At the heart of a connected green society

BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society


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February, 2020

The vision of BATTERY 2030+ is to invent the sustainable batteries of the future, providing European industry with disruptive technologies and a competitive edge across the full value chain, that will enable Europe to take the lead in battery science and technology.

This newsletter gives you an update on what's going on within the initiative.
Enjoy your reading!


A moment with Kristina Edström,
Director of BATTERY 2030+

Thank you for supporting the BATTERY 2030+ initiative and being a part of our battery community! You are now over 1,300 stakeholders that have endorsed the initiative and the network keeps growing. Together, we are becoming a strong community in Europe that can make a difference and push the frontiers of battery research and innovation forward.

These are exciting times for the battery research community with a lot of things going on. In the end of last year, the European Commission presented its Green Deal, where battery research and innovation have a crucial part in contributing to reaching the goal of a climate neutral society by 2050.

When it comes to BATTERY 2030+, we responded to the LC-BAT-15-2020 topic to receive support to continue the development of the initiative for an additional three years. We also hope to grow the BATTERY 2030+ family with a number of collaborative research projects addressing the identified research areas in the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap. The research areas that will kick-start the implementation of the roadmap is the materials acceleration platform BIG-MAP and the introduction of smart functionalities, such as self-healing and sensing. Manufacturability and recyclability will be cross-cutting topics that need to be considered early on in the discovery process.

The fine-tuning of the long-term research roadmap is soon completed. Some of the writing-group leaders met in Brussels on 5 February to discuss the content and to make the document ready to be presented to the European Commission. You’ll find the final version of the document on our website in the beginning of March.

We are also involved in other European initiatives, such as Batteries Europe and the European Battery Alliance, and are present on national and European levels to spread knowledge about the BATTERY 2030+ initiative and the need for a long-term research approach building a knowledge foundation for the present and the future.

Women in Battery Research

February 11 was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We took the opportunity to ask some of the researchers within the BATTERY 2030+ consortium about how they got into science and what they think needs to be done to get more women into the field of battery research. Read more...

What are the benefits of large-scale initiatives?

Vittorio Pellegrini at the Graphene Flagship believes that a long horizon, commitment of many different groups and a long-term strategy are keys to success for large-scale research initiatives. Read more...

The long-term Research Roadmap

The BATTERY 2030+ roadmap “Inventing the Batteries of the Future – Research Needs and Future Actions” will be avalable in a few weeks. The roadmap suggests long-term research directions based on a chemistry neutral approach. Read more...

A European Green Deal

At the end of last year the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, an ambitious package of measures that should enable the European Union to become climate neutral by 2050. Read more...

In brief


Read our latest news

Keep up to date with the latest news from BATTERY 2030+ and other battery related topics. Read more...


Where to meet us

The BATTERY 2030+ consortium members are attending conferences and events all around the world to present the initiative's vision and objectives. Find out where you can meet us next. Read more...


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Support us

BATTERY 2030+ is a long-term initiative, enabling Europe to take the lead in battery science and technology by developing radically new concepts for the batteries of the future.

Help us achieve these ambitious goals by endorsing BATTERY 2030+ as long-term research initiative for Europe. Read more...


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