Newsletter from EfD

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Newsletter from EfD

August 2024


Dear friends of EfD,

The details for the 2024 EfD Annual Meeting in Nairobi, October 3-6, are now coming together. The meeting has become the main global conference on the application of environmental economics in the Global South. This year we had 172 papers submitted and 148 accepted and we expect about 150 people to participate in the meeting. We also have an exciting line-up for our plenary sessions. After the official opening, we have one of EfD’s founding directors, Francisco Alpizar, professor at Wageningen University, to talk about A coordinated research agenda on plastics and human behavior: the EfD experience. On the second day, we have a session on new frontiers for EfD with Carolyn Fischer, Research Manager at the Development Research Group of the World Bank, about Climate policies, international trade, and developing economies.

The conference will this year be co-hosted by the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AfAERE) so the third day will have an AfAERE plenary session with Josephine Musango, Senior Researcher at Gauteng City-Region Observatory, talking about Africa’s inclusive energy transitions quadrilemma: opportunities and challenges, and Wisdom Akpalu, Dean, School of Research and Graduate Studies at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, on Fishery policies in Africa. On the last day of the meeting, there will be a panel discussion on the experiences and future of Natural Capital Accounting in Africa with Pushpam Kumar, Chief Environmental Economist, United Nations Environment Programme, Jane Turpie, University of Cape Town, and Kevin Urama, Chief Economist and Vice President for Economic Governance & Knowledge Management, African Development Bank Group. In addition, there will be many back-to-back meetings for the EfD collaborative programs and with the attending partners. We are very much looking forward to seeing many of you there!

And as you can see below, there is so much more going on in the EfD network! Please enjoy and share the latest news and research.

Gunnar Köhlin, Director


Aquaculture can balance sustainability and growth

Aquaculture. Photo: Pixabay.

Aquaculture, the fastest-growing food production technology, faces scrutiny over its environmental impact and social consequences. As the oceans' condition worsens and more species become endangered or extinct, aquaculture is overtaking fisheries as the main source of seafood for human consumption. A recent study offers insights into the sustainability of aquaculture.

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EfD Nigeria study raises hope for success of REDD+ project in Nigeria

Nigerian forest. Photo: Shutterstock.

Research conducted by scholars from EfD Nigeria has revealed that many communities in the Cross River State, Nigeria, are willing to engage in endeavors to conserve Nigerian forests by implementing the REDD+ initiative.

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Successful launch of the Inclusive Green Economy in Practice Forum

IGE Forum

IGE Forums were held in five countries. In Uganda, the Minister of Energy (3rd from left, front row, as well as the Swedish Ambassador (not in this picture) attended the event. Photo: EfD Uganda.

The Inclusive Green Economy in Practice Program has launched a new important event: The annual, national IGE Forums, which is the main event for disseminating knowledge from the program. The first IGE Forums took place in July and August 2024 and attracted the attendance of very high-level participants and media attention.

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Stakeholders discussed water management practices and resource conservation

Water management discussions

Stakeholders discussing social and gender issues regarding water management. Photo: EfD Kenya.

Women are disproportionately affected by the water crisis, as they are often responsible for collecting water. This takes time away from work, school, and caring for family. The lack of water and sanitation locks women in a cycle of poverty. Thus, there is a need for sustainable solutions. This was the topic of the discussions hosted by EfD Kenya.

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EfD Nigeria partners with NCCC to develop carbon tax framework for Nigeria

Some of the participants at the technical workshop on carbon tax organized by EfD Nigeria and EfD Ghana. Photo: Inya Agha Egwu.

EfD Nigeria is partnering with the National Climate Change Council (NCCC) to develop a framework for the implementation of carbon tax in Nigeria in line with the provisions of the country’s Climate Change Act. NCCC is a government agency responsible for the implementation of Nigeria’s Climate Change Act.

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EfD Ghana trains students, and researchers from three universities in CLEWS Framework

Francis Atsu leads the CLEWS training session, engaging participants with in-depth insights on sustainable resource use. Photo: EfD Ghana.

EfD Ghana organized a training session for students and early career researchers aiming to build their capacity on the Climate, Land, Energy, and Water Systems (CLEWS) framework. The workshop involved participants from the University of Ghana (UG), the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), and the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD).

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The ACCESS Forum 2024 strengthens ties between Chilean and Swedish academics

The Academic Collaboration Chile-Sweden ACCESS Forum 2024, was attended by EfD Chile Director Marcela Jaime as well as the Chilean President and Minister of Science, among others. This event provided a unique opportunity for academic communities from various disciplines in both countries to connect and share experiences, as well as to consolidate and strengthen existing ties.

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EfD Ghana workshop explores innovative insurance solutions for fisherfolks

Photo: EfD Ghana.

Engaging stakeholders is crucial for ensuring that research address their needs effectively. Recognizing this, EfD Ghana invited a diverse group of possible research beneficiaries selected from the fisheries sector, regulatory agencies, banking, and insurance industry to explore innovative insurance solutions for small-scale fisheries in Ghana.

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EfD Uganda researchers gain insights from oil and gas community visits

Researchers at the first oil well at Kasemene site one. Photo: EfD Uganda.

A team of environmental economists from Makerere University visited Uganda's Albertine oil fields to assess ongoing oil and gas operations and explore potential research and collaboration opportunities. The visit, conducted by EfD Uganda, covered the districts of Hoima, Buliisa, and Kikuube. The initiative aimed to bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, focusing on the interaction between oil extraction activities and local communities, environmental management, and sustainable development.

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Energy security and renewable energy are the key challenges in Colombia’s energy transition


Bruno Goulart de Freitas Machado (Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Electricity - ANEEL) shares experiences from Brazil. Photo by Dept of Economics, UniAndes.

Researchers and stakeholders discussed these challenges at an event at Los Andes University in Bogotá. They agreed that universities have an important role in providing scientific-based information and gathering social actors to work on these topics collectively.

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Kenyan stakeholders discussed climate adaptation through Just Resilience


Some of the participants from the transport, waste, energy, and agriculture sectors at the workshop discuss Just Resilience. Photo: EfD Kenya.

There is a growing recognition of the need for Just Resilience – an approach that emphasizes inclusive climate adaptation strategies and prioritizes the needs of vulnerable populations. This concept and the challenges to achieve it were discussed at a stakeholder workshop organized by EfD Kenya on July 12, 2024.

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SETI 2024 Annual Workshop sparked ideas and global collaboration

Screen shot

SETI fellows at the SETI Annual Workshop 2024.

The 2024 SETI Annual Workshop, held on June 18-19, brought together a vibrant network of researchers, policymakers, and students for an engaging exchange of ideas and groundbreaking research. The event highlighted the importance of collaboration and evidence-based policymaking in addressing the multifaceted challenges of global energy transitions, with a particular focus on the Global South.

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EfD researcher Jessica Coria appointed visiting faculty at a leading French university

Jessica Coria. Photo: Petra Hansson.

The prestigious institution Sciences Po, where presidents and other high-level officials have received their education, will be Jessica Coria's workplace from August to December this year. “Paris is a hub for environmental economics, and Sciences Po is leading the way, so this is an amazing opportunity for learning and networking,” she says.

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Selected publications

Titanic lessons for Spaceship Earth to account for human behavior in institutional design

Combating environmental degradation requires global cooperation. The authors argue that institutional designs for such efforts need to account for human behavior. The voyage of the Titanic serves as an analogous case to learn from, and they use behavioral insights to identify critical aspects of human behavior that serve as barriers or opportunities for addressing the challenges we face.

Therese Lindahl, John M. Anderies, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Krisztina Jónás, Caroline Schill, Juan Camilo Cárdenas, Carl Folke, Gert Jan Hofstede, Marco A. Janssen, Jean-Denis Mathias, Stephen Polasky
Climate Action, July 2024.


The effect of information about hazardous chemicals in consumer products on behaviour – A systematic review

Exposure to hazardous chemicals in consumer products poses significant risks to personal health and the environment, This necessitates informed and effective policies for risk reduction. This systematic review aims to identify and analyze existing evidence on how consumer preferences, product use, and product disposal are affected by information and by price interventions.

Anders Boman, Mécia Miguel, Ida Andersson, Daniel Slunge
Science of The Total Environment, August 2024.


The health benefits of solar power generation: Evidence from Chile

Renewable energy can yield social benefits through local air quality improvements and their subsequent effects on human health. The authors estimate some of these benefits using data gathered during the rapid adoption of large-scale solar power generation in Chile over the last decade.

Nathaly M. Rivera, J. Cristobal Ruiz-Tagle, Elisheba Spiller
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, July 2024.


Global governance through voluntary sustainability standards: Developments, trends and challenges.

Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) are transnational governance instruments that can be leveraged to pursue sustainable development in global value chains. This paper shares some key insights from the considerable body of literature that has analysed the role of these instruments for sustainable production and trade.

Ximena Rueda el al.
Global Policy. Portico. June 2024.


Managing Trade-Offs Between Communities’ Welfare and Nature Conservation: The Case of Wildlife Management Systems in and Outside Protected Areas in Africa

Analyzing and managing trade-offs between community welfare and wildlife conservation are complex tasks that require considering many factors. Bioeconomic modeling provides a structured framework for understanding the complex interactions between biological systems and economic activities, aiding in crafting sustainable conservation and development strategies.

Edwin Muchapondwa, Herbert Ntuli
Annual Review of Resource Economics, July 2024.


A regression discontinuity assessment of the differential impacts of China’s Natural Forest Protection Program across forestland property right regimes

China’s Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) is the country’s flagship program for forest conservation and restoration. The program primarily targets state-owned forestland but has also enrolled large areas of semi-private forestland held by village households. The authors' statistical analyses find that the NFPP has a moderately positive effect on forest cover, especially on forestland held by village households.

Qi Liu, Shilei Liu, Zhaoyang Liu, Jintao Xu, Andreas Kontoleon


Spillover effects of an environmental campaign on policy support

This paper investigates the spillover effect of an environmental campaign on the support for policies within and across other domains. The environmental campaign focused on single-use plastics, and the authours find increased support for stricter plastic policies. However, support for environmental policies in other domains, such as climate change, is unaffected or even decreasing, evidencing a negative spillover effect on the support for policies in domains not targeted by the campaign

Zihan Nie, Thong Q. Ho, Francisco Alpízar, Fredrik Carlsson, Pham Khanh Nam
EfD Discussion Paper 2024-11

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EfD Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting poster

The 18th Annual Meeting will take place in Nairobi, Kenya on October 3-6, 2024. This year, it will be a joint event with AFAERE.

A Policy Day Policy Day on Policy Instruments for a Just and Inclusive Transition in the Energy and Transport sectors in East Africa will be held on October 2.

A novelty is the EfD Gender Analysis Award (Deadline for submissions: September 15!).

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EfD Webinar Series: Lunyu Xie

webinar poster

Welcome to attend this free online EfD Webinar!
Time: September 26, 13.00 (1 pm) CEST.
Presenter: Lunyu Xie.
Topic: "Central environmental protection inspection, short-term strategic behavior, and air pollution in China".

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SUSEET 2.0, Summer School in Environmental Taxation & Policies

SUSEET 2.0 has been designed to provide participants with expertise on environmental taxation and policies, useful both for the construction of an academic career and for a professional one, contributing to the creation of a new generation of environmental tax lawyers and economists.

Date: Sept 9-14, 2024.
Location: University Federico II in Naples, Italy and online.

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Online course in Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is offering a Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health program.
In this online course, Lisa A. Robinson, a leading Harvard expert on benefit-cost analysis, will aid you in understanding the basic analytic framework and its application globally.

Date: Sept 16-20, 2024.
Location: Online.

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25th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET) | Stellenbosch

The GCET is the leading global forum for interdisciplinary exchanges on the principles and practices of market-based instruments for addressing climate change, protecting the environment, and promoting a just energy transition.

Date: Sept 18-16, 2024.
Location: Stellenbosch University’s Business School.

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SBCA 2024 European Conference


The conference aims to promote and improve the theory and application of the tools of benefit-cost analysis (BCA); that is, to have both a research and policy focus and to provide a forum for scientific exchange.

Date: Sept 19-20, 2024.
Location: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.

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Job openings

The Center for Global Development (CGD) hires Fellows and Senior Fellows

The Center is seeking to hire Fellows or Senior Fellows, depending on career level and experience, in both Washington and London to lead one or more areas of research including but not limited to global health, sustainable development finance, education and sustainable agriculture.

Application deadline: Sept. 20, 2024.

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Senior Gender Equality and Inclusive Development Specialist

EnCompass LLC is seeking a Senior Gender Equality and Inclusive Development Specialist for their Gender Equity and Inclusive Practices (GE&IP) team who manages and provides technical assistance to assigned task orders and contracts related to gender equality and inclusive development

Application deadline:Not specified.

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Research briefs

Are you interested in research on environment and development, but prefer to read a summary of the most important findings? Then you must check out our research briefs! You will find much of our research presented in a short and easy-to-read version on our website.

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