CORDEX at the WCRP Open Science Conference

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CORDEX at the WRCP Open Science Conference

Updates on the CORDEX side events at the WRCP OSC


In person townhall event on Tuesday 24 October at 20.00

The goal is to identify pressing needs, challenges and possibilities and to help close the gap between the research community/climate information producers and the climate information users with focus on Africa. Can we contribute to better align towards the same goals?

Tentative agenda:

20.00-20.10 Introduction and overview/history of CORDEX Africa, Christopher Lennard

20.10-20.35 Invited speakers: Arame Tall, Nana Ama Browne Klutse, Chris Jack, Rafiq Hamdi, Olivier Crespo, Adrian Tompkins, Belarmina Mirasse, Wilfran Moufouma Okia and Amira Mostafa Nasser representing socio-economic sectors will give a pitch on their view of what is needed for decision making etc. Policy, Urban, Agriculture, Health, Energy, WMO (3 min each)

List of speakers could be subject to changes

20.35-21.05 Speed dating; discussions on specific burning issues for various African regions and the possibilities and challenges they face.

21.05-21.30 Panel discussion and wrap up


Get more information and register here




Together with CMIP we are also organizing the side event

Monday 23 October at 20.00

A workshop, learning lab bringing together CMIP and CORDEX modellers and users. The focus will be on dialogue on the plethora of analysis and evaluation tools. The idea is to showcase some tools and their primary area of use and advantages as well as their limitations. We will also actively discuss how we can achieve more common community development to prevent duplication of effort and confusion for all levels of users and producers. This includes discussing what tools are suitable for what purpose, for instance if they work for both global, regional and very high-resolution models. Ideally a sort of guidance for users would be initiated. The workshop can also touch upon where and for what purpose global or regional/local models are best suited or adequate.

After initiating talks/demos in ‘plenary’ we will work in break-out groups to discuss identified sub-topics and to ensure many voices heard. The input from the break-out groups will be presented back in plenum.

Get more information and register here

Painting the sky and the green grass

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