we could plan for the fall with some greater presence at the work place for both staff and students. It is however very important that we do this in a safe and orderly way and intense discussions is now taking place at the department about how and to what extent staff, students and research participants can come back. These are not simple decisions and feel free to contact me and others at the department administration for support in dealing with them.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everybody for measuring up in difficult times and to wish you all a very nice summer vacation!

Stay safe!


Enhancing data storage at KI

A project to simplify and improve data storage at Karolinska Institutet will be launched in August 2020. KI Box will be phased out and KI Cloud will change.

The following storage areas will be affected:

KI Box in 2020, to be replaced by Onedrive
Personal data storage in Onedrive (up to 5 TB)
KI Cloud (ownCloud) will be re-designed


Furthermore the app PointSharp will be phased out. It will be replaced by Microsoft Authenticator.

» You can find more information and instructions at the staff portal


New functions at the staff portal

Some new features have been added to the staff portal. For example, all employees or affiliates to KI can create news and calendar events on the staff portal to their own group.

There is also local content, ie information directed to one or more groups/ employees of employees at KI who have been added to a page that otherwise appeals to all employees.

»You will find more information about these functions at the staff portal

For staff at CNS

We have also received a new page for employees at CNS where there will be information and news specific to us at the department.

» Please visit the new site


Invoices during summer

Please manage your invoices daily before the summer and remember to activate your stand-in before you go on vacation. You can activate your stand-in in the Aggresso Web menu under "Din anställning" and "Aktivera ersättare".


Summer at the administration

This year many of us will be on vacation during the period July 6 - August 7 with limited possibilities for signature from the Head of Department.

During the coming weeks you can contact the following persons for signature:

July 6-17 Åsa Malmquist at asa.malmquist@ki.se
July 20 - August 7 Julia Martinez-Palm at julia.martinez-palm@ki.se

For all other questions please use our shared e-mail addresses for quickest reply:

Economy: ekonomi@cns.ki.se
HR: hr@cns.ki.se
IDAC: KIMKAT@cns.ki.se
IT: fixit@ki.se

The door to access the 5th floor at Widerströmska will continue to be locked during the summer.


Publish open access

The library has signed several open access publishing agreements where the publishing fee is either reduced or fully prepaid for KI researchers who publish open access. At the library webpage you can search to see if a a journal is included in any of the agreements with prepaid publishing fees.

» You will find more information about the agreements on the library webpage


Gradual return to campus-based teaching this autumn

The government has announced that as of 15 June, higher education institutions may return to campus-based teaching. KI will now start to plan a return to campus-based teaching in compliance with the Public Health Agency’s recommendations. In practice, this means that some theoretical topics will continue to be taught remotely to enable campus-based teaching for priority groups and activities.

» Read more at the staff portal


New Professors and Docents

So far during 2020 we have had a number of new Professors and Docents at the department. These are:

Professor in Psychiatry Christian Rück
Adjunct Professor in Psychology Erik Hedman
Docent in Depending Learning Anders Hammarberg
Docent in Psychology Erik Andersson
Docent in Ophthalmology Gustav Stålhammar
Docent in Medical Radiation Biology Magnus Schou
Docent in Neurology Tiago Prazeres Moriera


In the interest of gender balance we note that we have at least four female researchers that have or are in the process of submitting the application for docent.


New Research group leaders

Let's also welcome our new research group leaders at the department:

Caroline Ingre - ALS
Predrag Petrovic - Cognitive neuropsychiatry
Richard Bränström- Health inequalities and minority stress

The division of Eye and Vision is moving

The division of Eye and Vision and Marianne Bernadotte Center will together with S:t Erik Eye Hospital move into the new building on Eugeniavägen 12, which is situated across from the NKS main entrance.

The division and Marianne Bernadotte Center will move in the end of June, while the hospital will be relocated in September 2020.

Research news from the department

Unique opportunity to do research on homeschooling

An international network of researchers in 10 countries are to study the effectiveness of homeschooling during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The gathering of data via online surveys in the various languages is being led by researchers at CNS. The aims of the study are to look at the challenges facing families during the COVID-19 pandemic and to produce recommendations and technical methods for both homeschooling and teaching in general.

» Read more about the research on homeschooling at KI.se


Simple blood test may help predict MS progression, study finds

A simple blood test may help predict which people with multiple sclerosis (MS) will get worse during the following year, according to a study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published online in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

» Read more about the MS-study at KI.se


Drug reduces the risk of child sexual abuse

A drug that lowers levels of the male hormone testosterone in the body reduces the risk of men with pedophilic disorder sexually abusing children, a study from CNS, Karolinska Institutet published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry shows.

» Read more about the study at KI.se


Effects of Internet CBT for health anxiety on par with face-to-face treatment

Researchers at CNS have compared two ways of delivering cognitive behavioral therapy to treat people with health anxiety, a condition that may increase in the wake of COVID-19.

Out of about 200 study participants, half received Internet-CBT and half received conventional face-to-face CBT. The results, published in JAMA Psychiatry, show that Internet-delivered treatment had comparable effects, and may serve as an alternative in helping people who are worried about their health.

» Read more about the Internet CBT-study at KI.se


New study shows how ketamine combats depression

The anaesthetic drug ketamine has been shown, in low doses, to have a rapid effect on difficult-to-treat depression.

Researchers at CNS now report that they have identified a key target for the drug: specific serotonin receptors in the brain. Their findings, which are published in Translational Psychiatry, give hope of new, effective antidepressants.

» Read more about the ketamine study at KI.se


Medicinvetarna #37: Smittar rädsla?

Nya coronaviruset sprids över världen. Men idéer och känslor kring viruset verkar spridas ännu snabbare. Professor Andreas Olsson förklarar i senaste avsnittet av Medicinvetarna hur och varför rädsla smittar och ger tips på hur vi kan behålla lugnet i en krisdrabbad tid.

» Här hittar du alla avsnitt av Medicinvetarna


Många bidrag från AFA till institutionen under våren

Aleksandra Sjöström Bujacz har tilldelats 3 098 000 kronor för sin forskning om psykisk ohälsa och behov av psykologiska stödinsatser hos vårdpersonal under covid-19.

Anna Finnes har tilldelats 4 303 000 kronor för sitt forskningsprojekt "Staka ut vägen till återgång i arbete vid psykisk ohälsa - en konceptuell modell för mer effektiv behandling"

Jurgita Narusyte har tilldelats 4 988 000 kronor för sitt forskningsprojekt "Psykisk ohälsa i unga år och sjukfrånvaro bland privatanställda".

Magnus Helgesson har tilldelats 4 900 000 kronor för sitt forskningsprojekt "Att delta i arbetslivet trots depressions- och ångestsjukdomar - vilken inverkan har arbetsplatsfaktorer och behandling för arbetare i privata sektorn".

Rikard Wicksell har tilldelas 5 875 000 kr för sitt forskningsprojekt om digital behandlingsmodell mot långvarig smärta.


CNS i media

​​​​Synvinkel: Håller jag på att bli sjuk?- Hjärnans vaksamhet mot sjukdomssignaler förstärks av pandemin. Men även falsklarmen ökar, vilket kan leda till problem för både individ och samhälle. Den som oroar sig mycket över sin hälsa bör exempelvis inte överkonsumera nyheter om corona. Det skriver Mats J Olsson och Mats Lekander, professorer i psykologi, Karolinska Institutet.

Nya rön om vad som orsakar tidig neuroinflammation vid glaukom - Tidig neuroinflammation vid glaukom orsakas troligen av monocyter, inte mikroglia. Det visar en ny studie av Pete Williams och James Tribble på avdelningen för ögon och syn, Karolinska Institutet i samarbete med kollegor i USA och som publicerats i tidskriften Molecular Brain.

Magyar: ”Jag tror man är rädd för att visa sig sårbar” - Svensk Elitfotboll ska tillsammans med Tobias Elgan med kollegor på Centrum för psykiatriforskning, Karolinska institutet inventera psykisk ohälsa bland spelarna i allsvenskan och superettan. Hammarbys Richard Magyar gästade Sportextra och berättade om sin tid med psykisk ohälsa.

Minimal vård inom rättspsykiatrin - Enligt studier som Knut Sturidsson på avdelningen för psykologi vid Karolinska Institutet har gjort går minst sju timmar av vaken tid till "ostrukturerade aktiviteter" varje dag.

Lukttest kan ge tidig indikation på covid-19 - Studier på personer som smittats av coronaviruset visar att många uppger att de tappat luktsinnet. Nu ska Johan Lundström på avdelningen för psykologi med kollegor försöka få svar på om enkla lukttester som man kan utföra i hemmet kan ge en tidig indikation på att man kan vara coronasmittad.

Oro kan förbättra immunförsvaret - Det tycks kunna vara bra att känna korta stunder av oro så här i tider av coronasmitta. Oro kan kicka igång vårt immunförsvar. Det menar Mats Lekander, professor i hälsopsykologi.

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS

Trots den annorlunda våren så har våra program klarat sig bra och studenterna tagit examen i planerad omfattning. Under hösten kommer mycket av undervisningen fortsätta vara digital men vi bör också beakta Medicinska Föreningens undersökning som visar att ca 50% av studenterna tycker det är svårt med endast digital undervisning.

Är du kurs-/momentansvarig bör du ha löpande dialog med programdirektor för programmet för att planera för höstens undervisning. Programdirektorerna får löpande information i de veckovisa möten vi haft och också via mail.

» Här hittar du som lärare mer information gällande undervisning med anledning av corona

Forskarutbildning vid CNS

Doctoral education at CNS in corona times

We understand that many PhD project have been and still are affected by the pandemic. Even though experiments may be delayed please use your time wisely by working on manuscripts, reading and writing thesis summary. It seems that most of you are already doing this. If your studies have been affected ensure that it is documented for example in the electronic ISP. Students who have been delayed in their studies because of the pandemic may be entitled to extensions in their studies, however without extra funding, but only if it can be clearly documented that they have been affected. If you are planning on starting up experiments that have been suspended because of the pandemic please remember to do a risk assessment regarding risks of infection before you do. You can contact your research group leader for further instructions.

You can find information about the coronavirus for PhD students and supervisor here: https://staff.ki.se/doctoral-education.

Those of you who have been sent instructions to complete your yearly follow-up in the ISP system, please remember to do it.

Hoping that you will all have a lovely summer despite everything.

Ingrid Kockum Director of Doctoral education CNS

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

Inom ramen för AFA Försäkrings forskningsområden inom arbetsmiljö och hälsa välkomnar vi FoU-projekt som vill undersöka hur den pågående smittspridningen av Covid-19 påverkar arbetslivet, arbetsmiljö och hälsa, arbetsmiljöarbete samt förutsättningar för ledarskap.


Stiftelsen delar ut bidrag till medicinsk forskning där ändamålet avser dels psykiatri, dels barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder eller kronisk sjukdom av somatisk eller psykisk natur.

WERN SEMINAR: The research and collaboration programme on gender-based violence
The Widerströmska Equal Rights Network, announces a Zoom Seminar on the current status and advances of the research and collaboration programme on gender-based violence

Speakers: Charlotta Löfgren-Mårtenson, Malmö Universitet & Lisa Rudolfsson, Göteborgs Universitet

Date: September 24th 3-4 pm, via Zoom.

KI Conference on Sustainable Development: Climate Change-Health Effects and how to prevent them
Join us in a conference where you will learn more about Sustainable Development Goals, hear about the latest research regarding them, and how you can address SDGs in your research activities.

Date: November 17, Eva & Georg Klein Lecture Hall, Biomedicum, Nobels väg 9

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Åsa Malmquist


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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