Newsletter from EfD

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Newsletter from EfD

April 2024


Dear friends of EfD,

Welcome to the April edition of the EfD Newsletter that features, among other things, two exciting blogs – one on the impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine on poor people in Nairobi, Kenya, and one on the “penalty” of childbearing on women’s incomes and careers, something that is particularly evident in economics. There is also research of course, such as how increased forest cover can reduce dengue fever, and how economic reasoning can help preserve sacred forests in Nigeria. It’s also encouraging how participants in the Inclusive Green Economy program have now started to create alumni activities. This and much more below.

Please enjoy and share the latest news and research from the EfD network!

Gunnar Köhlin, Director


EfD’s Annual Meeting in 2024 will be a joint event with AFAERE

Nnaemeka Chukwuone, President of AFAERE, and Gunnar Köhlin, Director of EfD, are looking forward to the joint event.

EfD’s Annual Meeting in October will, as usual, feature keynote speakers, parallel sessions with research presentations, training sessions, a policy day, and other events. An exciting novelty is that this year it will be a joint event with the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE).

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Blog - Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI)

What impact did the Russian-Ukrainian war have on energy and food security in urban Sub-Saharan Africa in 2022?


Figure 2. Mukuru informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. The location of the study. Photo: EfD/SETI.

With the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022, energy markets became highly volatile due to sanctions and oil embargos placed on Russia by Western countries. As a result, the price of food and energy increased worldwide due to supply chain disruptions. It seems probable that this caused a substantial rise in the number of households experiencing energy and food security globally. Read this blog post about current research!

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Blog - EfD Vietnam

"Child penalty" – how having children affects women's careers


Photo: Pexels, August de Richelieu.

In a world where gender inequality is already prevalent in social environments and labor markets, the decision to have children further tilts the scale against women. This blog post by EfD researcher Dang Dinh Thang highlights some striking research on this topic.

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EfD Central America

Forest cover could reduce hospital admissions caused by dengue fever


The mosquito known as Aedes aegypti is the vector of several viruses including dengue. Photo: Haci Elmas, Unsplash.

A new article published in the Environmental and Resources Economics journal estimates the marginal effects of increasing forest cover on dengue prevalence in Costa Rica. The study shows that an increased forest cover could have a very positive impact. Read more about this interesting study!

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EfD Nigeria

Cultural reasons are no longer enough to conserve sacred forests in Nigeria

Photo: Pexels.

Researchers have challenged the Nigerian traditional approach to managing sacred forests, stating that conserving the forests only for cultural purposes lacks sustainability in the face of cultural shifts and economic developments. Read more about this interesting study!

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Inclusive Green Economy in Practice program

The struggle to reduce biomass dependency may be gaining momentum

IGE Fellows

IGE Fellows and support teams from five countries gathered in Arusha to discuss the best policies for a transition to clean cooking. Photo: Petra Hansson.

Twenty civil servants from five East African countries met with 16 EfD researchers over four intense days to share knowledge and experience of policies to increase the use of clean cooking technologies. The barriers to adopt clean cooking are similar in all five countries but the strategies for addressing them differ, leading to extremely productive discussions. Read more about this!

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Past and current IGE fellows convene to chart path for stronger alumni network

IGE Fellows and alumni

IGE fellows. Photo: EfD Kenya

Previous Kenyan participants in the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) program joined forces with the country’s 2023 cohort of IGE fellows to strategize the future trajectory of the program, tailored for civil servants in East Africa. Several discussions to help develop a strong IGE alumni were raised. Read more about this initiative!

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SCOPE Collaborative Program

TRANSPATH aims at a sustainable consumption, production, and relationship with nature

Participants in the meeting


Approximately 25 people from the Czech Republic, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ghana, and Costa Rica participated in the second meeting of the Transformative Pathways (TRANSPATH) Consortium. TRANSPATH aims among others at finding relationships between trade policies and biodiversity and the role of the financial sector in positive value chains. Read more about project!

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On the perils of environmentally friendly alternatives

Environmentally friendly alternatives (EFA) are touted as a key component of a transition towards lowering the impact of human activity on the environment. Still, the environmental costs are seldom null; they are simply less damaging. This paper investigates consumer behavior when an EFA is introduced.

Francisco Alpizar, Fredrik Carlsson, Gracia Lanza
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, April 2024.


Extreme temperatures and school performance of the poor: Evidence from Mexico

As the risks associated with climate change intensify, understanding its impacts on human capital development is crucial. This paper analyzes the causal effects of temperature on the academic performance of students in Mexico, a middle-income country facing significant climate risks and socioeconomic challenges.

Eva O. Arceo-Gomez, Alejandro López-Feldman
Economics Letters, April 2024.


Water supply interruptions are associated with more frequent stressful behaviors and emotions but mitigated by predictability: A multisite study

Survey data from 2,873 households in 9 middle-income countries have been used to assess whether water supply interruptions and the predictability of interruptions were related to stressful behaviors and emotional distress.

Patrick Thomson, Amber L. Pearson, Emily Kumpel, Danice B. Guzmán, Cassandra L. Workman, David Fuente, Amber Wutich, Justin Stoler
Environmental Science and Technology, April 2024.


What is the economic value of coastal and marine ecosystem services? A systematic literature review

This paper examines the economic value of marine and coastal ecosystem services by analyzing 67 studies published in scientific literature. It appraises, collects, and analyzes economic valuations, combining a systematic literature review and meta-analysis regressions.

Jose D. Lopez-Rivas, Juan-Camilo Cardenas.
Marine Policy, March 2024.


Environmental Justice Beyond Race: Skin Tone and Exposure to Air Pollution

This study presents novel findings that quantify and decompose the link between skin tone and ambient air pollution exposure in Colombia, moving beyond conventional race and ethnicity variables.

Sandra Aguilar-Gomez, Juan-Camilo Cárdenas, Ricardo Salas Díaz.
Discussion paper, Universidad de los Andes, March 2024.

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EfD's Annual Meeting - call for papers

18th Annual Meeting

The 18th Annual Meeting will take place in Nairobi, Kenya on October 3-6, 2024. This year, it will be a joint event with AFAERE. A Policy Day will be held on October 2.

Submission deadline: June 2, 2024.

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Climate and biodiversity crises: what is the role of economics?

The symposium ‘Climate and biodiversity crises: what is the role of economics?’ will be held in Omnia, Wagening 10 - 14.30, before the inaugural lecture of Prof. Francisco Alpízar.

Speakers: Sir Partha Dasgupta, Thomas Sterner, Dale Whittington, Åsa Löfgren, Carolyn Fischer.

Date: May 16, 2024.
Place: Wageningen.

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EEU Seminar with Jacqueline Adelowo


The seminar will be held by Jacqueline Adelowo. The title of the paper she will be presenting is Household adaptation following climate-change-induced extreme weather events.

Date: June 10, 2024 at 12.10 CEST.
Place: Online and at the University of Gothenburg.


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Early Career Workshop on the environment, climate change and disasters.

The Social Sciences Area of the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila (GSSI) will host an Early Career Workshop on the Environment, Climate Change, and Disasters - Socio-economic Impacts and Adaptation.

Date: June 5-6, 2024.
Place: L'Aquila, Italy.

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SETI 2024 Annual Workshop

The Ninth Annual Workshop of the Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) will take place via Zoom.
The meeting brings together leading experts working on sustainable energy transition from many perspectives and organizations, with a strong emphasis on economics and policy.

Date: June 18-19, 2024.

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25th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation

The 25th GCET is being held for the first time on the African continent. The GCET provides a global platform to foster participatory and inclusive climate change dialogue between the Global North and South. Environmental taxation and other market-based instruments is critical in achieving a just energy transition, particularly in development contexts.

Submission deadline: May 1, 2024.
Date: September 18-20, 2024.
Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa

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SBCA 2024 European Conference

The SBCA 2024 European Conference will be held in Poland this year. The conference aims to promote and improve the theory and application of the tools of benefit-cost analysis; that is, to have both a research and policy focus and to provide a forum for scientific exchange.

Submission deadline: May 30, 2024. Date: September 19-20, 2024.
Place: University of Warsaw, Poland.


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