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Logga för CORDEX - Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment

Call for Flagship Pilot Studies open now!

The call consists of two parts one open part and one part dedicated to Climate Risks and this time with a special request for Small Islands challenges.

Deadline for applications is 21 August 2024.

Read more and apply here or in the flyer below.


An article about the International Conference on Regional Climate - CORDEX 2023 has been published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

CORDEX- Advancing High Resolution Climate Information and its Use in Society


CORDEX-SEA workshop report

The CARE for SEA megacities project of CORDEX Southeast Asia (CORDEX SEA) held an in person three-day training workshop on empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) and urban climate downscaling in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14-16 May 2024.

Following the inception workshop and stakeholder consultation last year, the training workshop was primarily for members of the CARE for SEA megacities project team, who will be conducting the urban downscaling simulations. The workshop had both lecture and hands-on sessions on ESD, Land Surface Physics-Based Downscaling (LSP-DS) and urban modelling, which will be used in generating city scale climate hazard information for the CARE for SEA megacities project.

The full report can be read here


Reminder: Open call for CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) membership

Do you want to engage in and contribute to CORDEX development as a member of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT)?
The call for nominations is open until 30 June 2024 and self-nominations are welcomed.

Information about the call and link to the nomination form can be found here.
You can also read more about the CORDEX SAT here.

Please circulate and distribute this call among your communities and networks!



EURO-CORDEX is the European branch of CORDEX. EURO-CORDEX has been active since the beginning of CORDEX and during the General assembly this year they celebrated the 15th anniversary of the EURO-CORDEX initiative. It was also the 14th time the General assembly was held. The first dedicated EURO-CORDEX Modeling Meeting took place in November 2011 in Hamburg, Germany.

EURO-CORDEX is a voluntary effort of many of the leading and most active institutions in the field of regional climate research in Europe. The core of EURO-CORDEX consists of the simulations provided by the participating groups.

In 2021 German TV interviewed CORDEX co-chair Daniela Jacob, also highly involved in the EURO-CORDEX initiative, about the release of information sheets based on EURO-CORDEX simulations.

In 2023 the White paper on CMIP6 GCM selection and Matrix design for EURO-CORDEX was published: EURO-CORDEX CMIP6 GCM Selection & Ensemble Design: Best Practices and Recommendations

Three Flagship Pilot Studies for the European region have been endorsed so far, dedicated to different topics (one covering both Europe and the Mediterranean):
Convective phenomena at high resolution over Europe and the Mediterranean

Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales

URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC)

In 2024, an article was published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
"Delivering an Improved Framework for the New Generation of CMIP6-Driven EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations"
The paper presents the protocol for the CMIP6/EURO-CORDEX simulations and highlights the improvements we expect in the new generation regional climate ensemble.

The current Points of Contact in this domain are:

EURO-CORDEX: Daniela Jacob, Stefan Sobolowski, Eleni Katragkou, José Manuel Gutierrez and Claas Teichmann


More information on activities can be found at the CORDEX website under Domain activities


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Painting the sky and the green grass

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