CORDEX Newsletter June

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Logga för CORDEX - Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment
The logo of the International Conference on Regional Climate CORDEX 2023

Thank you to all of you that submitted an abstract to the International Conference on Regional Climate CORDEX in Trieste and Pune in September. The submission of abstracts and request for financial support is now closed and the reviewing process is ongoing. It is still possible to register for participation online or in person. Take the change to listen to all the interesting presentations and disussions! Register here

For the first time we have two hubs in different parts of the world with both joint sessions and specific sessions and also with online participants. It is going to be a technical challenge, but hopefully it will be a successful concept that allows many participants to attend and be actively involved! Below are the programs at a glance for the two hubs.

Program Trieste
Program Pune

During the second day in Trieste it will be an Early Career Scientist event. Data management and data sharing will be discussed in a type of trivial networking format.
Detailed program with speakers will be provided later.

We hope to see you in Trieste, Pune or online!


The 7th International Med-CORDEX Workshop was successfully conducted online on May 15th and 16th, 2023. The workshop brought together 106 participants from 16 countries, primarily from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

The workshop aimed to achieve several key objectives: (1) facilitate scientific presentations and discussions to enhance collaboration within the community, (2) refine the CORDEX-CMIP6 Baseline run protocol, (3) prepare for the upcoming CORDEX ICRC conference in Trieste, (4) explore potential new activities within Med-CORDEX, and (5) introduce the new ocean biogeochemistry and coastal risk communities.

The workshop was organized by Erika Coppola (ICTP), Samuel Somot (CNRM), Bodo Ahrens (GUF), Gabriel Jordà (IEO), Fabien Solmon (LAERO), Gianmaria Sannino (ENEA), Marco Reale (OGS), Rosh Ranasinghe (IHE Delft), Florence Sevault (CNRM), Pierre Nabat (CNRM), and Emanuela Pichelli (ICTP).

All workshop-related documents, such as the agenda, discussion summaries, and presentations, can be accessed on Zenodo at this DOI.

The next significant gathering for the Med-CORDEX community will be the ICRC CORDEX in September 2023, featuring a side event in Trieste and various sessions relevant to the community. For further information about Med-CORDEX, please visit the Med-CORDEX website and explore the Med-CORDEX community on Zenodo


Positions available within the WCRP community: Three exciting leadership opportunities in WCRPs International Project Offices (IPOs). WCRP invites applications for the posts:

Director of the CLIVAR IPO
Director of the RIfS IPO
Director of the ESMO IPO

Read more about the positions and apply here

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Painting the sky and the green grass

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