MBB Newsletter 4:2023

Newsletter 4:2023


A word from the Chairman


Sten Linnarsson
Photo: Ulf Sirborn


Dear Colleagues,

I’m very much looking forward to the MBB day 23 November (see below)! We will offer breakfast for all in the morning, but then each unit is free to organize the morning sessions themselves; for example you could do a technology workshop to share issues and experience across groups in your unit. In the afternoon, we convene the whole department again with talks from our newly recruited group leaders, and more. Finally, we go together for an evening party! I hope to see most of you there.

I’m also very excited about the 2023 MBB Frontier Grant recruitment. The Frontier grant is an open faculty search for new PIs, with a generous startup package and support. This year, we received 118 applications (up three-fold from last year!) of which 36% women (up from 23% last year); 70% of the applicants were from abroad. These numbers are powerful evidence that our department can attract the very best talent globally. The faculty has now begun reviewing the applications, and I can already say there are many truly excellent candidates. Look forward to in-person visits with talks and interviews in January.



Department information

Register to MBB conference on 23 November

On Thursday 23 November we will have a mandatory MBB day for everyone in the department.

The day is intended as a joint conference with common breakfast, group work/activity before lunch, and the departmental council in the afternoon, followed by a dinner and party at the venue Skyddsrummet, located at Söder Mälarstrand 25B.

For us to be able to organise the dinner for the department and transportation to the venue, we need you to register whether you are attending or not. The invitation has also been sent by email to MBB staff.


Please fill in this registration form below and be aware that late cancellations will be debited to your research group.

Register here

We need your reply by 26 October!

Information regarding the upcoming salary review

The upcoming salary review is preliminary planned to the Autumn/Winter of 2023/2024. A new central collective agreement for government employers (including KI) has been negotiated between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and the central union parties, and valid from 1 October.

Read more here:

MBB information regarding the upcoming salary review | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)

Changes to the PA16 occupational pension

Your occupational pension depends on the year you were born. On 1 January 2024, an amendment will come into force that affects retirement pensions for all employees born before 1988.

Changes to the PA16 occupational pension to be made on 1 January 2024 | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)


KI RIMS is our new system for managing research information. The aim is to simplify the handling of information about individuals and different groups by gathering as much existing information as possible in one place, as well as supplement missing information. Collecting this information also creates the opportunity to reuse it in multiple places, such as a CV, reports and on ki.se.

KI RIMS Step by Step | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter

Two departments become one

The university management has decided that the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut) is to be wound up and its activities merged with the Department of Medicine in Huddinge (MedH). The reorganisation is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2024.

Two departments to become one at KI South | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter

Extended opening hours for Supply Centre

From 20 September, the Supply Center on floor 2 has new opening hours.

Extended Opening Hours for the Supply Center in Biomedicum | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)

Free yoga sessions in Biomedicum

Stressed at the office or in the lab? Stiff shoulders? Need focus? Join us for lunch yoga sessions in Biomedicum. Everybody is welcome - no experience needed!

Thursdays 11:30 – 12:10 in Biomedicum: D1012

Elevate your Workweek with Yoga in Biomedicum | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)


Recent publications, prizes and grants

Cell atlases of the human brain presented in Science

In two parallel projects, researchers from Sten Linnarsson's research group have been involved in creating the most comprehensive atlases of human brain cells to date.

The two studies, which are published in Science, provide clues on different brain diseases and give hope for medical advancements in the future, such as new cancer drugs.


“We’ve created the most detailed cell atlases of the adult human brain and of brain development during the first months of pregnancy,” says Sten Linnarsson. “You could say that we’ve taken a kind of brain-cell census.”

Cell atlases of the human brain presented in Science | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)

New study questions the role of supercomplexes in metabolism and disease

A new study published in Cell Metabolism by the research group of Professor Nils-Göran Larsson, shows that so-called supercomplexes have no major role in cellular energy production and that altered levels therefore are unlikely to affect physiology and disease.

“We've created a very powerful mouse model which contains a normal amount of fully functional respiratory chain complexes,


that cannot interact to form supercomplexes. Very surprisingly, these mice are healthy, showing that supercomplex formation is dispensable for normal cellular energy homeostasis”, explains Nils-Göran Larsson.

New study questions the role of supercomplexes in metabolism and disease | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)


Get to know your new colleagues

Christoph Ziegenhain

Christoph Ziegenhain recently started at MBB as a research group leader for a group who is shedding light on central molecular processes in human cells.


Welcome to MBB Christoph! What have you been up to these past years?

During the last years, I worked extensively on a new generation of single-cell sequencing methods together with my colleagues.

We are very excited about this newest iteration called Smart-seq3xpress, which can be performed extremely automated and at low cost to provide full-length transcriptome information in single cells at very nice quality.

Read the full interview with Christoph here:

Researcher Christoph Ziegenhain to MBB | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter (ki.se)

Alexander Lindberg

I grew up in Brussels with Swedish and Italian parents, and later moved to the Netherlands for my university studies. I recently finished my master’s in molecular life sciences at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands), for which I did an internship here at the Karolinska Institute.

In Bernhard Schmierer’s group, I will work on developing a pooled CRISPR genetic screen platform compatible with in situ sequencing methods for in situ guide RNA readout.

Outside of the lab, I enjoy reading, going for walks in the forest and going to classical music concerts.


Alexander Lindberg

Rajitha Indukuri

I have joined Onur Dagliyan’s group, Dagliyan Lab, as a postdoctoral Fellow. I obtained a PhD in Medical technology from Scilifelab, where I explored the role of estrogen receptors in colon cancer.

In Dagliyan’s group I will study the molecular mechanisms that are important for activity dependent transcription in neuronal circuits.

Outside the lab I enjoy reading and traveling.




Rajitha Indukuri

Sheetanshu Saproo

I obtained my Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (Punjab, India) where I studied the role and regulation of RNA polymerase I transcription in cancer.

Here, at Jiri Bartek’s lab, I will be studying the mechanisms for degradation of RNA polymerase I enzyme in normal cellular physiology and cancer.

Outside the lab, I enjoy traveling and reading.


Sheetanshu Saproo

Krizia Sanna

I have joined Dagliyan’s laboratory as a post-doctoral researcher.

I completed my Ph.D. in neuroscience at Tor Vergata university (Rome, Italy) where I studied the interaction between the immune and nervous systems in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). My main project was to investigate the synaptic role of peripheral T lymphocytes taken from MS patients, through electrophysiological techniques.

In Dagliyan’s group I will study the functions of proteins during synaptic transmission, learning, and memory by using knockout mice and engineered proteins.

Outside the lab, I love walking in nature and staying with my dogs.


Krizia Sanna

This is a newsletter to staff and affiliates at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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Sten Linnarsson

Sara Lidman


If you have comments about the newsletter or relevant news, contact Communications Officer Sara Lidman

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