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Nr 53       2021-12-21                                                                                             ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all,

During the fall, seeing more of colleagues and meeting students again in the classroom has been invigorating. I am over and over again reminded of how much more dynamic and interesting a lecture is when meeting students face to face. At the same time, many, especially admin staff, work from home up to 50%. From what I experience this works smoothly and core activities have continuous support. Also, many seminars and dissertations continue to run digitally making them available to many more people. Altogether, it indicates that a new way of working is in place without restrictions to force us.

One upside of the new forms of meeting is of course that less travel is needed. In line with that, and as I wrote here earlier, KI has an increased focus on the SDG 2030. The introduction to SDG 2030 and KI’s new climate strategy offers interesting reading regarding the important and concrete goals. The urgency of these matters have become increasingly clear after the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. We must all, at different levels, think about what we can do better.

As we all know, the heightened pandemic spread is worrying. So be cautious and stay safe!

Another year has gone by and KI´s role during this turbulent year has been significant, locally as well as globally. Read here how our president sums up the year.

Last but not least I wish you all restful Holidays and see you in the new year!





The opening of Marianne Bernadotte Centrum

In pleasant forms, the newly built laboratories at Marianne Bernadotte Centrums (MBC) have been inaugurated. MBC is located at St. Erik's Eye Hospital on Eugeniavägen and belongs to the Division of Eyes and Vision. Marianne Bernadotte herself was present and officiated the inauguration through ribbon cutting. Professor Emeritus Jan Ygge spoke about the start 30 years ago through the formation of Sigvard & Marianne Bernadotte's research foundation for child eye care. This was done under the leadership of Professor Emeritus Gunnar Lennerstrand, also present at today's inauguration. From the start of the foundation, the goal was to form a centre for child eye research at KI, The Marianne Bernadotte Centrum. Through an auction, the foundation managed to raise a starting capital of over SEK 1 million, which has been well managed over the 30 years. The foundation's support is significant for the activities of MBC. Associate Professor Tony Pansell, operations manager for MBC and research group leader, then described the current operations. MBC is a high-tech center with advanced technology for eye and vision research. The research group includes some 15 clinical and preclinical researchers as well as a group of doctoral students.



Economy information for 2022

For 2022 INDI at CNS remains

Fo 21,5 %
GU 45,0 %


LKP for 2022 is 56,96%.

The Grant/Assignments calculation template has not yet been updated, but it is possible to use the 2021 template. Please check with CNS finance before submitting your application.



New Professors

Congratulations to:

Johan Lundberg - Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry
Eva Serlachius -Visiting Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

New Docents

We congratulate three new Docents:

Ryan Ramanuja - Bioinformatics
Ellen Iacobaeus - Neurolgy
Philip Lindner - Clinical Psychology




Adjunct senior lecturer


Caroline Ingre - Neurology

Research news from the department

Tomorrow’s CT scanner soon to be introduced in Swedish healthcare


It’s described as a technological advance in computed tomography and the hope is that this imaging technique will eventually become hospital standard. At the end of October, a new type of CT scanner will be unveiled in MedTechLabs, an interdisciplinary centre set up by Karolinska Institutet (KI), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Region Stockholm. Staffan Holmin, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, is one of the researchers behind the initiative.




Jan Ygge is awarded the Karolinska Institutet Silver Medal


Jan Ygge, Professor Emeritus at CNS is awarded the Silver Medal for his excellent research efforts in ocular motor function. He has also contributed greatly to both teaching and pedagogical development at KI.


Brain ‘noise’ may hold the keys to psychiatric treatment efficacy

Viable predictors of psychiatric treatment response are often sought, but remain elusive. It remains a central challenge in psychiatry to reliably judge whether a patient will respond to treatment. In a new study, published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, researchers show that moment-to-moment fluctuations in brain activity can reliably predict whether patients with social anxiety disorder will be receptive to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).


Professor Lars Farde receives the Arvid Carlsson Foundation's grand prize


Professor Lars Farde receives the Arvid Carlsson Foundation's grand prize for "outstanding research in the spirit of Arvid Carlsson". Lars Farde was among the first to apply advanced positron emission tomography to address clinically important psychiatric issues and was rewarded "for having since published a large number of significant works in which he, among other things, increased his knowledge of the workings of psychotropic drugs".

Sense of smell is our most rapid warning system


The ability to detect and react to the smell of a potential threat is a precondition of our and other mammals’ survival. A study, published in PNAS by researchers at CNS, indicates that negative smells associated with unpleasantness or unease are processed earlier than positive smells and trigger a physical avoidance response.

Lars Alfredsson receives a grant from AFA försäkringar

Professor Lars Alfredsson (CNS and IMM) is awarded a 4 Mkr funding from AFA Försäkring for his studies on how different types of airborne exposures interact with each other and with genetic risks of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

The project is expected to provide new knowledge about the importance of exposure to airborne substances in professional life regarding the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Robert Harris is awarded a grant from the Swedish Research Council

The total amount distributed this year by the Swedish Research Council (VR) in the category medicine and health is SEK 1.1 billion. Of these, Professor Robert Harris receives SEK 9,800,000 for the project "New immunotherapies for neurodegenerative diseases".



Per Svenningsson awarded for his research on Parkinsons disease

Per Svenningsson has been awarded a grant of approximately $ 1.86 million over three years from Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) for an ambitious, interdisciplinary initiative to study how abnormal protein aggregates can spread from the gut to the brain and prompt the early stages of Parkinson's disease.




Johan Lundström´s postcovid research receives funding from The Swedish Research Council

The Swedish Research Council grants 14 research projects at KI for their research about postcovid. A total of SEK 50 million is granted, of which SEK 4 300 000 is awarded to Johan Lundström´s research project ”Prevalence and treatments of post-COVID olfactory dysfunction”.



Medicinvetarna #80: Vad vet du om Parkinsons sjukdom?

Visste du att Parkinsons sjukdom kan påverka luktsinnet, rösten och ansiktsmimiken? Förutom mer kända rörelsesymtom som stelhet och skakningar kan patienterna även drabbas av trötthet, oro och depression. Professor Per Svenningsson berättar om orsaker, behandlingar och om forskningsläget i stort.



Psykologisk Forskning


A podcast made by researchers and teachers at the Division of Psychology at Karolinska Institutet. Research in different subject areas related to psychology is discussed. By listening to our conversations we hope to give people, interested in psychology, inspiration and new knowledge.


CNS i media


20 vanliga tecken på psykopati - Katarina Howner, läkare och specialist i psykiatri och rättspsykiatri samt forskare vid Karolinska institutet förklarar.

Gåtan bakom smak- och luktbortfall på väg att lösas - Varför så många covidsmittade har drabbats av smak- och doftbortfall har hittills varit en gåta, men nu har forskarna hittat en förklaring. Johan Lundström intervjuas i TV4.

Samhällskriser behöver inte leda till fler självmord - Tidigt under pandemin larmades det om ökad psykisk ohälsa och experter befarade att krisen skulle kunna leda till att fler människor tar sitt liv. Professor Christian Rück förklarar varför så inte blev fallet.

Luktträning hjälper covid-patienter - En stor grupp patienter har problem med luktsinnet till följd av covid-19. Den här gruppen kan, i enklare fall, få hjälp med luktträning hemma, i svårare fall, på den nya luktmottagningen på Karolinska sjukhuset i Huddinge. Johan Lundström berättar mer.

Ny studie: Risk för dataspelsmissbruk för barn med adhd - finns en väldigt ökad risk för barn som har fått en tidig adhd-diagnos att utveckla ett datorspelsberoende, säger Lisa Thorell, forskare i klinisk neurovetenskap.

Genom att smittas av andras rädsla skyddas vi mot faror - Professor Andreas Olsson föreläser på UR play.

»Jag är ärligt talat stolt över att jag vågade skriva den här boken« - Lotta Borg Skoglund, specialist i allmänmedicin och psykia­tri, forskare, föreläsare och författare, har just släppt boken »Svart bälte i föräldraskap« (medförfattare Martina Nelson).

Forskaren hoppas kunna ge drabbade synen tillbaka - Forskaren Gustav Stålhammar gästar Malou efter tio och pratar om en ny behandling mot Grön starr.

Föräldraträning och barn-KBT effektivt för barn med beteendeproblem - En kombinerad behandling av föräldraträning och barn-KBT har god effekt när det gäller beteendeproblem och sociala färdigheter hos barn med trotssyndrom. Det visar resultaten i Maria Helanders avhandling.

Study finds sense of smell is our most rapid warning system - Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have been able to study what happens in the brain when the central nervous system judges smell to represent danger.

Ny studie: Högre risk att dö när partner fått ALS – fler självmord och olyckor - Vi blev rejält förvånade, vi hade tänkt oss en lätt ökad risk för hjärtinfarkt möjligtvis, men ökad dödlighet i självmord hade vi inte föreställt oss, säger Ulf Kläppe, doktorand och specialist i neurologi.

Medicinpriset till upptäckt av receptorer bakom temperatur och beröring - Johan Lundström gästar Studio Ett.

Suicidrisken för läkare har minskat - på senare år verkar ett trendbrott ha skett när det gäller läkares suicidrisk. Det konstaterar Bo Runeson som är professor i psykiatri vid Karolinska institutet.


Grundutbildning vid CNS

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS


HÅP-ersättningen minskar med 1,2% 2022 – prognosen tillsäger att motsvarande minskning 2023
Antalet fristående kurser kommer minska HT2023 och framåt om inte de nuvarande tillfälliga satsningarna förlängs från regeringen
Ur Examensenkäten så ser man att studenternas nöjdhet med KI inte har reducerats under pandemin.
Slått-tider införs för bokning av föreläsningssalar/skrivsalar fom HT2022. Kommer innebära att man måste boka hela FM och/eller hela EM (inte längre möjligt att t.ex. boka 1t före lunch och 1t efter). Detta för att få en mer effektiv lokalanvändning.
FN har beslutat om ytterligare 5 mnkr till forskningsanknytning av utbildning för 2021 – betalas ut baserat på hur många HÅP varje inst producerar.
Ny satsning, 5 mnkr, i forskningsanknytning i relation till examensarbete som kommer betalas ut till handledarens institution.
Marie Dahlin har fått förlängt sitt uppdrag som PD för Läkarprogrammet (tom 250331).
Erik Andersson tar över som studierektor för Psykologprogrammet efter Knut Sturidsson.
Ett stort tack till Knut Sturidsson för hans mångåriga insats inom programnämnden och sedan utbildningsnämnden vid CNS.


Rune Brautaset


Forskarutbildning vid CNS

Please remember to complete your electronic ISP. For those of you that are doing your yearly follow-up in the ISP system remember to update section 6, 7 & 10 which includes having a yearly follow-up meeting with your supervisors.

Do not forget that we have open house for PhD students and supervisors first Monday of every month, between 9 and 11am, floor 5 Widerströmska. You can find me and Alexandre there and can bring up any issues you have regarding research education, small and big.

Deadline for applying for internships ("forskar-AT") and residency programme ("forskar-ST-medel") is approaching: 21st of February and 16th of March respectively. (More information about “forskar-AT” and the application procedure & More information about “forskar-ST” and the application procedure)

Also soon time to apply to different research schools staring summer/autumn 2022:

Family medicine and primary care
Clinical therapy research
Molecular medicine
Information about the research school
School of health innovation

Continuously impressed by all the research the PhD students at our department are doing. I hope that you will all have a well-deserved break over the holidays!

Ingrid Kockum

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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