Doktorandnytt nr 1, 2024 | Doctoral Student News
Karolinska Institutet - Forskarutbildningsnytt

Nr 1, 18 januari 2024

An English version follows below


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Doktorandnytt skickas till KI:s doktorander samt institutionernas studierektorer och administratörer för forskarutbildning. Övriga intresserade (exempelvis forskarhandledare) kan prenumerera på Doktorandnytt genom att anmäla sig som prenumerant på medarbetarportalen.



It’s the start of a New Year, and I will take this opportunity to wish you all a successful and happy 2024.

Each year I like to have an ‘annual focus’ and this year it will be ’academic culture.’ While there are many different cultural aspects to consider, let’s start in January by considering the Avatar 2 film iconic statement “I See You.” I will ask the questions, how well do you see your colleagues? And how well are you seen by them?

Our research and educational environments are varied throughout the University and Stockholm, but the common factor for them all is that they are our shared responsibility. We have a collective responsibility for what occurs there, for monitoring what happens, and for acting when required. But in these often very busy workplaces, I wonder how often you actually look at your colleagues and assess their well being?

We are becoming an ever-increasing multinational University, and during the recent Christmas period I wonder if you gave any thought to differences in ‘holiday’ cultures? – the timing of New Year celebrations differs, for example, or whether you have colleagues without family or friends to celebrate with? There are many events that occur outside of KI and of Sweden that can affect the well-being of our colleagues. They may be frustrations related to migration law issues, natural disasters or acts of terrorism/war, all of which are current realities.

I am sure that we all know someone who is not feeling very well because of one of these issues. Psychosocial health issues were debated a lot during the Covid pandemic, but it does not take a global catastrophe to make an individual’s life less enjoyable. I would like to believe that we have caring and supportive working/educational environments, not least for doctoral students.

‘I See You’ is only the first step. The next should be the question ‘How are you feeling?’ A kind word and an attentive listener if often enough to make someone feel less alone and challenged. If you or someone you know needs someone professional to talk to, KI offers support (Stöd till doktorander) and telephone counseling as a support for individuals experiencing personal difficulties. The service is available 24/7, with a social worker on hand to offer immediate advice on any psychosocial issue. For support, please contact Falck Health Care telefonrådgivning: 0200-21 63 00.

We cannot directly control events that occur in nature, in governments or globally, but we can control our working/educational environments. ‘I see you. I care. KI is us.’




Dags att söka till fyra av KI:s och Region Stockholms kliniska forskarskolor med start hösten 2024

Forskarskolorna vänder sig till doktorander som är kliniskt verksamma inom Region Stockholm och omfattar sammanlagt 16 veckors heltidssstudier, 24 hp. Kurserna är uppdelade i fyra block om fyra veckor och pågår under två år. Ansök senast 13 mars 2024 kl. 14.00.


Forskarskolan i allmänmedicin och primärvård
Forskarskolan i epidemiologi
Forskarskolan i behandlingsforskning
Forskarskolan i molekylärmedicin

Information om forskarskolor vid KI


Utlysning av forskar-AT 

Forskar-AT är en möjlighet att få finansierad forskningstid under AT-utbildningen. Forskar-AT kan sökas både av doktorander på KI och av disputerade som har en aktiv forskningsverksamhet vid KI.

Ansök senast den 19 februari


Nytt system för ansökan till forskarutbildningskurser

I år inför vi ett nytt system för hantering och ansökan till forskarutbildningskurser på KI.
Systemet heter Fubas och ska användas första gången nu under våren för ansökan till kurser som ges hösten 2024.

Du som är doktorand kommer att få riktad information om hur ansökan ska gå till i tid inför ansökningsomgången.

Du kan läsa mer om kursansökan på sidan Att söka forskarutbildningskurser


Reflektera över vad du har lärt dig – ny rutin inför disputation

Doktorander som lämnar in sin ansökan om disputation/licentiatseminarium från och med den 15 mars 2024 ska även lämna in en redogörelse över sitt lärande under forskarutbildningen och hur målen för utbildningen har uppnåtts.

Tanken är att du med dina egna ord beskriver din läranderesa. Redogörelsen kommer inte att examineras men utgör ett underlag för betygsnämnd och opponent att ställa relevanta frågor vid disputationen. Framför allt är det en möjlighet för dig själv att sammanfatta vad du lärt dig och att reflektera över din utbildning. Om du vill kan redogörelsen också läggas som en bilaga till avhandlingens kappa.

Den nya rutinen påverkar ansökan om disputation/licentiatseminarium. Den vanliga blanketten blir mindre omfattande än tidigare men i stället tillkommer en ny blankett där din redogörelse läggs tillsammans med en redogörelse från din handledare.

Var uppmärksam på datumet så att du använder rätt blankett vid ansökan om disputation. Börja gärna reflektera redan nu!

Läs mera:

Doktorandens lärande och måluppfyllnad

Dags att försvara avhandlingen


Seminarieserie kring jämlik vård

Delta i vår seminarieserie om “Jämlik vård”, ledd av Anna Jervaeus och Susanne Andermo. Seminarierna kommer att ge ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv på normer inom hälso- och sjukvård. Serien riktar sig till doktorander och post-docs.

Läs mer på sidan Seminarieserie kring jämlik vård



Doktorander & forskare! Vi har släppt vårens workshops för forskare och doktorander. Håll koll på KIB:s kalender för datum och ämnen. Observera att du kan filtrera kalendern på målgrupp ”Doktorand/forskare”

Universitetsbiblioteket kalender



Du hittar viktig information om KI:s forskarutbildning på medarbetarportalen.
Ha gärna som vana att kontinuerligt surfa in på
forskarutbildningssidorna på webben.

Doktorandnytt riktar sig till framförallt till doktorander. Syftet är att informera om nyheter och praktiska detaljer som rör KI:s forskarutbildning.

Doktorandnytt skickas ut ungefär tre gånger per termin från Fakultetskansliet på Karolinska Institutet.

Redaktör: Margareta Stark

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Karolinska Institutet - Doctoral Education News

No 1, 18 January 2024


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Primary target groups for Doctoral student news are doctoral students as well as the departmental directors for doctoral studies and administrative officers for doctoral education. These groups receive the letter automatically. Other interested groups (for example doctoral supervisors) can subscribe to the newsletter at the staff portal.



It’s the start of a New Year, and I will take this opportunity to wish you all a successful and happy 2024. Each year I like to have an ‘annual focus’ and this year it will be ’academic culture.’ While there are many different cultural aspects to consider, let’s start in January by considering the Avatar 2 film iconic statement “I See You.” I will ask the questions, how well do you see your colleagues? And how well are you seen by them?

Each year I like to have an ‘annual focus’ and this year it will be ’academic culture.’ While there are many different cultural aspects to consider, let’s start in January by considering the Avatar 2 film iconic statement “I See You.” I will ask the questions, how well do you see your colleagues? And how well are you seen by them?

Our research and educational environments are varied throughout the University and Stockholm, but the common factor for them all is that they are our shared responsibility. We have a collective responsibility for what occurs there, for monitoring what happens, and for acting when required. But in these often very busy workplaces, I wonder how often you actually look at your colleagues and assess their well being?

We are becoming an ever-increasing multinational University, and during the recent Christmas period I wonder if you gave any thought to differences in ‘holiday’ cultures? – the timing of New Year celebrations differs, for example, or whether you have colleagues without family or friends to celebrate with? There are many events that occur outside of KI and of Sweden that can affect the well-being of our colleagues. They may be frustrations related to migration law issues, natural disasters or acts of terrorism/war, all of which are current realities.

I am sure that we all know someone who is not feeling very well because of one of these issues. Psychosocial health issues were debated a lot during the Covid pandemic, but it does not take a global catastrophe to make an individual’s life less enjoyable. I would like to believe that we have caring and supportive working/educational environments, not least for doctoral students.

‘I See You’ is only the first step. The next should be the question ‘How are you feeling?’ A kind word and an attentive listener if often enough to make someone feel less alone and challenged. If you or someone you know needs someone professional to talk to, KI offers support (Support to doctoral students) and telephone counseling as a support for individuals experiencing personal difficulties. The service is available 24/7, with a social worker on hand to offer immediate advice on any psychosocial issue. For support, please contact Falck Health Care counselling helpline: 0200-21 63 00.

We cannot directly control events that occur in nature, in governments or globally, but we can control our working/educational environments. ‘I see you. I care. KI is us.’




Time to apply to four of KI’s and Region Stockholm’s clinical research schools, starting autumn 2024

The research schools are for doctoral students clinically active in Region Stockholm and comprise a total of 16 weeks’ full-time study (24 HE credits). The courses are divided into four four-week blocks and last two years. Deadline for applications: 13 March 2024 at 2.00 p.m.

Research schools:

Research school in family medicine and primary care
Research school in epidemiology
Research school in clinical therapy research (in Swedish)
Research school in molecular medicine (in Swedish)

Research schools at KI


Call for research internship applications ("Forskar-AT")

Research internships are an opportunity to get financed research time during regular clinical internships (in Swedish Allmäntjänstgöring – AT). Both doctoral students at KI and PhDs with ongoing research activities at KI can apply.

The call is open until February 19


Reflecting on what you have learned – a new routine at the end of your doctoral studies

Doctoral students who submit their application for public defence/licentiate seminar as of 15 March 2024 must also submit a report regarding their learning during their doctoral education and on how the learning outcomes were achieved.

The idea is that you describe your learning journey in your own words. The report will not be examined but will provide a basis for the examination board and the opponent to ask relevant questions at the public defence. Above all, it is an opportunity for you to summarise what you have learned and to reflect on your education. If you wish, the report can also be included as an appendix in the thesis.

The new routine affects the application for public defence/licentiate seminar. The application form will be less extensive than before, but instead you will need to submit a new form containing your learning report together with a summary report from your supervisor.

Pay attention to the date so that you use the right form when applying for public defence. Feel free to start reflecting already now!

More information:

The doctoral student´s achievement of learning outcomes

Time to defend your thesis


A new system for applying to doctoral courses

This year we are introducing a new system for managing and applying to doctoral courses at KI. The system is called Fubas and will be used for the first time this spring for applications to courses offered in the autumn 2024.

If you are a doctoral student, you will receive targeted information on how to apply in time for the application round.

You can find more information about the course application process on the page Applying for doctoral courses


Seminar series on equal care

Join us for a seminar series on “Equal Care” led by Anna Jervaeus and Susanne Andermo. The seminars will provide an interdisciplinary perspective on health and medical care norms. This series is targeted at doctoral students and post-docs.

More information on the page Seminar series on equal care



Doctoral students & researchers! The spring workshops for researchers and doctoral students has been released. Keep an eye on the KIB calendar for dates and topics. Please note that you can filter the calendar by audience "Doctoral students/Researchers".

University Library Calendar



You will find important information about doctoral education at KI on the staff website.
Please make a habit of visiting the doctoral education web pages regularly.

This newsletter is primarily addressed to doctoral students. The purpose is to inform about news and practical details regarding doctoral education at KI.

Doctoral Student News is published by the Faculty Office at Karolinska Institutet about three times per semester.

Editor: Margareta Stark

Karolinska Institutet

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