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Nr 50 2021-04-01                                                                                               ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all
The pandemic has again reached serious levels and we shall continue to be careful. Many of us find the situation quite tiresome even though we have a more normal life in sight. Although the restrictions are obstacles for may research groups, it seems like in the most cases the situation can be handled. Thanks again for coping so well.

Female professors are not so numerous as they could at CNS. Therefore, I am extra glad to welcome Maja Jagodic and Eva Serlachius as professors (see more below).

With Easter time coming up, I wish you all a safe, happy and restful weekend.


Questionnaire about the pandemic's impact on research

Help UKÄ to better unerstaand the pandemic's short- and long-term consequences on research by completing a survey about your research. Your answers will also be valuable to KI's own investigation of the effect ofthe virus on our university.

>>Read more about the survey


Learn to write for the public and contribute to The Conversation

Do you have a PhD and want to use your expertise to improve the global public discourse and understanding of current affairs? This spring, KI and its news partner The Conversation are offering two training sessions on finding the nwes potential in your research and writing for the public.

>>Read more about The Conversation here


Nominate teacher representatives to the Committee for Higher Education

All KI employees and students are welcome to nominate teacher representatives to the Committee for Higher Education between March 24 - April 11, 2021.

>>Read more about the nomination


New professors at CNS

Congratulations to Maja Jagodic who has been appointed Professor in Neuroinflammation.

Let's also congratulatulate Eva Serlachius who has been appointed Adjunct Professor in Child and adolescent psychiatry.



New Docents

Since last CNS News we have five new Docents at the department that we would like to congratulate:

Helena Fatouros-Bergman - Docent in Psychology
Janina Seubert - Docent in Psychology
Anna Steinberg - Docent in Neurology
Adrian Elmi Terander - Docent in Neurosurgery
Gustav Nilsonne - Docent in Neuroscience


NeurotechEU is a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies to increase the competitiveness of European education, research, economy and society.

Welcome to join us for the KI launch on April 14.

>>Read more about the launch and register for the meeting


Your profile page at KI.se

Your profile page is probably the first thing people will find when they google your name and KI. Your profile page contains basic contact information, but it can be extended with information about your work, merits and your picture. You can edit your profile page at KI.se. For more information on how to do it please visit the staff portal. Contact Åsa Malmquist if you need guidance or have questions.

Research news from the department

Pete Williams is awarded the Med Dr Axel Hirsch prize 2021

The Dr Axel Hirsch prize is awarded annually by the Committee for Research at Karolinska Institutet as "recognition for a scientific article of high value published by a Swedish scientific researcher".

>>Read more about the award



The Conversation: Here's why you should take a nap

Napping in the afternoon can improve memory and alertness, according to KI-researcher John Axelsson and his colleague Tina Sundelin at Stockholm University.

>> You find the news article at the news site The Conversation


Per Svenningsson receives award from the Arvid Carlsson Foundation

Per Svenningsson at Karolinska Institutet receives the foundation's grand prize for outstanding research in the spirit of Arvid Carlsson.

>>Read more about the award (in Swedish)


Differences related to sexual orientation found in the brain

A large brain imaging study involving researchers at Karolinska Institutet demonstrates that same-sex sexual behaviour-related differences in the brain exist. Patterns in the brain that differentiate between men and women were less pronounced in non-heterosexual individuals, and some of the brain differences could be linked to a genetic predisposition for non-heterosexuality. The study is published in the scientific journal Human Brain Mapping.

>>Read the whole article


Bengt Linderoth awarded »GIANT of Neuromodulation«

Professor Bengt Linderoth is awarded the price "GIANT of Neuromodulation" from the International Society of Neuromodulation (INS) for his great and creative work in neuromodulation and functional neurosurgery.

>>Read more about the award


Lars Terenius awarded 2.8 million dollar NIH Prime grant for drug targeting the opioid systems in alcohol dependence

Professor Lars Terenius, in collaboration with two US groups, has been awarded a 5-year Prime Project Grant of 2.8 million US dollars from The National Institutes of Health, USA, to study how selected drugs affect the dynamics of opioid systems in Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD).

>>Read the whole article


CNS i media

Därför blir vi mindre effektiva av multitasking - Äntligen kan vi jobba ostört i hemmets lugna vrå – eller? Enligt psykolog Alexander Rozental kan det vara svårare att koncentrera sig hemma. Hushållssysslor och digitala kommunikationskanaler kan bidra till att vi multitaskar mer än på arbetsplatsen, och effektiviteten blir lidande.

Ungas cannabisvanor kopplas till klass - Ungdomar från välbärgade hem provar oftare cannabis jämfört med de från sämre förhållanden. De senare tenderar däremot att bli flitigare användare om de väl börjar. Det visar en studie gjord av Isabella Gripe, som doktorerar vid Karolinska institutet och är utredare på CAN.

Oönskade personlighetsdrag kunde tränas bort med app - Det går att förändra vissa oönskade personlighetsdrag och förändringen består i minst tre månader, enligt en ny studie gjord av forskare i USA och Schweiz. Petter Gustavsson, professor i psykologi vid CNS blir intervjuad om resultaten.

Enkel metod ska hjälpa personal med flashbacks - Svåra upplevelser från arbetet under pandemin kan etsa sig fast i minnet. Nu ska forskare testa om en metod att hantera återkommande minnen – tidigare använd på traumapatienter – kan hjälpa vårdpersonalen. Marie Kanstrup, forskare vid CNS berättar om studien.

Det här säger forskningen om alkoholens hälsoeffekter - Nu har EU lagt fram ett förslag om att märka alkoholflaskor med varningsetiketter. Detta eftersom forskning belagt att alkohol kan öka risken för flera olika cancerformer. Hör Mats Ramstedt, alkoholforskare vid CNS berättar om tre risker med hög alkoholkonsumtion.

MS-patienter dubbelt sårbara under pandemin - Läkemedelssubstansen rituximab, som många ms-patienter använder sig av, ökar risken för att hamna på sjukhus vid covid-19. Dessutom finns risken att vaccinet fungerar sämre. Jan Hillert, professor i neurologi vid CNS intervjuas om statistik från svenska MS-registret.

Neurologen om ALS-patienter: ”Patienter hamnar mellan stolarna” - Regelverket kring vilken andningshjälp ALS-patienter har rätt till i hemmet är otydligt menar neurologen Caroline Ingre som ansvarig för ALS-verksamheten på Karolinska sjukhuset och forskare på Karolinska Institutet.

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS

Rektor har utsett Rune Brautaset till vice ordförande i Kommittén för utbildning för den kvarvarande mandatperioden dvs tom den 31/12-22. Med anledning av detta görs nu ett fyllnadsval av lärarrepresentanter till KU. Gå gärna in och nominera kandidater till uppdraget. Senast 11 april ska nomineringarna vara inskickade till registrator. https://nyheter.ki.se/nominera-lararrepresentanter-till-kommitten-for-utbildning-pa-grundniva-och-avancerad-niva

Under april kommer beslut fattas om möjligheten till att bedriva undervisning fysiskt på plats under första halvan av höstterminen.


Senaste nytt från forskarutbildningen vid CNS

Congratulations to new Drs. In Med Vet in our department, 12 successful PhD defenses so far this year.

Also welcome to 17 new PhD students in the Department so far this year. Next deadline for establishing of new PhD position is on the 1st of May. You can find more information here: https://ki.se/en/cns/admission-procedure-at-cns

For green light applications remember you need a new one for each new student and also each time you are applying for KID or CSC grants. Kindly include number of students supervised to PhD defense as main and assistant supervisor in the box with comments. Also remember to ask your research group leader to sign under endorsement (or sign with edusign). More information here: https://ki.se/en/cns/green-light-procedure-at-cns

Thank you for your patience with the electronic ISP. New updates of the system have made it considerably more user friendly. All students who plan to defend next year or later should do their annual follow-up in the system. If you have any questions contact Alexandre Beckman.

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Åsa Malmquist


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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