StratNeuro Funding for postdoctoral researchers

March 2024


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StratNeuro Funding for postdoctoral researchers

StratNeuro, announces up to ten grants to support postdoctoral researchers at Karolinska Institutet.

This StratNeuro funding aims to support outstanding postdoctoral researchers in basic and clinical neuroscience who are already conducting research at KI and need support to continue and complete their projects.

Read more and apply by 22nd May 2024

StratNeuro Lunch Seminars

Tuesday 19th March, 12:00

Sune Bergström Lecture hall, BioClinicum.

"Facilitating the use of AD biomarkers in clinical routine -

A pretty Swedish perspective"

Speaker: Michael Schöll is Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Gothenburg.

Sandwiches and coffee offered

Host:Anton Forsberg Morén (CNS, KI)

More information and zoom link

Monday 15th April, 11:00-12:30.

Eva & Georg Klein, Biomedicum, Solna

"Neural organization of peripheral somatosensory representation and its remodeling"

Speaker: Marcin Szczot, Associate Professor at Linköping University.

Host: Alessandro Furlan, (NEURO, KI)

"Diverse sensory neurons in the gastrointestinal tract"


Speaker: David Lindén, Associate Professor at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, US

Host: Ulrika Marklund, (MBB, KI)

Sandwiches and coffee offered

More information and zoom link
Click here for more information

Seminars on brain imaging

The Center for Alzheimer Research hosts this Friday, 22nd March, 13:00, two imaging seminars focused on Machine/deep learning applications in neuroimaging

Read more and Zoom link

The new CNS Division of Imaging Core Facilities is hosting a series of seminars called "Hot-topics in multimodal imaging"

This seminar series is focused on multimodal imaging. We will cover the latest research in the fields of Neurology, Psychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience and will give our audience an overview of the state-of-the-art instruments, computational and AI assisted data analysis being applied in the field by top international researchers.

25th April, 13:00

"Body-first and brain-first model in Parkinson´s disease: evidences from PET and MRI imaging"

Speaker: Per Borghammer, Clinical Professor at Department of Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine and PET at Aarhus University.

Host: Andrea Varrone (CNS, KI)

Read more and Zoom link

14th May, 13:00

"TSPO and MRI imaging in multiple sclerosis"


Speaker: Laura Airas, Professor of Neuroimmunology, Medical school of the University of Turku.

Host: Andrea Varrone (CNS, KI)

Read more and Zoom link

StratNeuro awards new technologies grant.

StratNeuro has awarded four researchers a total of 6,400,000 SEK in this new funding initiative aimed at supporting new technologies and methods to study the nervous system.

Read more

A journey through the brain

StratNeuro's outreach initiative

Last week was the international brain awareness week. On the 11th march, StratNeuro hosted a public symposium attended by around 300 members of the general public, and followed live by over 500 online viewers. Open lectures were given by Armita Gölkar, Johan Lundberg, Johan Lundström and Kristiina Tammimies. Anders Hansen (Psychiatrist, author and SVT show presenter), moderated and led a Q&A with the public. Over 20 volunteer researchers brought interactive and fun activities for the public interested to know more about the research we do at the Karolinska Institute.


Photos: Julia Spielbauer

KI Play link with recording of the symposium livestream (Swedish only)

NeurotechEU events, courses, workshops

European University of Brain and Technology

Karolinska Institutet is part of the European University of Brain and Technology - NeurotechEU, which is an alliance between eight European universities with the goal to build a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies to increase the competitiveness of European education, research, economy and society. Visit the NeurotechEU webpage, and subscribe to their media channels, for a growing number of courses, workshops, seminars and other events for neuroscientists in the alliance.

NeurotechEU homepage

Recent publications from StratNeuro-supported authors

Remember to acknowledge StratNeuro support on your papers, and tell us about your publications:

Chen SY, Ahlqvist VH, Sjöqvist H, Stephansson O, Magnusson C, Dalman C, Karlsson H, Lee BK, Gardner RM. Maternal intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and neurodevelopmental conditions in offspring: A population-based cohort study of 2 million Swedish children. Plos Medicine. 2024;21(1).

Dartora C, Marseglia A, Mårtensson G, Rukh G, Dang JH, Muehlboeck JS, Wahlund LO, Moreno R, Barroso J, Ferreira D, Schiöth HB, Westman E, Alzheimer's Dis N, Australian Imaging B, Japanese Alzheimer's D, AddNeuroMed C. A deep learning model for brain age prediction using minimally preprocessed T1w images as input. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2024;15.

The Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (StratNeuro)


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