October 2022

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Note: visit our homepage for latest neuroscience events. If you are adding your own neuroscience event on the KI calendar, be sure to tag them with "StratNeuro" so that it appears on our event list.



Neuroscience seminar series for doctoral students:

"Alzheimer's disease - from amyloid generation to microglial contributions"

Speaker: Christian Haass, Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich.

Date and time: 19th October, 10:00 AM

Location: Zoom

Register and info


"Sleep disruption by cannabis and alcohol in murine models"

Professor David Lovinger, Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, US National Institutes of Health, Rockville, USA

Hosted by Karima Chergui (FyFa, KI)

Date: 7th November at 10.00 – 11.00.

Location: BioClinicum, J3:11 Birger & Margareta Blombäck room.

More info

StratNeuro Lunch Seminar Series

Topic: Neuroepigenetics

“Histone H3 mutations in cancer and neurodegeneration”

Nada Jabado (McGill University, Canada) (photo: jabadolab.com)

“PRC2-mediated repression is essential to maintain identity and function of differentiated dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons”

Johan Holmberg (CMB, KI) (photo by Ulf Sirborn)

Date and time: 7th November, 12:00-13:00 PM

Location: Eva & George Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum (& Zoom)

Hosted by Gonçalo Castelo-Branco (MBB, KI)


We will have a short mingle at the entrance of Biomedicum after the seminar, with coffee and sandwiches (first-come-first-served).

You can also join the seminar via Zoom.

Click KI calendar link below for more info and zoom link

KI Calendar

Swedish Basal Ganglia Society (SWEBAGS)

Check out all Swedish Basal Ganglia Society's events in the link below


SWEBAGS Conference 2022

Date: 30th of November

Format: Webinar

3 keynote speakers confirmed:

Stephanie Cragg (University of Oxford)
Nicolas Tritsch (New York University)
Ilana Witten (Princeton Neuroscience Institute)


Information and link to register:

SWEBAGS Conference

All "Preserving the brain" Scientific workshops and conference available on-demand on Youtube:

Preserving the brain on Youtube

Preserving the Brain was a forum on neurodegenerative diseases held in September and early October 2022, part of the “Human Brains” initiative by Fondazione Prada. The Karolinska Institute is one of thirteen of the most prestigious international neuroscience institutes and universities who partnered in this project.

You can also watch highlights from the exhibition, to which KI submitted 5 images/videos, here.



StratNeuro Retreat


29th - 30th May 2023

Mark your calendars: on 29th-30th May 2023 - The StratNeuro Retreat will be in Djurönäset.

If you haven't yet been to one of our retreats and want to know more about our meeting, check out the summary from 2022.

We will open registrations in January/February 2023.

Info on KI calendar

Brain awareness week

March 13-19, 2023

The Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, organised by the Dana Foundation.

Contribute with proposals for public lectures, symposia, panel discussions, movie night, open houses at our labs, or other activities. Ideas are welcome!

Find inspiration from past events here, and get in touch with us at StratNeuro@ki.se.

StratNeuro will support contributions from KI, and you may also apply for funding from FENS here.


Courses/Education News


The course catalogue for the spring semester of 2023 now open for applications


9 courses in the Neuroscience program, including 3 new courses, are open for applications.

Read more and apply, following this link

course catalogue VT23

StratNeuro-supported publications


Remember to acknowledge StratNeuro support on your papers, and tell us about your publications: stratneuro@ki.se

The Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (StratNeuro)



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