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Logga för CORDEX - Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment

EURO-CORDEX General Assembly

The 14th General Assembly of the European – Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (EURO-CORDEX) – took place from 22nd to 25th of January, 2024. They also celebrated the 15th anniversary of the EURO-CORDEX initiative. During four days about 100 international scientists gathered at GERICS in Hamburg and virtually in order to share science findings and jointly discuss how to organize their voluntary engagement in CORDEX.

Read about the meeting at the EURO-CORDEX website.


Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas

The Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas was launched by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on 20 February. Besides the CMIP5 and CMIP6 global projections, the Atlas also includes CORDEX-EUR-11 and CORDEX-CORE for regional climate projections

Read more about it here: Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas: a game changer for policymakers



This year CORDEX is celebrating 15 years and we will therefore take the opportunity to look back at these years and also look at what is planned ahead, so let's start by looking at the beginnning. This is the WMO bulletin from 2009 Addressing climate information needs at the regional level: the CORDEX framework.


Please find forwarded information below. For any further questions on the events below please contact the persons responsible for that specific event.


11th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC11) is scheduled to take place in Manaus, Brazil, from 29 July to 2 August. Click the link to find out more!

Abstract submission is open for the Sixth WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis 28 October-1 November. Read more and submit here.


There is an open call for the WMO Research Board membership. Read more about the call here. The deadline is 1 March.


The CLIVAR-GEWEX Monsoons Panel is back with the third webinar in their series and this time the webinar is focused on African Monsoons.

Read more about the webinar series here.


Announcement from the CMIP Data Request Task Team

Calls for authors and reviewers for a set of theme papers which will develop a collection of harmonised variables on which to build the CMIP7 data request.

Authors and reviewers are being sought for the thematic papers:

Ocean & sea-ice (Open, closes 01 March 2024)
Atmosphere (Open, closes 08 March 2024)
Earth system (Open, closes 08 March 2024)
Land & land-ice(Open, closes 08 March 2024)


The CMIP Data Request Task Team are seeking to work with community representative leads and engage with the wider community to devise a controlled list of high priority variables that facilitate the majority of user needs, while keeping the request as small as possible.

Papers across identified themes will define a collection of harmonised variables to support the high impact analysis of climate model output and provide a consistent and robust set of parameters on which to build the CMIP7 archive.

Applicants are encouraged to first read the information about the variable selection process of the harmonised thematic variables.


The CMIP Panel has released a survey to consult the CMIP community on the AR7 Fast Track design.

The CMIP Panel asks MIPs, CMIP data users, and other CMIP community members to consult on their AR7 Fast Track proposal to ensure the new experimental structure suits needs from across the community.

Survey details:

Survey deadline: 07:00 UTC Wednesday 6th March 2024

The CMIP AR7 Fast Track proposal

The CMIP fast tracks are designed as a compact set of experiments including the DECK and selected experiments from Community MIPs that will support specific needs. The CMIP AR7 Fast Track is intended to specifically deliver to the IPCC 7th assessment cycle.


The 4th webinar of the WCRP Digital Earths webinar series will take place on 12 March 2024 from 15:00 to 16:00 UTC.

Speaker: Dr Francois Engelbrecht

Topic: A K-scale weather event attribution system developed in the Global south.

For more information about the speaker and registration, click here

Painting the sky and the green grass

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The International Project Office for CORDEX is hosted by
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Folkborgsvägen 17, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden

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