CNS News 55

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Nr 55 2022-06-21                                                                                   

In a prefect world


Dear all

The academic year has ended and we have once again seen a large number of hopeful graduates leave for different professions in the society! Being the second largest teaching department at KI we certainly contribute considerably to this end.

A lot of of you (81%) responded to the employee survey – well done! Up from last time (2017) was the ambassadorship of the employees, indicating that we are likely to recommend our workplace to a friend. With reference to the new normal with increased distance work, it is interesting to see that balance has gone up (although it could be higher) and that the appreciation of leadership (often through zoom) has not gone down, but rather up. It is, however, to early draw firm conclusions about the new normal, and we shall try to follow up how this affects work quality and development over time! More information about the KI survey result is available here. Managers will now work with the results together with employees and implement action plans when needed.

Last but not least, thank you for all the hard and successful work this academic year. I wish you a restful and moderately warm summer vacation!



Head of department 2023-2025


We are pleased to announce that Mats has accepted to continue as Head of department during the next period which is 2023-2025. The decision has been made after collaboration in the department's Management team and Collaboration council.


Mats receives a considerable amount of emails. To facilitate his work and speed up the process we kindly ask you to send requests regarding his signature to


Summer at the administration


This year many of us will be on vacation during the period July 4 - August 14 with limited possibilities for signature from the Head of Department.

Please use our shared email addresses for quickest reply:

IT and
Head of department:


The door to access the 5th floor at Widerströmska
will be locked during the summer, starting after midsummer.


Summer greetings from Finance


Manage your invoices daily before the summer

Remember to activate your standin before you go on vacation. Do so in the Agresso Web menu under "Din anställning". Contact if you need support 
Refer to a colleague or a function mail in your auto-reply
Invoice now - Recipients also go on holiday

Time to apply for course occasions for freestanding courses HT23/VT24


N.B this year the call is not sent directly to all individual teachers, only to function addresses and other individual functions.

The application is valid for freestanding courses to be given starting in the academic year 2023/2024 (Autumn 233/VT24 and summer 2022). Freestanding courses refer to courses at first or second cycle level, which are announced and applied for via The courses may be aimed at new students or require prior university studies. The application does not apply to courses in doctoral education, Executive and Professional Education or internal staff training at KI.

The application must be made on a special application form. You need to apply again for courses that have been given previously. Find the application form and more information here.


Research news from the department

Researchers at CNS granted fundings from Forte


In May, Forte decided to distribute SEK 51.6 million to 25 new postdoc projects. The grants aim to give junior researchers strengthened opportunities to continue their research careers and to contribute to increased international researcher mobility. 8 million SEK went to researchers at CNS!


Kristina Aspvall - Increase accessibility to psychological interventions for children and adolescents suffering from obsessions and compulsions
Elin Frögéli - A program for supervising new nurses during the introduction to the clinical work with a focus on reinforcing proactive learning strategies
Iman Alaie - Neuropsychiatric conditions in childhood and the risk of labour market marginalisation in adulthood: Focus on etiological mechanisms and possible developmental pathways
Filip Gedin - PrePain: Prospective study aiming to find risk factors for long-term pain through the combination of biological and register-based data

New Docents


We congratulate two new docents and welcome one who has transfered to KI:

Kristoffer Månsson - docent of Psychiatry
Katarina Howner - docent of Psychiatry
Markus Jansson-Fröjmark - docent of Psychology (transfered from Örebro University)



New Research group leaders


We also welcome our new research group leaders at the department:


Johan Bjureberg - Mental disorder and antisocial development
Eric Thelin - Neurotraumatology

Brain differences in pain modulation in people with self-injury behaviour


Karin Jensens research group might have found an explanation for why people with self-injury behaviour generally feel less pain than others. The key seems to be a more effective pain-modulation system, a discovery that can benefit people seeking help for their self-harm. The findings are published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.


Arvid Guterstam - Research Leader of the Future


For the eighth time, the Foundation for Strategic Research has appointed the Research Leader of the Future. The 16 selected researchers receive a grant of 15 million SEK each over a five-year period and will during the program participate in a solid leadership training.


Findings open way for personalised MS treatment


Currently available therapies to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) lack precision and can lead to serious side effects. Researchers at KI have now developed a method for identifying the immune cells involved in autoimmune diseases, and have identified four new target molecules of potential significance for future personalised treatment of MS. The results, which are published in Science Advances, have been obtained in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Region Stockholm.


Mattias Bronge och Hans Grönlund


Medicinvetarna #95: Vad minns du?


Utan minne vore vi människor ganska hjälplösa. Men hur fungerar minnet egentligen? Professor Agneta Herlitz har länge intresserat sig för kognition och minne, inte minst när vi åldras. Hon tonar ner vikten av att lösa sudoku och dödar myten att vi bara använder en liten procent av vår hjärnkapacitet. Dessutom: Test - så lätt är det att plantera falska minnen. Poddavsnittet publicerades 1 juni 2022.


Medicinvetarna #93: Utmattningssyndrom: Vad vet vi idag?


Diagnosen utmattningssyndrom har fortsatt att öka. Vad vet vi egentligen om gränssättningen mellan utmattning och depression, och har forskningen svar på vilken behandling som ger hjälp? Psykologen och forskaren Elin Lindsäter har ofta deltagit i diskussionen, när hon inte arbetat klinisk med bland annat stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i primärvården. Poddavsnittet publicerades 4 maj 2022.

Medicinvetarna #91 Är beroende en sjukdom?


Är du beroende eller lider du bara av en dålig vana? Forskaren Joar Guterstam reder ut begreppen och nej, man kan inte vara socker-, tränings- eller mobilberoende. Däremot kan droger och spel om pengar leda till beroende som kräver vård. Och den är effektivare än vad många känner till. Poddavsnittet publicerades 6 april 2022.


» Här hittar du alla avsnitt av Medicinvetarna


CNS i media

Fascinationen för skräck - Vad handlar människans fascination för skräck om och kan det finnas något läkande med att bli livrädd? Predrag Petrovic är en av gästerna i P1s "Kropp & Själ".

Så går alkoholvanor i arv - En ny studie av Siri Thor har undersökt hur unga mäns alkoholkonsumtion påverkar nästa generations förhållande till alkohol.

Hur vet man att man har en ätstörning? - Ata Ghaderi svarar på frågor från SVTs tittare.

Mäns strävan efter sexpack kan leda till ätstörningar - Det kan vara ännu starkare stigman hos män, säger forskaren Ata Ghaderi i dokumentärserien Ätstört som följer fem svenskar och deras kamp mot ätstörningar.

Människor jorden runt gillar samma dofter - Ny studie, med Artin Arshamian som försteförfattare, motsäger den tidigare rådande uppfattningen att luktpreferenser till stor del är kulturellt betingade.

Ätstörningar: Det här bör du vara uppmärksam på som förälder - Professor Ata Ghaderi informerar i tidningen MåBra.

Studies show Tetris can be used as EMDR therapy for trauma victims - Studie av Emily Holmes visar att patienter som förts till sjukhuset efter en traumatisk bilolycka rapporterade färre påträngande minnen efter att ha spelat 20 minuter Tetris.

Brain research shows that nostalgic memories can relieve pain - Everything we carry with us in the form of memories and expectations can affect how we perceive pain. Positive experiences of music or nostalgic memories can reduce pain in the moment, says Karin Jensen, associate professor of clinical neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.

Psykisk ohälsa syns i blodet - Objektiva test skulle underlätta – och minska stigmat kring psykisk ohälsa, menar bland annat Lars Farde och Predrag Petrovic.

Timmar med sömn avgörande, så orkar Zelenskyj - Psykologiprofessor Mats Lekander kommenterar hur stress påverkar hälsa.

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Grundutbildning vid CNS

Senaste nytt från grundutbildning vid CNS


Stort tack till alla lärare och handläggare för en fantastisk insats för att säkerställa att utbildningen överlag klarade sig mycket bra under ännu ett läsår präglat av pandemin. Hoppas ni alla snart får möjlighet att ta ett välförtjänt sommarlov.

Vill samtidigt passa på att tack Jenny Wikström Alex som nyss gick i pension för hennes fantastiska arbete som programdirektor för psykologprogrammet helt sedan programmet startades vid KI 2007.

Några korta saker:

Varmt välkommen till Åsa Eriksson som ny PD för psykologprogrammet
Glöm inte anmäla er till KIs Utbildningskongress 28 och 29 september


Rune Brautaset, Grundutbildningsansvarig (GUA)

Forskarutbildning vid CNS

Doctoral education at CNS


This term we have had a record number, 20, students defending their PhD thesis in our department.

Well done!

We have just distributed a questionnaire to all PhD students in the department to follow up what the work and research environment is like.

This included directed questions to clinical PhD students regarding possibility to get time to carry out their research. It is really important that as many as possible of you answer the questionnaire so that we get a good basis to continue our work to improve the situation for graduate students.

You can access the questionnaire through the links below. Login is your IDAC code (KI user ID), password is CNS2022.

Links to work/research environment survey:

Link to survey in Swedish

Link to survey in English

Ingrid Kockum, Director of Doctoral education CNS

»Mer om utbildning vid CNS


CNS News - Nyheter från Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet.
Distribueras via e-post till alla verksamma inom institutionen, ca fyra gånger per år.

Ansvarig utgivare: Prefekt Mats J Olsson Redaktör: Ann Hagerborn


Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet bedriver forskning och undervisning
inom neurovetenskap från molekylär nivå till samhällsnivå.
Den kliniska forskningen och undervisningen sker i samverkan med Stockholms läns landsting,
med andra forskargrupper vid Karolinska Institutet och vid andra universitet.

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