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Nr 51 2021-06-24     ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all

We can most likely look forward to a more orderly situation after the summer. It will be good to see the staff and students back at workplaces and campus. With this being said, we have developed new tools and skills for working and meeting during the pandemic which without doubt will influence how we work also in the future. A prominent example is that researchers have encountered a new type of conferences which, on the up-side, are travel-free, often less expensive and less time consuming, in turn opening up for more people to take part.

As many have already noticed, the UN sustainable development goals are high on the agenda around the world. The pandemic has clearly made the situation more urgent. KI also has an increased focus on the SDG 2030. This includes an increased activity for making everybody aware of the goals, what we already do and what we can do better. An introduction to the SDG 2030 made by KI, will introduce you to what it is all about and why it is important. As a part of this work, KI’s new climate strategy offers interesting reading and important goals.

Last but not least, summer vacation is approaching for most of us. Many thanks for all the hard and successful work during this very tough year. I whish you a very well-earned and restful time and hope to see you IRL during the fall semester!



Are you a researcher with a PhD? Interested in sharing your knowledge to a wider English-speaking audience?

If so, The Conversation can be the forum you’re looking for. An open source funded by universities and research institutes aiming to spread their articles as widely as possible. Every article on the site is written by academics. 75% of the content is found through requests to the member universities. The remaining 25% comes from pitches from academics. Do you have an interesting story? It does not have to be your own research, you might have something to say about someone else´s research or just feel you can explain a current topic. Learn more about The Conversation and the help and advice KI offers on publishing your own popular science articles online.


Archive and Registry

From 1/6, all the registration of the department’s public records will be taking place at the Central Administration (Archive and Registry). If you want to submit something for registration, contact registrator.nord@ki.se. If you have any questions, contact our archivist Sara Andersson.


New bank details

Please note the new bank details for payments to Karolinska Institutet:

For payment in forreign currency
Danske bank
IBAN: SE93 1200 0000 0128 1011 8116

For payment i SEK
BG 5217-0198


Make yourself visible

Extend your profile page with information about your work, merits and your picture. Your profile page is probably the first thing people will find when they google your name and KI. More information and keeping it up to date also increases the probability of getting assignments like writing for The Conversation. You can edit your profile page at KI.se. For more information please visit the staff portal. Contact Ann Hagerborn if you need guidance or have questions.


New Docents

Since last CNS News we have three new Docents at the department that we would like to congratulate:

Maria Nilsson - Docent of Optometry
Ann-Christine Von Vogelsang - Docent of Nursing
Caroline Ingre - Docent of Neurology



New Research group leaders

Let us also welcome our new research group leaders at the department:

Daniel Lundqvist - Cognitive Neuroscience
Erik Edström and Adrian Elmi Terander - Augmented Neurosurgery



Summer at the administration

This year many of us will be on vacation during the period July 5 - August 6 with limited possibilities for signature from the Head of Department.

Please contact the following persons for signature:

July 5-23 Ann Hagerborn

July 23 - August 6 Joakim Airaxin

For all other questions please use our shared e-mail addresses for quickest reply:

Economy: ekonomi@cns.ki.se

HR: hr@cns.ki.se

Affiliations: KIMKAT@cns.ki.se

IT and passwords: fixit@ki.se

The door to access the 5th floor at Widerströmska will continue to be locked during the summer.


Invoices during summer

Please manage your invoices daily before the summer and remember to activate your stand-in before you go on vacation. You can activate your stand-in in the Aggresso Web menu under "Din anställning" and "Aktivera ersättare".


Research news from the department


Not "just a few tears"

Only a few scientists devote their research to the problem with teary eyes. Oculoplastic Surgeon and researcher Elin Bohman is an exception. Her research has led to a new insight into how blocked tear ducts should be operated and new clues to the inner workings of the tear ducts.




Julie Lasselin has been awarded the Robert Ader New Investigator Award

Julie Lasselin at the Division for Psychology and Osher center for integrative medicine has been awarded the Robert Ader New Investigator Award from the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society. This prestigious award is presented to an outstanding new research scientist who has made exciting basic science or clinical contributions to the field of PNI.




Knowledge about hyaluronic acid can help patients with very dry eyes

Eye drops with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid 0.15 percent, gave superiorly improved symptoms in patients with very dry eyes, compared to other lubricating eye drops. This is the result of a clinical study from 2016–2020 published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine,
coordinated by ophthalmologist and associate professor Gysbert van Setten at St. Erik's Eye Hospital and Karolinska Institutet.



KI researchers receives 6 million SEK in research support from the Foundation for Research in Rheumatology.

Researchers at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology along with researchers from Uppsala University, University of Eastern Finland and King´s College in London have been allocated grants for a project titled “Autoimmune and molecular mechanisms for pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia”. A project aiming to increase the understanding of the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia (FM) in order to identify new therapy and treatment solutions.


A new project receives StratNeuro 2021 Startup Grant

StratNeuro has awarded SEK 1,000,000 in start-up grant to Kristoffer Månsson, who was granted a 2020 faculty-funded Assistant Professor (biträdande lektor) position.

The StratNeuro Start-up Grant is intended to support outstanding Neuroscience researchers at the beginning of their careers, who have received a VR starting grant or a Karolinska Institutet assistant professor grant.


Online CBT effective for social anxiety disorder in young people

Social anxiety disorder can cause considerable suffering in children and adolescents and for many with the disorder, access to effective treatment is limited. Researchers at Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm have now shown that internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy is an efficacious and cost-effective treatment option. The study is published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.


Screening score at emergency psychiatric clinic is linked to death by suicide

Researchers at the Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet have completed a large study evaluating a screening instrument for assessing the risk of suicide in connection with a visit to an emergency psychiatric clinic. The researchers found a link between screening score and suicide risk a short time after the emergency visit. The study is published in the journal Psychological Medicine.


CNS i media


Ny internetbaserad KBT ska hjälpa unga med social ångest Brist på terapeuter och långa avstånd till tillgängliga kliniker orsakar långa väntetider till kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) för unga med social ångest. För att fler unga ska få behandling har forskare på Karolinska institutet och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin i Stockholm utvecklat en internetbaserad behandling med goda resultat.

ECT-forskare: "De positiva fördelarna med behandlingen överväger" Behandlingsmetoden ECT, där elektriska pulser skickas till hjärnan, kan ge flera olika biverkningar. Alexander Kronsell doktorerar om ECT och depression på Karolinska institutet. Han är medveten om att det finns patienter som upplever att de får en mer bestående påverkan på minnet och han tycker att det är viktigt att ta det på allvar.

Trots larmen: Självmorden ökade inte under 2020 - Trots varningar om isolering och ökad psykisk ohälsa syns ingen ökning i den svenska självmordsstatistiken. Siffrorna pekar snarare på motsatsen. - För personer med depression kan det vara lättare att dela problemen, säger psykiatriprofessorn Christian Rück.

Sömnbrist gör det svårt att styra känslor - Sömnbrist påverkar vår förmåga att kontrollera känslor. Håll koll på dig själv när du sovit för lite. Forskaren Sandra Tamm undersöker kopplingar mellan sömnbrist och depression.

Han förlorade sitt viktigaste arbetsverktyg- Kock, sommelier, brandman och vårdpersonal. Många yrkesgrupper är beroende av luktsinnet. Så hur går det då om lukt och smak försvinner efter en covidinfektion? Och vad kan man göra för att få tillbaks sitt viktiga arbetsredskap? Johan Lundström är luktforskare vid Karolinska institutet och har studerat coronavirusets påverkan på vårt luktsinne under det senaste året.

Äldre dricker oftare än förr - Seniorers drickande har förändrats de senaste 20 åren. Speciellt för kvinnor i sjuttioårsåldern. Det visar en ny studie av forskarna Jonas Raninen och Neda Agahi vid Karolinska institutet.

Så förebygger ni PTSD på jobbet - Coronapandemin har lett till hög arbetsbelastning och svåra situationer för många anställda, inte minst inom vården. Påfrestningarna kan leda till utmattning och PTSD. Marie Åsberg, professor emerita, Maria Bragesjö, doktorand och Aleksandra Sjöström-Bujacz, forskare medverkar i artikeln.


Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS

Studenterna har lämnat oss för läsåret och jag vill passa på att tacka alla som varit involverade i undervisningen det gångna året. Pandemin har präglat alla delar av utbildningen och ni har alla hanterat det på ett fantastiskt sätt. Ett bevis på det är genomströmningen och de utvärderingar som genomförts. Nu hoppas jag att ni alla får en skön ledighet och att vi när höstterminen kommer kan övergå till det ”nya-gamla” där vi tar tillvara de digitala landvinningar vi det senaste 1,5 året har tillägnat oss och kombinerar det med fysisk undervisning på ett sätt som kommer inlärningen och tillgängligheten tillgodo.

Information till medarbetare och studenter om covid-19


Senaste nytt från forskarutbildningen vid CNS

Congratulations to all doctoral students in the department who have managed to continue with their projects despite constraints imposed by the pandemic! Most of all congratulations to all students who have recently defended their thesis. This term 29 students have (or are about to) defend.

We are planning to hold the 1-year follow-up meeting for PhD students on two occasions, the 20th of September and 5th of October. The purpose is to share information regarding research education and discuss experiences so far during your PhD studies and to network with other PhD students in the department. We will be visited by Professor Robert Harris, KI academic vice president for doctoral education and the doktorandombud. Invitations have been sent to students how have not previously been invited to such a meeting. If we have missed anyone who would like to attend, please contact Alexandre Beckman to register your attendance.

From the 6th of September Alexandre Beckman and I will have a drop-in time between 9am and 11 am the first Monday of every month. We will be available for any student or supervisor who have any issue, however small to come to us to discuss without booking a meeting. Just come to the 5th floor at Widerströmska and seek us out in one of the seminar rooms. You are of course still welcome to contact us via mail or telephone as well.

We have recently distributed the Doctoral Students' Association annual survey on Mental Health Survey to doctoral students department. We would like to remind you that the deadline for responding to this survey is the 14th of July. It is important with good representation of students who respond as the result of this survey may affect initiatives taken by KI directed to PhD students. So please take a few minutes to respond.

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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