Nytt från Ways2Taste Oktober 2021



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Nytt från Ways2taste!

Möt teamet bakom W2T som arbetar på Högskolan i Borås. Energikontor Väst har varit på besök, hängt med bakom kulisserna och provsmakat fantastisk mat. Projektet är redo för en höst med provsmakningar!


Följ projektet på projektwebben för WAYS2TASTE på Högskolan i Borås

Träffa teamet

I det här nyhetsbrevet presenterar vi det högst internationella teamet på Högskolan i Borås som realiserar resan mot framtiden!


Garveriet odlar svamp till  bageriet

Kan svamp användas i bageriprodukter? Ja, definitivt om man får tro Anna Groneberg på Garveriet i Floda. I sitt bageri odlar de sedan en tid tillbaka svamp och är nu i full färd med att provlaga och hitta nya användningsområden för råvaran.

Läs hela artikeln


Svampbiomassa bas i fiskfoder

I samarbete med SLU i Uppsala tar projektet W2T fram näringsrikt fiskfoder.

Swarnima Agnihotri berättar mer i denna film.

Coralie Hellwig

Vill på riktigt veta vad du tycker om maten och varför! Färg, form, textur, smak, lukt...

Coralies background is in Medical Sciences, and is an Occupational Therapist. At present, getting her PhD in Resource Recovery.

Her research focuses on people and their engagement with waste in daily lives. She studies this using the exemplar activity that is leftover bread fermentation. This involves a way of using edible fungi to upcycle bread that can be done outside the laboratory and at homes and in gastronomies.

Her responsibility in Ways2Taste are to capture social aspects in relation to fungi-based food. She interests, for example, in learning about how people think about this type of food, what kind of perceptions and assumptions they may have, as well as whether food made from fungi finds acceptance.

Another responsibility in this project is also to assess information that aids the development of fungi-based food products. Using tastings as a platform, she asks people who would like to try the food how they rate sensory characteristics such as taste and texture. Likewise, she is also keen to learn why others may not wish to taste this type of food.

Neda Rousta

Näringsexpert som synar svamobiomassan på djupet.

Neda is currently pursuing her PhD in Industrial Biotechnology. She has a bachelor degree in Nutrition Sciences and Masters in Biochemistry. Previously she has worked as a quality control manager of a food company for three years and has an experience as a nutritionist for six years.

She currently works as research assistant in project Ways2Taste and is responsible for fungal biomass production in pilot scale and nutritional analysis of both biomass and fermented food.

Ingår i doktorandprojekt: Produce edible fungal biomass with enhance biofunctionality.





Har lagat mat sedan han var liten och provar bl.a. om "mormors" recept funkar med W2T-svamp.

Luki is currently a research assistant in University of Borås, Sweden. He graduated from his Doctoral studies in Resource Recovery with specialization in Industrial Biotechnology. His research aimed to develop anaerobic digestion process to convert organic waste into value added products.

Previously, Luki has studied BSc and MSc in Food Science and Technology. He has expertise in developing food products, food processing, and food manufacture. He has an experience in food catering business for more than 20 years and been involved in this since his early childhood days.

Publication: Methane and Volatile Fatty Acids Production from Toxic Substrate


Häng med in i labbet!

Steven Wainaina och Neda Rousta guidar oss genom processen i labbet på Högskoaln i Borås.

Häng med! Se filmen här!

Energikontor Väst på besök- bjöds på fantastisk mat!

Den 27 augusti besökte Energikontor Väst Högskolan i Borås för en dag med intervjuer film och foto. Vi fick vara med bakom kulisserna och provsmaka fantastisk mat som teamet bakom W2T tagit fram i sitt provlabb. Även Borås tidning och radio var på plats under dagen.

Länk till artikel Borås Tidning (kräver pren)

Inslag i P4 Sjuhärad (39:40 till ca 1:30:00).

Redo för provsmakningar!

Under hösten planeras flertalet event där W2T kommer vara en del av programmet på olika sätt och visa upp sina produkter för provsmakning.

Swarnima Agnihotri

Vill bidra till en hållbar framtid och en mer medveten framtida generation via sin forskning och arbete som lärare.

Swarnima currently works as Senior lecturer at Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery, University of Borås, where she teaches Industrial Biotechnology. She holds PhD in an interdisciplinary area of Pulp & Paper and Fungal Biotechnology.

For past 15 years, she has worked as Microbiologist and Fiber Chemist and her research has focused on pretreatment processes of biomass for their valorization into a number of commercial products such as second-generation biofuels. She has also worked extensively on growing filamentous fungi on a number of substrates and scaling up the process for developing the biomass into functional food and feed.

Her responsibility in Ways2Taste is to lead and supervise the research team in their day-to-day activities including the fungal biomass production and its further development into different food products. Along with her research work, she is currently co-supervising three PhD students.

Steven Wainaina

Steven älskar maskiner och trivs bäst när han får sköta om tekniken i labbet.

Steven is currently a Researcher at University of Borås. He obtained his PhD in Resource Recovery (specialization in Industrial Biotechnology) in 2020. He has a background in Mechanical Engineering and MSc in Sustainable Engineering. His research activities aim at developing sustainable bioprocesses using anaerobic digestion, membrane bioreactors and edible filamentous fungi.

In the Ways2Taste project, he has been working with design of the bioprocesses, especially scaling up of the fungal biomass production. He has also been assisting with troubleshooting and maintenance of the bioreactors.

He has published about 12 peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 book chapters. He is a life member of International Bioprocessing Association and an ordinary member of European Membrane Society.

Publication: Developing a food waste-based volatile fatty acids platform using a immersed membrane bioreactor.

Ways2taste i media - #Ways2taste

28 aug 2021 Länk till artikel Borås Tidning (kräver pren)

27 aug 2021 Inslag i P4 Sjuhärad (39:40 till ca 1:30:00).

Ways2taste på Högskolan i Borås

Ways2Taste drivs av Högskolan i Borås, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Innovatum Science Park med stöd från

Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden.

Kontakt för mer information: Professor Mohammad Taherzadeh, projektledare


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