CORDEX Newsletter November

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Logga för CORDEX - Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment

Polar CORDEX annual meeting

The annual Polar CORDEX meeting took place in Utrecht, Netherlands on 4-6 October. 25 researchers from Europe, North America and Asia participated in this hybrid meeting. The aim of the meeting was to have scientific exchange of Polar CORDEX and related groups on ongoing research including presentations and discussions.

Read about the discussions and the outcome here: Polar CORDEX annual meeting


Upcoming workshop in the CORDEX South East Asia domain

During 22-24 November 2023 the workshop CARE for SEA megacities: Inception workshop and stakeholder consultation will take place in Bangkok, Thailand and online.

The “Climatic hazard Assessment to enhance Resilience against climate Extremes for Southeast Asian megacities (CARE for SEA megacities)” project is the latest activity under the SEACLID / CORDEX South East Asia collaboration.

CARE for SEA collaborators and SEACLID/CORDEX SEA members are invited and encouraged to participate in this workshop and present their regional climate downscaling efforts.

It is still possible to register for online participation! Deadline is 15 November.
Read more and register here: CORDEX SEA workshop


WCRP Code of Conduct

WCRP embraces diversity, demands equality, and builds capacity for the future. In order to achieve this, we all should be able to work in a professional, respectful, and harassment-free environment.

The WCRP Code of Conduct was approved by the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee in July 2023 and applies to any activity organized by any WCRP group, panel, committee, and the WCRP Secretariat, including day-to-day business conducted by those groups, either in a face-to-face or virtual environment. It includes definitions of discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment and outlines what should be done if there is a breach of the Code of Conduct.

Since CORDEX is a part of WCRP this applies to any activity organized within our domains and research groups. Please read and follow the WCRP Code of Conduct.


New IPO directors

Welcome Dr. Naomi Goldenson as the Director of the new WCRP International Project Office (IPO) for the Regional Information for Society (RIfS) Core Project. The RIfS IPO is hosted by Ouranos, in Montreal, Canada

Welcome Dr. Fanny Adloff as the Director of the new WCRP International Project Office (IPO) for the Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) Core Project. The ESMO IPO is hosted by DKRZ in Hamburg, Germany.

New positions in the RIfS-IPO team and the ESMO-IPO team will be open soon.

There is also an opportunity to work at the WCRP Secretariat read more here:

Open position at the WCRP Secretariat



The next webinar of the WCRP Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity is scheduled for Tuesday 21st November at 13:00hs UTC.

“Learning from simulating the Earth System at km-scale” (Daniel Klocke, Nils Brüggemann and Hans Segura – MPI-M, Germany).

To register for this webinar, please check details on the Webinar Series webpage -

Painting the sky and the green grass

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IPOC CORDEX Office is hosted by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Folkborgsvägen 17, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden.

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