Internationalisation Update Augusti/August
Internationalisation Update

Augusti 2019

An English version follows below


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“Internationally-minded, humane citizens are open to multiple perspectives of the world and are concerned about the common humanity of all people."
Dr Thushari Welikala, visiting lecturer in the faculty of life sciences and medicine at King’s College London in Universty World News.


From internationalisation to SDGs with President Ole Petter Ottersen and Prof. Jeanine Gregersen-Hermans

Välkommen till Mayo Clinic-KIs konferens

Samarbetet mellan Mayo Clinic och Karolinska Institutet startade för 25 år sedan. I år äger den årliga konferensen rum på KI 23-24 september. Anmälan är öppen till den 13 september och det finns ett särskilt spår för utbildningsfrågor. Du hittar information om de olika programpunkterna i konferensprogrammet och mer om samarbetet på


Internationella studenter välkomnas på campus den här veckan

De internationella studenterna välkomnas i vanlig ordning till KI med ett program under veckan innan terminsstart som innehåller bl a en intensivkurs i svenska och som avslutas på fredagen med en interaktiv workshop i kulturell kompetens och pizza med kåren. Programmet koordineras av de internationella handläggarna. I år väntas mer än 350 studenter från över 40 länder till välkomstdagarna.


Om studenters erfarenheter efter kortare utbyte 

Susanne Guidetti från arbetsterpeutprogrammet på NVS är en av medförfattarna till en nyligen publicerad artikel om studenters erfarenheter av kortare utbyten, s.k. "short-term mobility week". Studien gjordes vid tre olika europeiska lärosäten som alla erbjuder ett kortare program öppet för både lokala och internationella studenter. Resultaten från studien visar att utbytet stärker studenterna på flera plan, bland annat i deras profession och att erfarenheten ger ökad kulturell medvetenhet. Läs hela artikeln i Educational Research.


Nya internationella webben på medarbetarportalen

Före sommaren flyttade hela in i ny kostym. Vi har passat på att arbeta om sidorna för medarbetare som handlar om stöd för internationell samverkan. Där hittar du bland annat en aktuell karta över många av våra samarbeten. Hör gärna av dig till Internationella kansliet om det är information som du saknar eller som är svår att hitta?


Internationaliseringsrådet söker ledamöter

Är du intresserad av att bidra till KI:s internationalisering? Internationalisering har en stor och ökande betydelse för Karolinska Institutets forskning och utbildning, strategiskt, operativt och finansiellt. I nyligen beslutade Strategi 2030 är ett av tre strategiska vägval att KI ska vara ett globalt universitet. Läs mer om uppdraget och intresseanmälan på


KI uppåt i världsrankning

Karolinska Institutet hamnar på plats 38 i 2019 års Shanghai-ranking (ARWU – Academic Ranking of World Universities). Det är det bästa resultatet för KI under de 17 år som rankningen har gjorts. Förra årets placering var 44. I ämnesrankningarna (”Subject Ranking”) hamnar KI på plats 6 när det gäller “Nursing“, plats 5 för “Public Health” och plats 4 för “Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences“. Läs mer på Rektor bloggade också nyligen om KIs avancemang, dilemmat med rankingar men att KIs placeringar ändå är ett kvitto på kvalité.


På KI just nu: Amgen - inspirerar morgondagens forskare

Nyligen avslutade 15 studenter sina 8 veckors deltagande i KIs Amgen Scholars Program. Programmet avslutades med mingel och posterpresentationer av den forskning de bedrivit under sin tid här. Utöver laborationer och seminarier har studenterna också fått besöka bl a Nobelmuseet. En av deltagarna säger: "[...]It doesn't exist a word in English that can describe this Program. It was truly amazing, open-minding, exciting. It was a unique experience and I was glad I was part of it. I will never forget it.” Läs mer på



Nyfiken på hur EU-kommissionen arbetar?

Ansökan till utbytesprogrammet NEPT (National Experts in Professional Training) är öppen till 25 september. Programmet innebär en möjlighet för tjänstepersoner i offentlig förvaltning med akademisk examen eller kvalificerade handläggande arbetsuppgifter, att under tre till fem månader arbeta med myndighetsfrågor i EU-kommissionen. 10 personer väljs ut och praktikperioden börjar antingen den 1 eller 16 mars. Läs mer om programmet och ansökan på UHRs sida.


De 17 första ”Europauniversiteten” har valts ut 

EU-kommissionen presenterade den 26 juni de lärosäten som kommer att ingå i de första nätverken inom initiativet ”Europauniversitet". Bland de 54 ansökningarna har man utsett 17 Europauniversitet som samlar 114 lärosäten från 24 medlemsländer. Svenska lärosäten som finns bland de beviljade ansökningarna är Lunds, Linköpings, Göteborgs, Stockholms och handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Urvalet gjordes efter en utvärdering av 26 oberoende externa experter som utsetts av kommissionen. Läs hela pressmedelandet.


Strävan efter nya sätt att bli och att vara internationell

Internationalisering av högre utbildning har varit på agendan för regeringar och institutioner runt om i världen i årtionden. Men det finns en risk att internationaliseringen ökar ojämlikheten inom och mellan nationella och globala samhällen. Vad är framgångsrik internationalisering? Och hur vet vi om vi har uppnått det? Hans de Wit och Beatty Leask skriver i Unversity World News (på engelska).



UNESCOs digitala bibliotek - UNESDOC

UNESDOC är ett centralt verkyg för UNESCO i arbetet med att skapa "the defences of peace in the minds of men" framför allt genom "advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding, and encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including […] the exchange of publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest and other materials of information". Här hittar du bland annat boken Global citizenship education: topics and learning objectives.


Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC) i en podd - Jennifer Valcke om språk och internationalisering

I maj i år var Jennifer Valcke (UoL) inbjuden till en förening för språkcentra i fransktalande Belgien (ARILUF) för att tala om språket (eller språkens) roll i internationaliseringen av högre utbildning. Universitetet i Mons driver en podd "CLIL station" (Content and Language Integrated Learning) och passade på att intervjua Jennifer i samband med besöket. Lyssna till podden här.


31st Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, Helsingfors (Finland) 24-27 september 2019
Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education, 6th ICLHE Conference, Castellon (Spanien) 15-18 oktober 2019
ACA:The engaged university. Linking the global and the local, Bled (Slovenien)17-18 oktober
Internationaliseringsdagarna 2019 - Tema - Hållbar internationalisering, Göteborg 5-6 november
DAAD: Virtual Exchange – borderless mobility between the European Higher Education Area and regions beyond, Berlin (Tyskland) 11 december
ICER: 21st International Conference on Educational Research. Paris (Frankrike) 30–31 december 2019.

Internationalisation Update är ett nyhetsbrev som i första hand vänder sig till de som arbetar med internationalisering inom utbildning vid Karolinska Institutet. Nyhetsbrevet utkommer cirka en gång i månaden under terminstid.

Internationalisation Update ges ut från Internationella kansliet på Karolinska Institutet.
Redaktör är Emma Hägg. Kontakt:

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Research News

August 2019


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Welcome to the Mayo Clinic-KI Annual Meeting

The collaboration between Mayo Clinicand Karolinska Institutet started 25 years ago. This year, the annual conference takes place at KI 23-24 September. The registration is open until 13 September and there is a special track for Education. You will find more information about the speakers and the topics in the conference program and more information about the collaboration at


Welcoming international students on campus next week

The international students are welcomed to KI with an introduction week before the semester starts that includes an intensive course in Swedish and ends with an interactive workshop in cultural competence and pizza with the Students' Association (MF) on Friday. The extensive program is coordinated by the international coordinators at UFS. This year, more than 350 students from over 40 countries are expected to attend the orientation.


Higher education students’ experiences of a short-term international program

Susanne Guidetti frpm the study programme in Occupational Theraphy at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS) is one of the co-authors of a recently published article based on studies of students’ experiences of a short-term international program. The study was conducted at three European higher educations institutions offering shorter programs open to both local and international students. The results of the study show that engagement in a short-term mobility week program provided the students with greater confidence in the students’ own professional identities and an increasing sense of cultural awareness among other things. Read the full article in Educational Research


International pages for staff on in a "new costume"

Before summer, the entire was migrated into a "new costume". We took the opportunity to restructure the internal pages for staff involved in internationalisation. Among other things you will find an updated map covering many of our partnerships. Feel free to contact the International Relations Office if you are missing information or if information is difficult to find? Welcome to browse on the pages.


Are you interested in contributing to KI's internationalisation?

Internationalisation is of great and increasing importance to Karolinska Institutet's research and education, strategically, operationally and financially. According to Strategy 2030, one of three strategic choices is that KI should be a global university. Read more about the mission and how to sign up on


KI ranked higher than before

Karolinska Institutet is ranked as no.38 in the recently published 2019 Shanghai Ranking(ARWU - Academic Ranking of World Universities). This is the best position KI has had since the ranking started 17 years ago. Last year KI held no. 44. In the subject rankings ("Subject Ranking"), KI ranked 6th in "Nursing", 5th for "Public Health" and 4th for "Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences". Read more at (in Swedish). The President also recently blogged (in Swedish)about KI's advancement, the dilemma with rankings but also that KI's rankings are signs of quality.


Right now on campus: Amgen - inspiring researchers of tomorrow

Recently 15 students completed their 8 weeks in the Amgen Scholars Program at KI. The program ended with a mingle session and poster presentations of the research they conducted during the summer. In addition to laboratory work and seminars, students have also visited the Nobel Museum and other attractions. One of the participants says: "[...]It doesn't exist a word in English that can describe this Program. It was truly amazing, open-minded, exciting. It was a unique experience and I was glad I was part of I will never forget it." Read more at



Interested in learning more about how the EU-Commission works?

The application for the NEPT (National Experts in Professional Training) exchange program is open until 25 September. The program provides an opportunity for public administration officials with an academic degree or qualified administrative duties, to work on government issues in the European Commission for three to five months. 10 people are selected and the internship period starts either on 1 or 16 March. Read more about the program and the application on UHR's page (in Swedish).


The first 17 'European Universities' presented

On 26 June, the European Commission presented the higher education institutions (HEIs) that will be included in the first networks of the 'European Universites Initiative'. Out of 54 applications received, 17 European Universities involving 114 higher education institutions from 24 member states were selected. Swedish HEIs that are among the granted applications are the universities of Lund, Linköping, Gothenburg, Stockholm as well as Stcokholm School of Ecomomics. The selection was made after an evaluation of 26 independent external experts appointed by the Commission. Read the full press release.


Towards new ways of becoming and being international

Higher education internationalisation has been on the agendas of national governments and institutional leaders around the world for decades. But it could be that internationalisation increases inequality within and between national and global societies. What is successful internationalisation? And how do we know if we have achieved it? Hans de Wit and Beatty Leask discuss these matters in Unversity World News.



UNESCO's digital library UNESDOC

UNESDOC is a key tool for UNESCO in their work to create "the defenses of peace in the minds of men" above all by "advancing mutual knowledge and understanding, and encouraging cooperation among nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including [… ] the exchange of publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest and other materials of information ". Here you will find, among other things, the book Global citizenship education: topics and learning objectives.


Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC) in a podcast - Jennifer Valcke on languages and internationalisation

In May this year, Jennifer Valcke (UoL)was invited to the Association for Language Centers in French-speaking Belgium (ARILUF) to talk about the role of language (or languages) in the internationalisation of higher education. The University of Mons took the opportunity to interview Jennifer in their podcast "CLIL station" (Content and Language Integrated Learning) during her short visit. Listen to the pod here.


31st Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, Helsinki (Finland) 24-27 September 2019.
Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education, 6th ICLHE Conference, Castellon (Spain) 15-18 October 2019.
ACA:The engaged university. Linking the global and the local, Bled (Slovenia) 17-18 October
Internationaliseringsdagarna 2019 - Tema: Hållbar internationalisering, Göteborg 5-6 November

DAAD: Virtual Exchange – borderless mobility between the European Higher Education Area and regions beyond, Berlin (Germany) 11 December

ICER: 21st International Conference on Educational Research. Paris (France) 30–31 December 2019

Internationalisation Update is an internal newsletter for administrative and academic staff involved in internationalisation in the study programmes at Karolinska Institutet. The newsletter is published about once a month during the semester.

Internationalisation Update is edited from the International Relations Office at Karolinska Institutet. Editor: Emma Hägg. Contact:

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