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Nr 52 2021-10-05                                                                                              ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all

Hope summer was good and that you are back well rested!

As you all know, many of the regulations that has been in force during the pandemic were just lifted. Although we should still be somewhat careful, it will be very rewarding to meet staff and students not only in physical meetings but in the hallways and crossing the campus. A well-known lecturer in business strategy once said to me that great thoughts arise when people meet for coffee scribbling on a paper napkin in real life. May this be true or not, but it is a soothing picture to hold on to!

For some of us, work may not be organized as before the pandemic. This increased flexibility can possibly serve us well but we shall be attentive on its effects and ready to reevaluate.

See you by the coffee machine!



Administration returns to the office

From 4 October, we will return to the workplace in Widerströmska with the opportunity to work from home based on the needs of the business and in accordance with the new guidelines.

FixIT, the HR and finance units will be staffed every day and other functions for most of the week. When you want to meet a specific person, please contact them and we will make sure to be there. The door to the entrance on the 5th floor will once again be open during office hours.

Flexible working - a new approach

New personnel at the Administrations Office

Camilla Norin started just before the summer holidays as substitute study counsellor for Mirkka Määttä Pescador. Camilla is well acquainted with KI and CNS as she previously worked as an education coordinator at the division of psychology.

On September 13, Victor Skoglund started as a new HR Administrator at the Department. Victor most recently came from a position as HR Administrator at NCC and will be supporting the Divisions of Insurance Medicine and Psychology.


Drop-in at the doctoral education

Do not forget that between 9am and 11am the first Monday of every month you can drop-in to see Ingrid Kockum and Alexandre Beckaman from the Doctoral Education. They will be available for students and supervisors without booking a meeting. Just come to the 5th floor at Widerströmska and seek them out in one of the seminar rooms. You are of course still welcome to contact them via mail or telephone as well.



New professor at CNS


Congratulations to Rune Brautaset who has been appointed Professor of Optometry.


New Docents

We congratulate five new Docents at the department

Anette Johansson - Psykiatri
Benjamin Bohman - Klinisk Psykologi
Pete Williams - Neurovetenskap
Anna Falk Delgado - Radiologi och Bildbehandling
Milena Zeitelhofer Adzemovic - Neurovetenskap



New application and case management system at the Ethical Review Authority.

A new system with fully digital flow, from filling in and signing the application to receiving a final decision.

On October 4th at 09:00, the new application system Ethix opens.


Registration open for Regional Docent Program VT 2022

A course to prepare the participants for their own docent application, but also provide an orientation about Karolinska Institutet's and Region Stockholm's various research infrastructures and provide inspiration for new studies and the opportunity to network with other researchers.

The docent programme is primarily aimed at those who have defended their doctoral thesis 2-5 years ago and have their sights set on docenture. The course consists of five full days during the spring vacation 2022 and is given at Karolinska University Hospital's premises in Solna.

More information and application form


Academic Housekeeping: Have you considered how equally team tasks are distributed?

Academic housekeeping denotes the type of work tasks within university departments that are low-status, time-consuming, largely invisible, and that nevertheless need to be done. Research has revealed that women carry out a disproportionate share of academic housekeeping tasks.

Take the opportunity to learn more at the Junior Faculty Equality Focus Group Seminar.

Research news from the department


Janina Seubert elected to Sveriges unga akademi

Janina Seubert, researcher in psychology at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, has been elected to Sveriges unga akademi, an organization that brings together younger, leading researchers from all fields. During her time as a member Janina plans, among other things, to work for clear career paths for young independent researchers who despite high scientific performance have ended up outside the BUL system.


Prize for Outstanding Achievement

Professor Aleksander Mathé is awarded the Colvin Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Mood Disorders Research.

The award of $50,000 is given by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, to an outstanding scientist carrying out work on the causes, pathophysiology, treatment, or prevention of bipolar illness. The scientist to be recognized is one who gives particular promise for advancing our understanding of affective illness or its basic brain mechanisms that will lead to new treatment approaches.


Pete Williams receives grant from Alcon

Pete Williams, research assistant and group leader at St. Erik's Eye Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, has been awarded the Alcon Research Institute Young Investigator Grant. He receives the award for his project "High resolution metabolomic assessment of Swedish glaucoma nicotinamide study (SGNT) patients". The grant of just over SEK 600,000 is awarded by the Alcon Research Institute.


New findings on how ketamine acts against depression

The discovery that the anaesthetic ketamine can help people with severe depression has raised hopes of finding new treatment options for the disease. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now identified novel mechanistic insights of how the drug exerts its antidepressant effect. The findings have been published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

Professor Per Svenningsson

Previously unknown social memory activation mechanism

Both humans and other animals learn quickly about dangers in their environment by observing the behavior of others. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet show, for the first time, that both rats and humans can use such social information to reactivate memories about threats that have been previously acquired through their own experiences.

The article, published in PNAS, is a collaboration between universities in Europe and the United States. Dr Jan Haaker (first author) and professor Andreas Olsson has participated on behalf of KI.


KI researcher receives funding for research on Parkinson's disease

Professor Per Svenningsson at Karolinska Institutet receives funding for a five-year research project of 38 million SEK from Nordstjernan Holding AB and the Axel Johnson Group. The investment goes to fundamental research on the onset of Parkinson's disease and to clinical studies to improve treatment and slow down the course of the disease.


Parental training and child CBT effective for children with disruptive behavioural disorders

Early intervention for disruptive behaviour disorders in children reduces the risk of antisocial development and psychiatric problems later in life. Parental training and child CBT are two interventions about which more needs to be known concerning the effects on disruptive behaviour disorders. According to a new doctoral thesis from Karolinska Institutet, both have a positive effect on such disorders, where severity should determine the choice of treatment.


When the pain itself is the illness

Eva Kosek has been researching pain mechanisms for many years. Now, she and her colleagues have developed criteria for identifying what is known as ‘nociplastic pain’. This is a condition where pain is not just a symptom, but an illness in itself. Read more in an interview first published in Swedish in the magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap nr 3/2021.



Under sommaren har flera forskare från CNS gästat poden Medicinvetarna.

Överläkaren och docenten Caroline Ingre som ägnat sig åt ALS under många år, är hoppfull om att det ska komma verksamma läkemedel mot ALS.

Psykologen och psykoterapeuten Hanna Sahlin forskar om behandling av borderline personlighets-syndrom och självskade-beteende. Hör henne berätta mer om hur känslor kan stjälpa och hjälpa oss.

Lyssnarfrågespecial!! CNS Prefekt, Professor Mats J Olsson, berättar om hur lukter påverkar oss. Bland annat hur vi omedvetet känner lukten av sjukdom och på så vis undviker sjuka personer.


CNS i media

Svåra trauman mildras av digital KBT - KBT via internet med fokus på trauma kan minska traumasymptom i ett tidigt skede. En kort internet-baserad behandling för personer som nyligen varit med om trauma som våldtäkt, misshandel eller bilolyckor skyddar mot svåra problem som PTSD. Studiens förstaförfattare är Maria Bragesjö.

Självmordsexperten: Så vågar du prata med någon du är orolig för - Att vara tyst är bland det värsta man kan göra för en medmänniska som mår dåligt. Det säger Ullakarin Nyberg, en av Sveriges främsta experter på suicidprevention

Karolinska testar att ge magisk svamp till deprimerade - Hör Johan Lundberg, överläkare vid Norra Stockholms psykiatri och docent vid Karolinska Institutet i ett samtal om studien.

Multitasking försämrar arbetsminnet - Multitasking får oss att känna oss effektiva när det i själva verket är precis tvärtom. Lisa Thorell, docent i psykologi vid Karolinska Institutet, förklarar varför.

Forskaren som vill komma bakom det oförståeliga - Efter många års arbete med sexualbrottsdömda har Johanna Lätth samlat sina erfarenheter i boken Sexualbrottets psykologi – bemötande, bedömning, behandling. En bok som hon hoppas kan vara en utgångspunkt för att tänka vidare kring sexualbrott.

Män och kvinnor mer olika i jämställda länder - Om vi tittar på jämställdhet och relaterar det till ekonomi så ser vi att män och kvinnor blir mer olika i mer jämställda länder eller länder med goda levnadsförhållanden, säger Agneta Herlitz, professor i psykologi vid Karolinska institutet, i SVT:s Från savannen till Tinder.

Viktigt att jobba med kommunikation inom läkargruppen - Läkarrollen präglas av höga krav på att stå pall. Under coronapandemin har pressen stundtals varit enorm. »Det måste också finns ett utrymme för läkare att vara människor«, säger psykologen Rikard Wicksell forsknings- och utvecklingsansvarig på Capio S:t Görans smärtklinik samt forskare på KI.

Nya rön om hur ketamin verkar mot depression - Narkosmedlet ketamin kan hjälpa vid svår depression – men kan också ge hallucinationer och vanföreställningar. Forskare har kartlagt hur läkemedlet fungerar, i hopp om att hitta substanser med samma effekt men utan biverkningar. Huvudansvarig för studien är professor Per Svenningsson.

What Your Body Odor Says About You - Artikel i TIME där man bland annat tar upp professor Mats J Olssons forskningsprojekt "kan vi med luktsinnet känna av om någon är sjuk?".

Där bor och jobbar psykopater - Karolina Sörman, medicine doktor och forskare vid institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska institutet med fokusområde psykopati, förklararvarför psykopater trivs bäst i stan.

Alla bör fundera över sitt drickande - hur vet man om det blivit för många öl vid grillen? Inte helt lätt att svara på, menar alkoholforskaren Anders Hammarberg. Men det finns några saker att ha koll på.

”Tystnad kan leda till självmord”- Överläkaren och forskaren Ullakarin Nyberg har ägnat hela sitt yrkesliv åt självmord och hur man kan förhindra dem. Och det viktigaste budskapet hon vill förmedla är att vi måste prata med varandra om hur vi mår.

Att inte känna lukt och smak - Många anser att lukter är kopplat till själ och minnen. Men vad händer när man inte kan känna lukt och smak? I och med covid-19 har vikten av ett fungerande luktsinne blivit allt mer uppmärksammat. Johan Lundström gästar Sveriges Radio.


Grundutbildning vid CNS

Grundutbildning vid CNS


Fler av våra studenter har fortfarande inte tagit Covid-19-vaccination. Ta därför alla tillfällen ni har att uppmuntra studenterna att vaccinera sig. Möjlighet till drop-in vaccination finns på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i både Solna och Huddinge:

Utbildningsprogrammen vid CNS har fått strålande utvärderingar vid vårens Examensenkät. Trots pandemin har vi på flera områden fått högre utvärderingssiffror än tidigare år. Stort tack till alla lärare som lagt ner ett fantastiskt arbete.

Forskarutbildning vid CNS

“1st year” meeting for PhD students

We held a meeting for new PhD students last week. It was an onsite meeting which was appreciated by several of the attendees. We were visited by Prof Robert Harris, Vice-President of Doctoral Education, PhD student ombudsman and Doctoral student representative Dina Dabaghie. We will have a second meeting for those who could not attend the first on the 5th of October.

Returning to campus

Half-time controls and PhD defenses can still be held with online participation. But as we are returning to work onsite it is now also possible to have then in real life. It is not a requirement to send PhD defenses online anymore unless someone has stated that they want to participate and are unable to come to KI. There is currently an evaluation going on which will likely result in the recommendation to in future allow online participation by opponent and committee members if they are abroad but asking those who are nearby to join in person. This will reduce KIs impact on CO2 emissions and will also most likely result in it being possible to ask experts in the field to be examiners who may not be prepared to travel to Sweden.

Compulsory courses for some PhD students

I would like to remind all PhD students that unless you have a medical degree you need to complete a course in Human Biology or Pathology. If you do not have a medical degree, it is possible that you still have a course in your basic training that you can credit. If you do not you need to take a course in human biology of pathology.

I would also like to remind you that a course in Quality assurance of clinical research (1hp) is required for all students doing “research on living humans or research requiring the handling of sensitive personal data” that started their research education after the 1st of January. KI offers several courses that give 1.5hp, some of the research school also have a in quality assurance of clinical research. This course should be completed before halftime control. It seems that it is not so easy to get in to the courses at the moment so please remember to apply in time. The course offered by Karolinska trial alliance is not sufficient.
More information here

Yearly follow-up in the ISP system

First of all thank you to all of you for your hard work with completing the electronic ISPs! Most of the PhD students are now doing their yearly follow-up in the ISP system. When you do this remember to:

Include date for planned/completed halftime control and year and term for planned defense (section3)
Remember to include planned rate of study as well as planned financing (section3)
Update status of your research projects and any changes in your projects (section 6)
State if you have had a yearly follow-up meeting or not (section 7)
State which learning outcomes have been reached (section 10)
1.Remember to attach required documents (section 11)
2.Ethical approvals
3.Original research and training plan
4.Original finance plan
5.Updated research and training plan (clearly mark changes compared to previous version)
6.Haftime report and protocol
7.Accepted/published manuscripts
8.Updated finance plan if applicable
9.Change of supervision constellation (form 15) if applicable
10.Original paper version of ISP.
11.Signed CNS research education agreement, you can find the
document here

If you are planning to defend after next term and you have not yet started your electronic ISP you need to do so now. Please contact Alexandre Beckman if you have any questions.


»Mer om utbildning vid CNS


CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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