Karolinska Institutet - Forskarutbildningsnytt

Nr 7, 16 oktober 2020

An English version follows below


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Doktorandnytt skickas till KI:s doktorander samt institutionernas studierektorer och administratörer för forskarutbildning. Övriga intresserade (exempelvis forskarhandledare) kan prenumerera på Doktorandnytt genom att anmäla sig som prenumerant på medarbetarportalen.



Dags att söka forskarutbildningskurser

Kurskatalogen för VT21 är öppen för ansökan fram till 16 november. Postdoktorer är, liksom tidigare, också välkomna att söka och antas i mån av plats.

Till kurskatalogen VT21 samt lediga platser HT20

Tänk på att uppdatera din profil om någon förändring har skett sedan du senast sökte kurser.

Viktig information för dig som ska söka forskarutbildningskurser:

Den automatiska mejlaviseringen från KIWAS (kurskatalogen) i samband med antagning har stängts av för att undvika överbelastning av systemet. Mejlbekräftelsen vid inskickad ansökan kvarstår.

Mer information om vad detta innebär för dig som sökande


Dags att söka till Forskarskolan i allmänvetenskap för kliniker VT21/HT21

Forskarskolan är kliniskt inriktad och vänder sig till doktorander vid KI, tidigt i forskarutbildningen, som är verksamma inom en vårdenhet inom Region Stockholm (olika yrkesgrupper). Ansvarig institution är Institutionen för klinisk forskning och utbildning, Södersjukhuset.

Ansök senast 1:a november


Konsekvenser av COVID-19-pandemin på KI:s forskarutbildning

Informationen avseende konsekvenser av COVID-19-pandemin på KI:s forskarutbildning på medarbetarportalen uppdateras löpande.

Tills annat meddelas gäller följande:

Teoretiska forskarutbildningskurser genomförs på distans, med några få undantag, medan praktiska kurser/kursmoment är prioriterade att genomföras i KI:s lokaler.
Vid disputationer kan doktorand, opponent, betygsnämnd, handledare och disputationsordförande delta på distans efter kontakt med KI:s disputationskommitté. Disputationer tillgängliggörs via webbsändningar.

Nya anvisningar för utformningen av en licentiat- och doktorsavhandling

Kommittén för utbildning på forskarnivå har tagit fram anvisningar för innehållet i avhandlingar vid KI. Avhandlingsmallen har uppdaterats i enlighet med de nya anvisningarna och tillhandahålls av det upphandlade tryckeriet Universitetsservice US-AB.

Anvisning för avhandlingens upplägg och innehåll

Formgivning och tryck av avhandling

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på engelska och etisk reflektion

Det rekommenderas starkt att inkludera en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på engelska samt en etisk reflektion i avhandlingar tryckta från år 2021.

En digital workshop om författande av populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning till avhandlingen anordnas av KIB måndagen den 7 december kl. 13.00 – 15.00. Fler workshops kommer erbjudas till våren och annonseras i KIB:s kalender och Doktorandnytt framgent.


Förtydligande avseende systematisk översiktsartikel i avhandlingen

Delarbetena i en sammanläggningsavhandling ska vara originalarbeten. En översiktsartikel kan ingå som ett delarbete om det är en systematisk översiktsartikel (systematic review) som inkluderar en metaanalys eller annan uttömmande kvalitativ eller kvantitativ syntes. Kravet på sådan artikel är att etablerade riktlinjer för rapportering har följts.

Läs mer i regler för utbildning på forskarnivå


Regler för utbildning på forskarnivå

Visst vet du att det finns ett dokument där alla regler som styr forskarutbildningen är samlade? Dokumentet uppdateras ett par gånger per år med de förändringar som skett sedan förra versionen.

Det finns också många informativa webbsidor på medarbetarportalen som vänder sig till doktorander och handledare. Spara gärna forskarutbildningens startsida på medarbetarportalen som ett bokmärke i din webbläsare.


Stöd till doktorander

Det finns olika sorters stödfunktioner för doktorander på KI. Du hittar information om detta på medarbetarportalen.


UKÄ ställer in utvärderingen av forskarutbildning inom omvårdnad

Beslutet innebär tillsammans med tidigare information att ingen utvärdering av forskarutbildning kommer att genomföras på KI under 2021 eller 2022, d.v.s. varken i fysiologi, kirurgi, odontologi eller omvårdnad.

Mer information på Universitetskanslersämbetets webbplats




Seminarier, workshops och symposier

Digital presentation: Find supplementary data through Europe PubMed Central (PMC) tisdag den 20 oktober kl. 12.00 – 12.30.

Webbinarium: Guidelines for improving the quality of animal research and testing: an overview onsdag den 21 oktober kl. 14.00 – 15.00.

Digital workshop: Avancerad sökstrategi för systematiska litteraturöversikter torsdag den 22 oktober kl. 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital presentation: Researchers – publish open access free of charge! fredag den 23 oktober kl. 10.00 – 11.00.

Webbinarium: About trade unions, associations and networks fredag den 23 oktober kl. 14.00 – 15.30.

Webbinarium: The value of preclinical systematic reviews tisdag den 27 oktober kl. 11.00 – 12.00.

Digital workshop: Litteratursökning för din halvtidskontroll, avhandling eller nästa publikation tisdag den 27 oktober kl. 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital workshop: Hur du skriver din halvtidsrapport, den 27 – 28 oktober.

Webbinarium: Health special (who to contact when, as well as health and safety at work) måndag den 2 november, kl. 13.00 – 15.00.

Digital presentation: Meet a publisher! Taylor & Francis on all you need to know to publish successfully tisdag den 3 november, kl. 14.00 – 15.30.

Webbinarium: Useful facts for international staff (Swedish authorities and language courses) fredag den 6 november, kl. 11.00 – 12.30.

Webbinarium: Researchers – publish open access free of charge! tisdag den 10 november kl.13.00 – 14.00.

Digital presentation: Find your drug target with the Open Targets Platform tisdag den 17 november kl. 12.00 – 12.30.

KI-konferens om hållbar utveckling: Klimatförändringens hälsoeffekter och hur vi kan förebygga dem tisdag den 17 november kl. 13.00 – 18.00.

Digital workshop: EndNote X9 – hantera dina referenser torsdag den 19 november kl. 13.00 – 15.30.

Digital workshop: Open science – Dela dina artiklar och dina data fredag 20 november kl. 09.00 – 12.00.

Digital workshop: Forskningsdokumentation: varför, vad och var! måndag den 23 november kl. 10.00 – 12.00.

Digital karriärmässa anordnad av Medicinska Föreningen vid KI: Careers in Health and Science Exposition (CHaSE) måndag den 23 november.

Digital workshop: Att skriva litteraturöversikten till din halvtidskontroll tisdag den 24 november kl. 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital workshop: Aktivera din publikationslista och utforska dina publikationsindikatorer torsdag den 26 november kl. 10.00 – 11.30.

Digitalt event: MAXIV new possibilities for breakthrough research fredag den 27 november, kl. 9.00 – 15.15.

Digital presentation: Find your protein localization with the Human Cell Atlas and SubCellBarCode tisdag den 1 december kl. 12.00 – 12.30.

Digital workshop: Writing the popular science summary of your thesis måndag den 7 december kl. 13.00 – 15.00.




Annual General Meeting and Elections

On 24 October 2020, the DSA will hold its Annual General Meeting and elect new representatives for the upcoming academic year. Keeping in mind the current scenario, this will be organised online for the first time. All doctoral students at KI with a valid MF membership can attend the event, express their opinions and vote for their favorite candidates. The DSA invites you to submit your candidature for positions of interest, latest by 16 October 2020. To know more about the available positions and how to apply, visit their website.


Doctoral education and mental health

The results from this year‘s Mental Health Survey are in and the DSA would like to share them with you! In total, there were 462 participants, who represent roughly a fifth of all PhD students at KI. If you are interested in finding out more, please have a look at the results for yourself, by visiting this link. If you are interested in finding out more about the situation at your own department, you can do so by visiting this link. The reasons for doctoral students to suffer from mental health issues are diverse, and the DSA will appropriately address them from multiple angles.


DSA communications

Would you like to share some news about events or initiatives with other doctoral students? Drop the DSA an email at DsaComms@medicinskaforeningen.se, and they can help you out with the outreach.


DSA on Twitter and Instagram!

The DSA is live on more social media channels. Follow them on Twitter @DSAkarolinska and Instagram @dsa.karolinska, to get the latest updates from your doctoral student representatives.


Join a DSA workgroup

The DSA has multiple workgroups that handle a variety of tasks. They make a difference for doctoral students at all levels. They are always looking to recruit extra help and get new ideas. Check out their different workgroups on their website and get in touch.

Student representation
Doctoral education
Doctoral students' welfare and health
Social events
Public relations
External collaborations



Du hittar viktig information om KI:s forskarutbildning på medarbetarportalen.
Ha gärna som vana att kontinuerligt surfa in på
forskarutbildningssidorna på webben.

Doktorandnytt riktar sig till framförallt till doktorander. Syftet är att informera om nyheter och praktiska detaljer som rör KI:s forskarutbildning.

Doktorandnytt skickas ut ungefär var femte vecka från Fakultetskansliet på Karolinska Institutet.
Redaktör: Clara Ersson

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Karolinska Institutet - Doctoral Education News

No 7, 16 October 2020


Read the newsletter in your browser

Tell a colleague about this newsletter

Primary target groups for Doctoral student news are doctoral students as well as the departmental directors for doctoral studies and administrative officers for doctoral education. These groups receive the letter automatically. Other interested groups (for example doctoral supervisors) can subscribe to the newsletter at the staff portal.



Time to apply for doctoral courses

The course catalogue for the spring semester of 2021 is open for application until 16 November. As before, postdocs are also welcome to apply, and will be accepted if space is available.

Course catalogue for the spring 2021 and course vacancies during autumn 2020

Remember to update your profile if there have been any changes since the last time you applied for courses.

Important information when applying for doctoral courses

The automatic e-mail confirmation from KIWAS (the course catalogue) when admitting to courses has been turned off in order to avoid overloading the system. The e-mail confirmation of the submitted application will remain.

Read more about what this means for you as an applicant


Time to apply to the Research school in general science for clinicians VT21 / HT21

The research school is clinically oriented and is aimed at doctoral students at KI, early in the doctoral education, who are working for Stockholm County Council (various professional groups). The responsible department is Department of clinical science and education, Södersjukhuset. Deadline for applications: 1 November.

More information about the research school and how to apply


Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on KI’s doctoral education

Information regarding consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on KI’s doctoral education on the staff portal is updated continuously.

Until further notice the following applies:

Theoretical doctoral courses will be given online, with a few exceptions, while practical courses/course modules are prioritized to be held at campus.
During public defences, the doctoral student, opponent, examination board, supervisor and defence chairperson can participate online after informing the Dissertation committee. The public defence shall be accessible to the public via web casts.

New instructions for the content of a licentiate and doctoral thesis from KI

The Committee for doctoral education has produced an instruction for the content of a compilation thesis at KI. The thesis template has been revised in accordance with the new instructions, and is provided by the procured printing house Universitetsservice US-AB.

Instructions for the content of the thesis

Layout and printing thesis

Popular science summary and ethical reflection

It is strongly recommended to include a popular science summary of the thesis in English as well as an ethical reflection in theses printed from the year 2021.

A digital workshop about writing a popular science summary to the thesis is organised by KIB on Monday 7 December, 13.00 – 15.00. More workshops will be offered during the spring semester, and will be announced in the KIB calendar as well as Doctoral students news.


Clarification regarding systematic review in the thesis

The constituent papers in the thesis should be original papers. One of the papers can be a systematic review article if it includes a meta-analysis or other comprehensive qualitative or quantitative synthesis. The requirement for such an article is that established reporting guidelines for systematic reviews have been followed.

Read more in the rules for doctoral education


Rules for doctoral education

Are you aware that rules concerning doctoral education at KI are compilated in a document? The rule document is updated a couple of times a year to include all new or changed regulations.

You find many informative websites aimed at doctoral students and supervisors on the staff portal. Please save the start page for doctoral education on the staff portal as a bookmark in your browser.


Support to doctoral students

There are various kinds of support function for doctoral students at KI. Read about this on the staff portal.


The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) cancels evaluation of doctoral education in nursing

Together with previous information from UKÄ, the decision means that doctoral education at KI will not be evaluated during 2021 or 2022, e.g. the planned evaluations of doctoral education within physiology, surgery, dentistry and nursing have all been cancelled.

More information on UKÄ's website (in Swedish)




Seminars, workshops and symposiums

Digital presentation: Find supplementary data through Europe PubMed Central (PMC) and BioStudies on Tuesday 20 October, 12.00 – 12.30.

Webinar: Guidelines for improving the quality of animal research and testing: an overview on Wednesday 21 October, 14.00 – 15.00.

Digital workshop: Advanced searching strategy for systematic reviews on Thursday 22 October, 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital presentation: Researchers – publish open access free of charge! on Friday 23 October 10.00 – 11.00.

Webinar: About trade unions, associations and networks on Friday 23 October 14.00 – 15.30.

Webinar: The value of preclinical systematic reviews on Tuesday 27 October, 11.00 – 12.00.

Digital workshop: Searching the literature for your half-time review, thesis or next publication on Tuesday 27 October, 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital workshop: How to write your half-time report, on 27 – 28 October.

Webinar: Health special (who to contact when, as well as health and safety at work) on Monday 2 November, 13.00 – 15.00.

Digital presentation: Meet a publisher! Taylor & Francis on all you need to know to publish successfully on Tuesday 3 November, 14.00 – 15.30.

Webinar: Useful facts for international staff (Swedish authorities and language courses) on Friday 6 November, 11.00 – 12.30.

Webinar: Researchers – publish open access free of charge! on Tuesday 10 November 13.00 – 14.00.

Digital presentation: Find your drug target with the Open Targets Platform on Tuesday 17 November, 12.00 – 12.30.

KI Conference on Sustainable Development: The health effects of climate change, and how to prevent them on Tuesday 17 November, 13.00 – 18.00.

Digital workshop: EndNote X9 – manage your references on Thursday 19 November, 13.00 – 15.30.

Digital workshop: Open science – Share your articles and your data on Friday 20 November, 09.00 – 12.00.

Digital workshop: Research documentation: why, what and where! on Monday 23 November, 10.00-12.00.

Career fair organised by Medicinska Föreningen at KI: Careers in Health and Science Exposition (CHaSE) on Monday 23 November.

Digital workshop: Writing the literature review for your half-time review on Tuesday 24 November, 13.00 – 16.00.

Digital workshop: Activate your publication list and discover your publication metrics on Thursday 26 November, 10.00 – 11.30.

Online event: MAXIV new possibilities for breakthrough research on Friday 27 November, 9.00 – 15.15.

Digital presentation: Find your protein localization with the Human Cell Atlas and SubCellBarCode on Tuesday 1 December, 12.00 – 12.30.

Digital workshop: Writing the popular science summary of your thesis on Monday 7 December, 13.00 – 15.00.



Annual General Meeting and Elections

On 24 October 2020, the DSA will hold its Annual General Meeting and elect new representatives for the upcoming academic year. Keeping in mind the current scenario, this will be organised online for the first time. All doctoral students at KI with a valid MF membership can attend the event, express their opinions and vote for their favorite candidates. The DSA invites you to submit your candidature for positions of interest, latest by 16 October 2020. To know more about the available positions and how to apply, visit their website.


Doctoral education and mental health

The results from this year‘s Mental Health Survey are in and the DSA would like to share them with you! In total, there were 462 participants, who represent roughly a fifth of all PhD students at KI. If you are interested in finding out more, please have a look at the results for yourself, by visiting this link. If you are interested in finding out more about the situation at your own department, you can do so by visiting this link. The reasons for doctoral students to suffer from mental health issues are diverse, and the DSA will appropriately address them from multiple angles.


DSA communications

Would you like to share some news about events or initiatives with other doctoral students? Drop the DSA an email at DsaComms@medicinskaforeningen.se, and they can help you out with the outreach.


DSA on Twitter and Instagram!

The DSA is live on more social media channels. Follow them on Twitter @DSAkarolinska and Instagram @dsa.karolinska, to get the latest updates from your doctoral student representatives.


Join a DSA workgroup

The DSA has multiple workgroups that handle a variety of tasks. They make a difference for doctoral students at all levels. They are always looking to recruit extra help and get new ideas. Check out their different workgroups on their website and get in touch.

Student representation
Doctoral education
Doctoral students' welfare and health
Social events
Public relations
External collaborations



You will find important information about doctoral education at KI on the staff website.
Please make a habit of visiting the doctoral education web pages regularly.

This newsletter is primarily addressed to doctoral students. The purpose is to inform about news and practical details regarding doctoral education at KI.

Doctoral Student News is published by the Faculty Office at Karolinska Institutet about every fifth week during the semesters.

Editor: Clara Ersson

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