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Highlights from Mobility Day 2023 – Last week’s Mobility Day was a platform for fresh insights, valuable networking, and building new connections. The spotlight was on cutting-edge technologies, innovative business approaches, and the changes in behavior needed for a more sustainable tomorrow.

We have also taken time to celebrate local innovation with our Kista All Stars, recognizing the achievements and hard work within our community. Additionally, we kicked off a Welcome Week for students, setting the stage for a new wave of talent that's just starting their journey in Kista.

Looking ahead, we’re preparing for an eventful fall here in Kista Science City. For all the upcoming activities and opportunities, don't forget to check out the event calendar below.

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Last week the annual Mobility Day was held in Kista Science City. The event gathered innovators, policymakers and industry-leaders to engage in discussions on how to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility. The day was filled with insightful talks, in-depth seminars and exciting tech demos. Key takeaways included:

- Innovation and long-term strategies are essential for driving Stockholm's transportation objectives.

- Collaboration is a crucial factor in accelerating the city's transition to a more sustainable transportation ecosystem.

- New policies and infrastructure initiatives are needed to facilitate a shift in public behavior toward sustainable mobility.

Mobility Day 2023 successfully helped raise the awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility. We look forward to discussing this further in the years to come.

Watch the opening session




How can data make our transportation systems more efficient, eco-friendly, and tailored to people's needs? During Mobility Day 2023, experts in the field took on this big question, discussing how data isn't just about numbers - it's a key tool for making urban mobility smarter and more sustainable.

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How can drones help cities become safer, more efficient, and sustainable? Experts in urban mobility and drone technology addressed the transformative potential and challenges of integrating drones into urban transportation systems.

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The interactive open-air exhibition at Mobility Day 2023 featured a variety of sustainable mobility solutions, ranging from life-saving drones to innovative robots and remote-controlled vehicles.


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Welcome Week is an annual event that serves as a bridge between academic life and professional opportunities. It offers students a deeper understanding of the Kista community through a variety of events, ranging from industry-focused seminars to casual networking lunches and interactive tech demos.

For companies, this event provides a great opportunity to forge connections with students that can grow not just during Welcome Week, but also year-round.

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Throughout 2023, many innovators and companies from Kista have earned recognition and prestigious awards. To celebrate their achievements, we're presenting Kista All Stars.

Kista All Stars highlights the dedication, courage, and hard work of these individuals and organizations. It also reflects the rich and diverse talent we have among us in Kista, from pioneering technological advancements to innovative startups and leaders driving sustainability, education, and community engagement. Their contributions pave the way for a brighter future.

The full list of Kista All Stars is available via link below.

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IVA highlights work on toxic language


Lisa Kaati at Department of Computer and System Sciences, Stockholm University, is one of the researchers on this year's IVA 100 list. Lisa's research includes toxic language, threats, and hate speech online. Read more about "Hatescan" in this article from SU.

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Munters - A turnaround success

Affärsvärlden has recognized Munters as a "turnaround success" as the company has increased stock price by 217% in four years. CEO Klas Forsström credits the success to understanding customer needs, simplifying the business, and investing in innovation.

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Maven Wireless growing rapidly


Kista-based Maven Wireless develops and sells products for wireless coverage indoors and in public spaces. Dagens Industri talked to CEO Fredrik Ekström on recent wins and future growth.

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Lunch Stories with Fujitsu, September 7


Lunch Stories is a student event that bridges students and businesses in Kista. Our next Lunch Stories session features Malin Meander Utterström from Fujitsu on September 7.

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Lunchtime webinar Cyber Range, September 7

RISE invites to a lunch webinar "Mind the skill gap - Cybersecurity training required".

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Connecting the Dots, September 7

Sigma Connectivity WSI invites to a seminar on platform strategies in product development.

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RISE Computer Science and AI Open House, September 14


RISE welcomes you to a special Open House dedicated to the fields of Computer Science and AI. Explore cutting-edge advancements in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, IoT, data centers, and more.

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Kistaloppet, September 16

Experience the vibrant energy of Kista with every step! Kistaloppet blends physical activity with great opportunities to strengthen community ties.

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Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop, September 25

Swe-CTW offers a platform for researchers and students in communication tech to connect, exchange insights, build connections, and contribute to progress.

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Tech Tuesday, October 3

Get the latest findings and trends shared over breakfast with friends from Kista's tech community.

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KTH Thesis fair, October 11

Find your future employees at the KTH thesis fair 2023. This a unique opportunity for businesses and research groups to find future employees. Every year, over 50 businesses and research groups participate in the fair, which attracts thousands of students from KTH.

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We Run Kista, August to November

Boost your well-being and elevate your fitness with free lunchtime runs with professional coaches. Every Monday and Wednesday from August 14 to November 8.

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