Celsius Initiative's Newsletter - February 2021

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February 2021

National Action Plans for Retrofitting DHCHC

In order to decarbonise the energy system, it is essential to implement practicable and available solutions as soon as possible. To decarbonise the heating sector, this transition needs to be systematically defined, so that all those relevant stakeholders at the EU, national and local level, are involved in a harmonised way.

Hence, Celsius has partnered-up with the UpgradeDH and KeepWarm projects for this month's newsletter and webinar. The main objective is to support further uptake and retrofitting of district heating in Europe, particulary by focusing on recommendations for national governments and local authorities on how to approach DHS retrofitting.

Below you will find some concrete examples at European, national and city levels. Next week you are kindly invited to join us on Tuesday February 23 at 09:30 CET for the Celsius Talk on "Retrofitting DHC – How to develop a successful action plan".

Learn more and register for the webinar here!

A multi-governance approach


The European Green Deal's "Fit for 55 Package"

The initiatives identified in the “Fit for 55 Package” provide a great opportunity for the heating and cooling sector to play a key role in the decarbonisation of the EU economy. Find out more about the plans of the European Commission for 2021 and the most important pieces of legislation for the DHC sector at European level.

Looking at the EU level

Supporting modernisation of district heating systems at a national level in Central and Eastern Europe.

KeepWarm provides recommendations to policy-makers for the development of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) working to accelerate investments to retrofit existing inefficient heat networks, improve system operations, and switch to renewable energy and waste heat sources.

Developing national action plans

Urban Thermal Energy Planning

For the first time, cities have to develop their vision for a CO2-neutral heat supply towards 2050 in the state of Baden-Württemberg, South-West Germany. By successfully adopting the Danish example to German boundary conditions, this experience can be used as a role model for other regions and states.

Acting at a city level

From the Celsius Toolbox


Transition strategies for delivering low carbon district heat


Utility-side optimisation: delivering the right temperature at the right time


Strategies for decreasing peak loads and energy use

The HeatNet NWE project aims to introduce 4th generation DHC (4DHC) – a low-temperature distribution system – in North West Europe. Here are six guides to minimise heat loss, integrate energy storage and renewable energy sources, and supply multiple low energy buildings


To foresee rapid changes in consumption and weather conditions and adjust the delivery in a district energy system with an inherent inertia is quite an art to master. Here are some strategies & tools for optimisaton on the utility-side.


Sharp peaks in the load of a DH-system is often problematic. Additional production capacity must be added to the system, often at very short notice due to change in in consumption and/or in weather conditions. Here are some strategies to minimize these peaks with different methods.

Transition Strategies
Flexibility Strategies
Peak-load strategies
More Articles - More Knowledge - More from the Toolbox

Last month's webinar


As the general trend in the energy sector and the supporting policies aim towards 100% renewable energies for 2050, upgrading heat generation with renewable energy sources and including innovative heat storage technologies will be key.

The goal is clear but how to get there is uncertain and will vary from city to city. During this webinar you will find exambles for inspiration

Webinar recordning and presentation slides

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