News for staff at MedH

No. 3, December 2022


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Dear MedH friends

In 2022, physical meetings such as retreats, seminars and conferences came back to normal. It’s indeed a very different way of working compared to digital meetings. Or, perhaps it’s fairer to say: physical meetings are to prefer (at least the way I see it), for gatherings with a scientific or educational focus, while most administrative meetings are fine online. I also think that the digital format works well for seminars, especially at a university like KI with several campuses. If only we could get more easily managed equipment and setups that work well in all our premises! We still spend too much time trying to make sound and images work onsite and online. This is reminiscent of the early days of PowerPoint presentations. Remember the MAC/PC issues that always caused headaches? Hopefully soon, technology will be more user-friendly.
Let's make meetings more efficient
Compatibility issues are particularly important between KI and the hospital, our most essential collaboration partner. Speaking of the hospital, the Karolinska University Hospital management has issued a new rule for 2023; meetings by default will be 25 minutes only. If more time is needed, a double meeting of 50 minutes is possible. At KI we have different outsets for many meetings, for example to discuss science. Creativity takes time. However, we should think about how to use the time more wisely in meetings, and how we can make meetings more efficient. I will definitively try to spend less time in meetings in 2023 and make them more efficient when needed. Being more prepared coming into the meeting is the key!


Team Based Learning
Time management has also been discussed in our education planning in 2022. Work is underway to prepare for the new medical curriculum and the internal medicine students will come to us in the fall of 2023.The pedagogical model for the new curriculum is team-based learning (TBL). Changes in the way we teach are needed, teachers must be educated in TBL, and new types of pedagogical tools must be developed.

In TBL, students spend less time in lectures. Lectures are instead recorded and studied in advance, before the TBL seminars, for a better learning outcome. That sounds good to me! I can remember many unnecessary lectures in my medical training…More efficiency also for students and teaching thus.
Many clinical researchers awarded this year
Scientifically, MedH continues to be a successful department and we did very well in the resource allocation in 2022! The number of grants awarded to MedH from our major granting agencies in 2022 was amazing. I was particularly impressed that so many clinical scientists were successful in attracting both start up grants and major project grants. Of course, as I wrote in a previous letter, we are all aware than many of us still struggle to get grants from VR, Cancerfonden or Hjärt- Lungfonden. The happiness for those awarded must go together with supporting actions to those who did not (this time). I expect from all of you to support and help each other out to become stronger together.
MedH Strategy
Our strategy MedH 2025 was launched in June, after a long journey, to some extent slowed down by the pandemic. But we're finally on our way to implement many ideas, so take some time before 2023 to revisit our strategy pages. Three action plans are now underway; scientific and social exchange, a mentor program, and a policy for environment and sustainability and external communication is also on the agenda. This action plan will be facilitated by a similar line of work from central KI where focus is on external communication. With this said, please update your profile page in 2023! I will certainly try to give a good example here! To facilitate our strategy development, we have decided to allocate extra funds for strategic investments and recruitments for next year.
New and promising leadership
In April 2023, a new leadership takes over KI, with Annika Östman Wenersson as our new President and Veronika Sundström as University Director. Martin Bergö, Professor and cancer researcher at BioNut, is the final candidate for KI vice president(prorektor) and will most certainly be appointed. I have great expectations for this new leadership of fantastic people! We also have many new members in our three committees where MedH is nicely represented, with Jenny Mjösberg in the Committee for research and Anna Norrby-Teglund in the KI Faculty board. And not the least, Klas Karlsson will be back as Head of administration at MedH after his séjour at central KI. Welcome back in April Klas!
Some thoughts for the future
I hope that the new KI leadership will continue to take several of the paths started by the present administration. I particularly wish for an increased focus on internal matters at KI. We need to get back to our common goals from Strategy 2030. We also need to talk about our common costs, not the least for rent. We also need to take a grip on our departmental structure and our too high costs for animal research at KI. These are many difficult questions, and they will not be easily solved. But we need to start talking about alternatives and to think in new ways. It's important to continue to develop our relations with the hospital and the region. I hope that the new leadership will share these priorities and involve the departments to a large extent when working with them.
One more thing
I wish you all happy holidays and hope that you will get a chance to relax and gain new strength. All the best to you all and I look forward to seeing you again in January, for a new and exciting year 2023!

/Petter Höglund, Head of Department


News from Central Administration

The year is soon ending and I, together with the administration, would like to thank you all for an inspiring year with good cooperation! It's really enjoyable to work with all of you and we are looking forward to 2023.
Stable INDI
Some good news is that we will continue to keep the INDI percentage for research on a stable level from 21,43 percent in 2022 to 21,46 percent next year.

Photo of Chistmas tree

Photo: Toni Cuenca, Pexels

But the INDI percentage for education will however increase from this year's 43,39 percent to 47,01 percent in 2023. Of the 47,01 percent only 9,01 percent is the department part, the remaining part refers to the central university level.
MedH is doing amazing
I'm also happy to share the great news that all your hard work has given a fantastic result in the activity distribution. We have increased the activity from 32 MKR in 2022, to 34 MKR in 2023. It means that MedH is still in third place among all departments at KI. Well done everyone! Last of all, I wish you Happy holidays and a wonderful new year!

/Johanna Sandelius, Head of Administration


Acting Head of Department during Christmas:
(Petter is back week 2, January 8th)
Week 52: Eva Hellström Lindberg.
Week 51, Week 1: Anna Norrby-Teglund.
Head of administration: Johanna Sandelius.

Just a friendly reminder:
🎅All invoices must be approved by January 4th at the latest for the costs to be entered in the books for year 2022.
🎅If you are on vacation and not able to administrate invoices, you need to make sure to arrange for a substitute during this time. Contact:

Congratulations to our newly appointed faculty representatives and members!
Professor Anna Norrby-Teglund (CIM) has been appointed to the Faculty Board at KI.
Professor Jenny Mjösberg (CIM) has been appointed to the Committee for Research at KI.

MedH represented by several teams in this year's Pep at work exercise challenge!
An extra well done to the two super peppers at KI who are from MedH: the best individual pepper: Anne-Sofie Johansson (HERM) and the KI pepper all categories: Belinda Pannagel (HERM). You rock!

Emergency contact in case of serious illness or accident
MedH employees are urged to register emergency contacts. It's important that the employer can reach people close to you, if something happens.

Welcome Monica Häggström, new financial controller
Monica started at MedH on December 6th and we are happy to have her on board! She will mainly handle financial issues related to the department's EU projects for research funding. Monica will eventually also be contact person for some of the research groups at the department.


Environment and sustainability news

Guide for sustainable meetings and events

Have a look at KI:s useful checklist for arranging more sustainable events.

Selling, giving away or asking for equipment
Try out KI recycling instead of buying new, expensive items or throwing away things that can be re-used. Even free items are listed on this page.
The site will undergo changes in 2023.

What can you do to promote a sustainable campus?
KI shares tips on what you can do in your daily work to contribute to a sustainable campus.


Photo: Sara Lind

Some good news on this note: The styrofoam boxes used in NEO are now being recycled as they go back to suppliers for re-use!

Share your ideas on how we can make MedH a more sustainable department!
Feel free to contact: Sara von Bahr Grebäck


Meet a MedH staff member - Amanda Klein

Amanda Klein


What is your role at MedH?
I'm a Research coordinator for the funding agency Center for Innovative Medicine (CIMED). I also work part-time as Coordinator for Styrgruppen för Odontologisk Forskning and the Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CBB). I actually started at MedH as a PhD student in 2006. Then I did my postdoc at the Department of physiology and pharmacology, before returning to MedH and CIMED in 2018.

What is the best part of your job?
The best part is that I get to follow the research that is conducted at KI Campus Flemingsberg, and the variation of tasks. I'm also fortunate to have great colleagues at the MedH administrative office!

What are your interests/hobbies?
I enjoy running, yoga and second hand shopping.

What are your plans for Christmas?
I will celebrate Christmas with my family and relatives in Stockholm. For New Year's Eve, me and my family are planning to go to our weekend house in Närke.



Calls for spring 2023 are open
KI awards grants from a large number of foundations and funds, including travel grants.

CIMED project funding for clinical research projects for 2024-2026
Grants range from SEK 0.3 to 1.0 million per year. Researchers with activities linked to a department at KI Campus Flemingsberg can apply through Region Stockholm research web.


Photo: Pixabay

New national web page to support clinical studies in Sweden

The web page is aimed at researchers, research staff and life science companies that conduct clinical studies in healthcare.

Updated information on archiving and registration of research documents
Registration and archiving of research documents is important to ensure that research results can be verified and used over longer periods of time.



Doctoral Student News - newsletter
Check out the KI newsletter and feel free to subscribe!


Tips, tricks and KI tools

Take a free Microsoft Office 365 course! 

KI offers several free courses in both Swedish and English that you can easily sign up for in the new year, such as:
Excel - your best friend, 10/1 at 12:30
(In English)
Training in Outlook, 12/1 at 10:00
(In Swedish)
Training in Office 365/Teams, 19/1 at 10:00
(In Swedish)


Photo: Liza Simonsson


Link collection

MedH newsletter archive
MedH operating info, news & calendar
MedH external KI web site
KI Communication tools and support


HERM seminar series
Grand Round MedH
Liver Academy series
CBB seminars

MedH News is an internal newsletter published by the Department of Medicine, Huddinge. The newsletter is issued around three times per semester. If you have any tips on current issues or changes of concern to the department for the coming issues of the MedH Newsletter, please send an email to the newsletter editor:
Please check KI:s news publishing guidelines prior to sending your email.

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