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Nr 54 2022-04-05                                                                                          ki.se/cns

In a prefect world


Dear all

The war in Ukraine and its repercussions are on everybody’s mind. The Minister of Education Anna Ekström recently made a call on universities in Sweden to immediately cut all ties and collaborations with state-run institutions in Russia and Belarus. Note that collaborations with individuals at Russian and Belarusian universities are not automatically included in this call. I imagine opinions may be strong and variable now that boycotts are infringing on academic freedom. However, most academic seminars I have participated in on this topic converges on the conclusion that it, on balance, makes sense to consider to keep individual contacts.

In this heightened situation, in which collateral damage is part of the economic warfare logic, it is important to stress that scientists and other staff at KI with an origin in these countries shall not feel that they are blamed as a function of their nationality! This is an important mission for us all. If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to contact me.



The CNS website has been given a new look.

We hope you will find that the new page, Administration at CNS, makes it easier to reach the right administrator. E.g click on the Financial page, choose your division and research group to find your financial handler. Or click the Archive and Registry box to get in touch with our Archivist.

Feel free to send suggestions for imporvements to us, and we will see if it is doable within KI's framework.


New website on the Staff Portal collects information about Research support.


Research Support & Services are provided by different divisions, units and by each KI department. Our mission is to provide you with the foundation for growth and success of your research, from the first idea to the publishing and impact of your results.


Nominate candidates for new vice chancellors


As of now all students and employees have the opportunity to nominate candidates for the academic selection of new vice chancellors. Further information can be found here.



Archiving EPM applications


EPM introduced new routines regarding how you as a researcher apply for ethics. As a result, the documents included in ethical trials are more difficult to capture. The application, appendices and decisions are important documents that must be registered according to our Records schedule for documents at KI.

Once a decision has been made, you will be contacted by Sara Andersson where you are asked to send the application, appendices, and decisions for registration.

If you have any questions, please contact Sara Andersson.


PhD student representatives at CNS for the year 2022.


Hannaneh Yazdi (second year) and Andri Savva, (first year) both from the Division of Psychology have been elected PhD student representatives by Medicinska Föreningen.

Isabella Hernandez, also from the Division of Psychology has been apointed Student Safety Ombudsman.



Over a million reads in KI’s first year with The Conversation.


Researchers at Karolinska Institutet reached 1.3 million international readers with articles written for the U.K.-based news platform The Conversation last year. Some 50 researchers also attended their digital workshops on how to pitch and write articles for the public. Upcoming workshops: Find the news potential in your research and write for The Conversation. Please register: Thursday 5 May and Monday 23 May.


New personnel at the Administrations Office


Iman Nagati has just started as our new substitute study counsellor for Mirkka Määttä Pescador.
Lisa Rister starts as a new HR Partner at the Department on April 1st. Lisa is well acquainted with KI as she previously worked as an HR-specialist for recruitment of teachers
at KI central administration. Lisa will be supporting the Divisions of Insurance Medicine and Psychology.

It´s time for the 2022 Employee Survey


During April 19 – May 2, CNS will distribute the 2022 Employee Survey, which will give you the opportunity to convey your experience of the work environment, engagement and organisation at our department and at KI as a whole. Karolinska Institutet is a world leading research and educational organisation, and our employees are the key for this. The survey will be sent out by KI's partner Quicksearch to employees and associated co-workers who has had an activity of more than 40% during the last 6 months. Quicksearch will handle all responses and guarantee anonymity. Areas covered by the survey are: employee engagement, leadership, physical activity, organisation and goals and strategies.

Make sure to take this opportunity to contribute with your input!

Read more about the 2022 Employee Survey here


New Professors and senior lecturers


Congratulations to:


Pete Williams - senior lecturer of Neurobiology
Thomas Masterman - Adjunct lecturer of forensic psychiatry
Stefan Skare - Adjunct Professor of resonance imaging

New Docents


This time we congratulate no less than 7 new docents:

Kerstin Blom - docent of Psychology
Erik Edström - docent of Neurosurgery
David Epstein - docent of Ophthalmology
Lorena Fernández de la Cruz - docent of Psychology
Tobias Granberg - docent of Radiology
Åsa Norman - docent of Psychology
Eric Thelin - docent of Neurological research

In 2022, KI launches its new network for female scientists and teachers, WISE – Women In Science and Education.


We start by welcoming you to our webinar series WISE professor of the month, where newly elected KI professors share experience and advice with women who are curious about academic careers.

In the coming seminars these professors will participate:

Terese Stenfors, professor of medical education at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (25/4)
Kristina Haugaa, professor of cardiology at the Department of Medicine in Huddinge (23/5)



Fridays for future


KI joined Fridays For Future in their demand for climate justice. The participants gathered at Mynttorget and marched towards Tanto.

Vice president Anders Gustafsson, Head of CNS Mats J Olsson and Shervin Shahnavaz from CPF were amongst the representatives from KI.


Inner Development Goals Summit 2022


On 29 April, as an employee or student at Karolinska Institutet, you have the opportunity to participate digitally in the Inner Development Goals Summit free of charge. As a participant at the conference, you will listen to world-leading researchers and participate in interactive sessions and conversations about how we can overcome the obstacles to human development at both the individual and collective level.

Research news from the department


Kristoffer Månsson on the cover of Biological Psychiatry Journal


The cover art is an illustration of how moment-to-moment brain signal variability differs across individuals. In this issue, Månsson et al. demonstrate that such individual differences in brain signal variability formed a reliable and accurate predictor of treatment success in patients with social anxiety disorder receiving cognitive behavioral therapy.




Maria Bragesjö one of the experts on the Red Cross Advisory Committee


The Red Cross Competence Centre for Torture and War Injuries Rehabilitation is reinforced with an advisory committee.

The Advisory Committee shall provide external monitoring, expertise and a critical eye on the research projects.


Arvid Carlsson Prize to researchers at CNS


The Arvid Carlsson Prize for outstanding research is awarded to Tomas Hökfelt for pioneering and internationally leading efforts in mapping the brain's peptide-rich neurotransmitters.

The Foundation's prize for young successful researchers goes to Nitya Jayaram-Lindström for studies on the importance of brain signaling substances for the onset and treatment of addiction disorder and Simon Cervenka for the study of the role of signaling substances in psychosis and other psychiatric conditions.



Johan Bjureberg awarded a three-year academy research position


Johan Bjureberg has been appointed as a new academy researcher in psychology with a focus on children and young people. The newly established research position is a joint initiative by Natur & Kultur and Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien to strengthen research on children's and young people's mental health and learning environment in school.


CNS i media


Data Suggest Causal Link Between Tobacco Smoking and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis - enligt studie ledd av Ali Manouchehrinia.

Violent Assault Risk Up for People With Tourette Syndrome, Chronic Tic - arikel som behandlar studie av David Mataix-Cols.

Så har pandemin rustat oss inför de nya hoten - Kristina Elfhag och Andreas Olsson intervjuas i Vetenskapsradion.

Viktigt för vårt välbefinnande att vara utvilad - Professor Torbjörn Åkerstedt berättar.

Därför kan det kännas som att det är mer synd om ukrainarna än andra i krig - P4 Västmanland funderar kring varför vissa konflikter väcker vår empati mer än andra, Andreas Olsson intervjuas.

"Det är okej att ta en paus från kriget" - Intervju med bland andra Hanna Sahlin om hur vi kan hantera vår oro i kris- och krigstider.

Nio myter om beroende – sant och falskt - Joar Guterstam kommenterar nio vanliga påståenden om beroende.

Light in the bedroom increases the risk of disease - Torbjörn Åkerstedt kommenterar en ny studie av forskare vid Northwestern University of the United States som visar att ljus i sovrummet kan öka risken för sjukdomar.

Självhjälpsapp för krigsflyktingar- Jenny Rickardsson är en av psykologerna bakom ett gratisverktyg för mentalt stöd till flyktingar som upplever stress och oro. Övningarna finns på ukrainska, ryska, engelska och svenska.

7 tips för att hantera perfektionism och prestationsångest -Råd från Alexander Rozental hur du hanterar perfektionism och prestationsånges.

Den mörka sidan – ADHD vanligt vid substansbruk och kriminalitet - Artikel i Läkartidningen, av bla Joar Guterstam och Ylva Ginsberg, om den ökade risken att utveckla substansbrukssyndrom för vuxna och ungdomar med ADHD.

Ny psykologisk behandling för astmatiker - Fem frågor till psykologen Marianne Bonnert, som tagit fram en behandling för oro kopplat till astma.

Snabbt insatt tuff behandling var bäst vid ms - Artikel som bland annat uppmärksammar professor Jan Hillert och svenska MS-registret.

Ketamin kan hjälpa alkoholister att hålla sig ifrån sitt missbruk - Mikael Tiger kommenterar en ny studie som visar att Ketamin är framgångsrikt för att behandla alkoholism.

50% Covid 1st wave face life-long loss of smell - Studie publicerad om långsiktiga och permanenta förändringar i luktsinnet hos de som infekterades med Covid-19 i första vågen 2020.

Så påverkar dina gener om du får luktbortfall vid covid-19 - Johan Lundström gästar Nyhetsmorgon

Flödet av bilder med skeva skönhetsideal hotar ungas hälsa - Sissela Nutley intervjuas om kopplingen mellan sociala medier och kroppsuppfattningen hos unga.


Grundutbildning vid CNS

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS



Börjar med en generell punkt:

Dags att nominera – Valår på KI

Den 28 mars öppnar nomineringsperioden för rådgivande direktval av vicerektor och viceordförande i kommittéerna för utbildning, forskarutbildning och forskning. Nomineringar kan göras fram tom den 24 april
Låt inte bli nominera även om du tror att andra nominerar samma kandidat då valberedning alltid tar hänsyn till antalet nomineringar.
Under hösten (22 augusti till 11 september) öppnar även nomineringarna för lärarrepresentanter i kommittéerna, Fakultetsnämnden och Fakultetsrådet.



Anslagsramen för utbildning för hela KI ser ut att totalt sett minska med 9 mnkr för 2023. Detta är ett resultat av att vi under några år (pandemirelaterat) har haft en utökad ram från regering som nu minskar. Effekten på HÅP-ersättning är i dagsläget inte klar, men någon större effekt lär det sannolikt inte få. Utbudet av fristående kurser kommer dock att behöva justeras ner.
Digitala schemata för utbildning via TimeEdit blir obligatoriskt from HT23 för alla kurser på programmens två första terminer. Från HT24 obligatoriskt på samtliga terminer och även på fristående kurser. Anledningen är att studenterna har önskat tillgång till enhetliga digitala schemata, men även att ett enhetligt system kommer ge bättre möjlighet till uppföljning av lokalanvändning, samt att man får en lätt sökbar funktion för att kunna reda ut vart studenterna befinner sig vid en krissituation. CNS har motsatt sig just användningen av TimeEdit, men har i brist på alternativt system inte fått gehör.
Avd för Psykologi har fått i uppdrag att, för alla KIs studenter, genomföra ett ”Projekt för att främja studenters psykosociala hälsa” Bakgrunden till projektet är ett initiativ som syftar till att stärka studenternas psykosociala hälsa. Behovet av detta har särskilt uppmärksammats under pandemin. Projektet bygger på avdelningens egna initiativ för att stödja psykologprogrammets studenter under pandemin.
Ny finansieringsordning för Specialutrustade utbildningslokaler införs fom 2023. Denna ordning ersätter dagens Core-facilitetsstöd inom utbildning. CNS och Optikercentral kommer omfattas av den nya ordningen och medför ett hyresbidrag om dryga 1,5 mnkr årligen.
Det tidigare aviserade införandet av ”slott-tider” för bokning av utbildningslokaler (dvs att man skulle behöva boka antingen hel förmiddag eller eftermiddag) pausas tills vidare.



Rune Brautaset


Forskarutbildning vid CNS

PhD student poster conference 16th of May - poster competition

All PhD students are invited to the PhD student poster conference at the Department day on the 16th of May. The Department Day will be held at Biomedicum between 1pm and 7pm. The student with the best poster in each section of the department will win a price in the form of registration fee for an international scientific conference. Please send your expression of interest, including which division of the department you belong to, alexandre.beckman@ki.se no later than May 6.

Please remember that we have open house for PhD students and supervisors first Monday of every month between 9 and 11 am floor 5 Widerströmska. You can find Ingrid and Alexandre there and can bring up any issues you have regarding research education, small and big.

Next deadline for applying for establishment of PhD positions is the 1st of May. You can find links to the required documents here. There has been a slight update to the Research and Training plan, please use the updated version.

Ingrid Kockum

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS

CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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