Briefing on ICRC-CORDEX2023

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Logga för CORDEX - Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment

The International Conference on Regional Climate CORDEX 25-29 September 2023


Did you find a specific presentation very interesting? Presentations are uploaded to the conference website! Posters are available at the website of respective hub, Trieste and Pune.

Were you not able to attend the conference or would like to see the sessions again or perhaps see the interviews with some of the particpants? The recordings can be found at our Youtube channel, WCRP CORDEX.


The fifth CORDEX confererence was very successful and, among others, showed the large variety of scientific topics in the regional climate community and also demonstrated the need and desire to network and discuss. The first day was dedicated to the topic Advancing the regional climate science on decision making scales with subsessions on Earth System Modelling, Convection Permitting Modelling and Statistical Methods/Machine Learning. Under the same overarching topic the Pune hub hosted a session on the region specific subtopic Regional climate modelling/downscaling for South Asia Monsoon region. Find out more about the many interesting presentations and posters.

The second day focused more on discussions on CORDEX interaction with society and the Outcome and insights from the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies. It also contained a surprise celebration for Filippo Giorgi in the morning and an session on insights from the day before. In Trieste we had a very much appreciated Early Career Scientist event in the evening. The topic was Challenges of data management and data sharing giving young scientists a chance to discuss these challenges with senior scientists. The report from the ECS event can be found here.

Parallel sessions during the third day with both presentations and discussions on the topics CORDEX for impacts and CORDEX in practice were popular and interactive sessions. In Pune two sub sessions on CORDEX interaction with society were held and the day was wrapped up with a joint session on the insights from the CORDEX interaction with society discussions.

On the last day Pune held a session on CORDEX in practice and a side event organized together with WCRP My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity with the title Leveraging Climate Research and Modeling for Action in the Indo-Pacific region. It was followed by joint sessions hosted from Trieste where insights from the previous day were highlighted as well as the future of CORDEX and the CORDEX co-chairs closed the session with a conference summary.

The very last activity on the conference program was a workshop with the title Create your future where the participants created their own images of a climate-adapted future. Read more about the workshop and see the results here.

As the WCRP Open Science Conference took place about a month after the CORDEX conference key messages to the wider community were discussed and some of these were the need for; combining methods for downscaling, Earth System model approach, more convection permitting modelling and the importance of the Flagship Pilot Studies for advancing the regional climate science, more capacity building and the increasing importance of partnerships with societal sectors and policy.

Further outcomes of the CORDEX conference will be published on the conference website.

The conference website:

IPOC CORDEX Office is hosted by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Folkborgsvägen 17, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden.

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