Career News_August 2024. Welcome back! We hope you had a great summer!

August 2024


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Welcome to KI Career Service Newsletter!

Career Events
August 8th
Webinar: Business in Sweden – registration and getting started. Business in Sweden – managing income and expenses
Webinar: Business in Sweden – managing income and expenses.Business in Sweden – managing income and expenses
August 13th
Course: Excel - your best friend (in Swedish). Registration required.
August 14th
Webinar: New in Sweden – the population register and basic tax information. Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
August 15th
Webinar: Business in Sweden – managing VAT. Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
August 20th
Webinar: Using the Crowdhelix Open Innovation Platform. Registration required. Organized by Crowdhelix.
August 21st
Webinar: Challenges facing international researchers. Registration required. Organized by ReMO COST Action Researcher Mental Health.
Webinar: GoinGlobal - International job search tool - User training. Registration required.
August 27th
Course: Training in OneNote and Whiteboard (in Swedish). Registration required.
August 29th
Seminar: Presentations and perspectives on the topic: Can you be a scientist and an activist at the same time – how to reach out with your science in a non-academic way? - Sixth SWACCS Junior Academy Workshop (JAWS). Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Academic Consortium on Chemical Safety (SWACCS), Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet.
August 30th
Workshop: Reaching a broader audience with your research and learning how to write a press release - Sixth SWACCS Junior Academy Workshop (JAWS). Registration required. Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Academic Consortium on Chemical Safety (SWACCS), Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet.
Course: Training in Microsoft 365/Teams (in Swedish). Registration required.
September 3rd
Course: Training in Word (in Swedish). Registration required.
Webinar: How to approach a career in global health. Registration required. Organized by the School of Global Health – University of Copenhagen.
Webinar: Om lön och löneförhandlingar. Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF).
September 4th
Mingle: Campus Day in Flemingsberg
Webinar: Salary and salary interview. Registration required. Organized by the Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF).
September 5th
Webinar: Framework Programme 10 and the future of the European Research Area. Registration required. Organized by Crowdhelix.
September 10th
Workshop: Psychological Safety - Implications for teaching and learning. Registration required.
September 12th
Webinar: Introductory meeting for international researchers: Useful facts about living in Sweden. Registration required.
Webinar: Welcome to research in Sweden! Registration required. Organized by Naturvetarna.
September 17th
Course: Excel - your best friend (in Swedish). Registration required.
September 18th
Webinar: Using the Crowdhelix Open Innovation Platform. Registration required. Organized by Crowdhelix.
September 20th
Workshop: Training in Outlook (in Swedish). Registration required.
Webinar: Networking for academics.Registration required. Organized by EMBL Career Service.
September 24th
Workshop: Are you looking for a mentor? Learn more about informational interviews as a tool. Registration required. 
September 25th
Webinar: Akademikerveckan: Working in Sweden. Registration required. Organized by Naturvetarna.
Special Highlights

Photo: Stockholms Kulturfestival

Stockholm Culture Festival - August 14-18, 2024

Stockholm's Culture Festival is the largest cultural event in the city. Admission is free, and the festival features a diverse program of activities and entertainment. For more information, visit visitstockholm website.

Photo: by SDCNl

Do you have a partner who moved with you to Sweden and is interested in joining a program with the purpose of making Sweden feel more like home? - Application deadline: August 20, 2024

Stockholm Dual Career Network (SDCN) is accepting applications to the next cohort of SDCN Academy: Unlock Sweden! Your partner has free access through KI’s partnership with Stockholms Akademiska Forum. The program is designed to provide the network, information, support, and training necessary to not only enter the Swedish labour market, but also to become more rooted in Stockholm – making it feel more like home. For more information please visit SDCN webpage.

Swedish language courses autumn 2024 - Courses start on September 10, 2024

Doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers at KI are eligible for one complimentary Swedish subcourse. Staff members are required to pay according to the framework agreement.
Courses are scheduled from 17.30 to 19.00 or from 19.15 to 20.45. They occur once a week for ten weeks or twice weekly for five weeks. Levels A1, A2 and B1 are available. Read more on

KI Fun Run 2024 - September 19, 2024

Everyone at KI is welcome! Join the most exciting event of the year: walk, run, jog, cheer, and hang out at KI-loppet 2024! Read more on

School of Entrepreneurship (SSES)
Explore courses, workshops and other activities organised by SSES. For more information, visit the SSES website.
Educational Congress: Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education

Welcome to register for KI's Education Congress 2-3 October 2024! KI's Education Congress is aimed at those who are involved in teaching at KI or interested in educational issues. Read more on

Webinar series: Health Literacy for researchers (in English)

All doctoral students and researchers at KI, as well as other interested parties, are welcome to a webinar series focusing on health literacy. The webinars will consist of lectures and discussions between lecturers and participants, and some self-studies will be conducted before each webinar. Read more on

Calls for applications
Calls for the autumn 2024

Karolinska Institutet awards grants from a large number of foundations and funds. Check out the call for the autumn. Read more on

Photo: by Apotekarsocieteten

Scheele Award 2025 - Deadline for nominations: September 15, 2024

The Scheele Laureate will be appointed within the wide area of ongoing pharmaceutical research. The candidate should be an internationally recognized scientist who is professionally active within the fields of drug research and drug development. For more information, visit the Apotekarsocieteten website.

Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet): International postdoc within natural and engineering sciences (autumn call) - Application open: August 21, 2024

The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions. The grant is also intended to promote the quality and renewal of Swedish research. For more information, please visit Vetenskapsrådet website.

Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet): International postdoc within medicine and health (autumn call) - Application open: August 21, 2024

The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions. The grant is also intended to promote the quality and renewal of Swedish research.. For more information, please visit Vetenskapsrådet website.

Apply for grants for collaboration with partners in Africa - Application deadline: September 3, 2024

Junior researchers are invited, by the Internationalisation board, to apply for funding for collaboration with partners in low- and middle-income countries in Africa in 2025. . Eligibility: Junior researchers as well as researchers affiliated to Karolinska Institutet, who earned a doctoral degree but have not yet become associate professors, are eligible to apply. Researchers who have earned their doctoral degree during the last seven years are given priority. More information is available on

SSF grants for Strategic mobility - Application deadline: September 10, 2024

The Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), finances the salary costs for people who, for a period, want to move between industry/business/authority/hospital and academia/research institute. For more information, please visit the SSF website.

STINT International Postdoc - Application deadline: September 13, 2024

The aim of the programme is to enhance the quality of Swedish research and higher education by giving researchers who have recently obtained their PhDs the opportunity to pursue a postdoctoral research project at an institution abroad. There are two versions of the programme: STINT International Postdoc for outbound postdocs and STINT International Postdoc in Sweden for inbound postdocs. For more information, please visit the STINT website.

STINTs program Teaching Sabbatical - Application deadline: September 16, 2024

STINT’s Teaching Sabbatical programme aims to develop both individuals and institutions. The programme gives passionate Swedish researchers and university lecturers international experiences relevant to their teaching rather than their research roles. For more information, please visit the STINT website.

NeurotechEU collaboration grant 2024

These visits aim to facilitate the planning or execution of collaborative endeavors with NeurotechEU partners. The grant can be used to cover costs for transportation and accommodation at the host site for the proposed period (minimum 3 days) with a maximum amount of 25 000 SEK. There are no deadlines for this grant. StratNeuro and NeurotechEU will be continuously evaluating any application that is submitted. Also, there is no time deadline for when the travel should be as long as it is within the next 3 years. More information is available on

WHO Internship Programme - For future leaders in public health

The Global Internship Programme is now open. For more information, visit the WHO website.

The Conversation - Latest articles by KI researchers
Karolinska Institutet is a member of The Conversation, a non-profit international news platform where academics write their own popular science articles with the help of professional journalists. The articles are freely accessible and may be republished without alterations in other media outlets. The collaboration benefits researchers by boosting their international profile and sharpening their communication skills, both of which are great for funding applications. Visit the staff portal for more information.
Epstein-Barr virus: how does a common infection trick the immune system into attacking the brain in people with MS? Olivia Thomas, Karolinska Institutet. Graham Taylor and Jill Brooks, University of Birmingham.
An active brain can protect you from dementia, but stress might eat up your ‘cognitive reserve’ – new study.Manasa Shanta Yerramalla and Shireen Sindi, Karolinska Institutet.
Flow: people who are easily absorbed in an activity may have better mental and cardiovascular health.Miriam Mosing, Karolinska Institutet.
Sex differences don’t disappear as a country’s equality develops – sometimes they become stronger. Agneta Herlitz, Karolinska Institutet.
Perinatal depression linked with premenstrual mood disorders – new research. Donghao Lu, Karolinska Institutet.
Career Reading suggestions
Karolinska Institutet
Doctoral student and supervisor day – autumn 2024
Extended agreement with Avonova occupational health care
Nobel laureate and former KI president, Bengt Samuelsson, has passed away
Stronger together celebrated during this year's Pride parade

The Swedish Research Council evaluates KI's scientific research quality

A stroke derailed my academic career. Now I’m getting back on track
How can I break into industry if my CV keeps disappearing into a black hole?
How to spot a predatory conference, and what science needs to do about them: a guide
I’ve built a career without a big golden grant. Here’s how
Science on the edge: how extreme outdoor skills enhanced our fieldwork
We are junior scientists from emerging economies — the world needs more researchers like us solving global problems
What is it like to attend a predatory conference?
Why you should perform a premortem on your research
PLOS Biology
Recommendations for empowering early career researchers to improve research culture and practice
Swedish Position Paper on the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme, FP10
How I learned to embrace open science
How I turned seemingly ‘failed’ experiments into a successful Ph.D.
I never thought I’d be an academic scientist—but I’m glad I followed my gut
I was overwhelmed as a new professor—until I forced a weekly break
Preventing bad behavior in academia
‘Should I do a postdoc?’ Former postdocs share their stories
Sí se puede: My path to a Ph.D. as a struggling first-generation student
Job Opportunities
Adjunkt inom ortodonti - Karolinska Institutet
Forskningsrådgivare EU - Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Forskningssekreterare med inriktning registerdata - Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)
Gruppchef Bioteknologi - Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket)
Head of secretariat, European partnership on One Health AMR (OHAMR) - Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)
Internationell koordinator med fokus på Erasmus+ och Mobility-Online - Karolinska Institutet
Kansliansvarig till Vetenskapsrådets internationella AMR-arbete - Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)
Lektor i kognitiv neurovetenskap - University of Skövde
Pharmacovigilance Scientist - Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC)
Postdoctoral Position to Study Adipocyte-Stromal-Immune Crosstalk (USA) - Cornell University
Principal Expert Food- and Water-borne Diseases - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Principal Expert Vaccine-preventable Diseases - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Principal Researcher in Clinical Geriatrics in the Nordic Brain Network (NBN) - Karolinska Institutet
Register to work as an expert - European Commission
Samordnare compliance och avtal - Karolinska Institutet
Scientific adviser, European partnership on One Health AMR (OHAMR) - Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)
Scientific Project Manager - Johnson & Johnson
Scientist - AAX Biotech AB
Senior Lab Manager - Karolinska Institutet
Senior Lecturer in biostatistics - Karolinska Institutet
1-2 Senior Lecturers in Occupational Therapy - Karolinska Institutet
Senior Lecturer in Perioperative Nursing - Karolinska Institutet
Six positions funded by the Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes (SRP) Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme - Karolinska Institutet
Statistician at the Division of Insurance Medicine - Karolinska Institutet
Studievägledare på programnivå - Karolinska Institutet
Up to eight positions as Assistant Professor in Medical Science - Karolinska Institutet
Vetenskaplig rådgivare till Vetenskapsrådets internationella AMR-arbete - Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)

Career News covers information about topics related to career development. If you have any suggestions about information for the newsletter, please send your message to

Content editor: Y. Vladimir Pabón-Martínez. PhD.

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