Happy Holidays and upcoming events
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Dear colleagues,


Before we close the CORDEX office for Christmas and New Years we would like to express our gratitude to teh CORDEX community for all your good work during 2022. We also want to draw your attention to some CORDEX and WCRP news and remind about some upcoming events

The 5th CORDEX conference, ICRC-CORDEX 2023, will take place in Trieste, Italy Pune, India, and online 25-29 September 2023. Pleae find the preliminary timeline here. Here is the draft programme overview:




The WCRP Open Science Conference will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, 23-27 October 2023.


At the EGU 2023 there are several 'CORDEX' sessions , among those

AS1.11 Clouds, moisture, and precipitation in the Polar Regions: Sources, processes and impacts, CL5.1 Regional Climate Modeling, Including CORDEX and CL2.4 Local scale climate change impacts, processes and extremes The deadline is approaching


Joint the CMIP7 Data Access Task Team. Faind the call for nominations here


The CliC IPO will re-open its doors in early 2023 at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, as soon as the new Executive Director is in place. The position has been announced with a deadline March 31


The WWRP/WCRP S2S SUMMIT 2023 on Advancing Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Predictions and their Applications takes place in University of Reading, UK
3-7 July 2023


The CORDEX office will be unmanned from 21 December until 8 January.

For any urgent matters we propose that you try the channels below.

For matters regarding CORDEX data access please see https://cordex.org/data-access/ and/or our FAQ https://cordex.org/faq/faq-data-and-access/

For other CORDEX matters please take a look at the general FAQ https://cordex.org/faq/faq-general/ or contact one of our Points of Contacts (POCs) https://cordex.org/about/points-of-contact/ or one of our Science Advisroy Team (SAT) members https://cordex.org/about/science-adv-team/.

For more WCRP-related matters you can turn to the WCRP secretariat wcrp@wmo.int.

You might also contact kundtjanst@smhi.se who can try to direct you to a colleague for assistance.


With our best regards and wishes for Happy Holidays!!

Iréne and Sophia at the CORDEX Office


CORDEX Homepage Twitter @WCRP_Cordex

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