MedH Newsletter

No. 1, February 2023


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Dear MedH friends

I hope you're all well awaiting the first signs of spring. At least to me, the “Sportlov” in week 9 is a divider; winter before and spring after! I hope many of you have your skis out, or are taking a few days off enjoying the Swedish winter in other ways.

In just a few days, KI will get a new leadership when Annika Östman Wernerson starts as our new President. The Head of departments at KI South met with Annika a few weeks ago. Her ideas of a transparent leadership, in which KI:s 22 departments become stronger players, are very promising. The departments have great capacity to take part in our KI:s common strategic development.


BioNut under pressure
During the fall, the BioNut department has been under pressure from the present leadership for economic reasons, but discussions have now been finished and BioNut can look ahead on how to become even stronger. BioNut is the only pure basic science department here, and not the least MedH has a lot to gain from enhancing collaborations and cooperations with them.

I will do the best I can to contribute to such a path. We also share premises to a large extent in the Neo building. Keep your eyes open for common theme afternoons in this year, in which new collaborations and new projects can be formed!
New areas for collaborations
Another exciting development is the transition of the groups in the Novum building to ANA Futura and Neo. This will mean a lot to our environments by creating new arenas for collaboration and by helping to optimize lab space and shared costs. Our house managers in Neo and Ana Futura are working together with the manager of the Novum environment and the FoUU committee at the Karolinska University Hospital, to facilitate a smooth transition toward the end of the year. I wish you all a good spring ahead!

/Petter Höglund, Head of Department


News from Central Administration

Shamima and Sara from at economy have just started their new positions and we wish them the best of luck! New staff is being recruited to our economy team and interviews are ongoing as we speak with interesting candidates. In parallel, we negotiate to hire temporary consultants and expect to have new people on the ground soon. For now, me (Johanna) and Monica, have divided the units between us, and all PI:s have been informed about this. Together we are doing our best to deliver economy service to all of you!

/Johanna Sandelius, Head of Administration


Photo: Maria Orlova/


Personnel changes within MedH HR in early spring
HR Partner Cecilia Westman Betnér will end her temporary employment and go on maternity leave by the end of March. We wish Cecilia all the best and thank her for her time with us! HR Partner
Anna Henierö (former Pavlovic) will return from her maternity leave in April.
A warm welcome back Anna!

Performance management dialouge at KI 1 is coming up
The dialogue is a one-on-one meeting where the immediate manager and employee discuss what should be done during the year. The ambitions, goals and expected results are identified and you agree on what's required from both sides for the employee to achieve the goals. The dialogue should take place by March 31 at the latest. You can find all information about the dialouge and also e-courses for managers and employees on the KI Staff portal.

/Ellen Carlsson, HR Manager


Welcome Erik Pettersson - new Educational administrator at MedH
Erik started on January 9, and we are happy to have him on board! He covers for Josefine Berg as Educationional administrator when she is on maternity leave. Erik is mainly working with administration for the new medical program (läkarprogrammet).
Read the interview with him on the MedH staff portal.


Celebrate the International Women's Day with free lectures and mingle at KI
Everyone is welcome to attend free lectures, mingle in Biomedicum on March 8.
Pep at work challenge starts again March 28
Join in and help yourself and your colleagues to develop good exercise habits!
KI Family Day 2023 at Campus Flemingsberg
Come and take part in fun movement activities with your family, relatives, friends and colleagues! All ages are welcome.


Environment and sustainability news

KI’s top climate culprits are purchasing and travel
An audit of our greenhouse gas emissions, reveals that the greatest volumes at KI come from the purchase of goods and official travel.

No more single use cups in Neo
Single use cups will no longer be ordered in Neo. Staff can bring their own mug or borrow one from the kitchen instead. Wash your own mug and keep it in your office or put it in the dishwasher in the kitchen. Next in line for this environment friendly measure is ANA Futura!


Photo: Sara Lind

Free period products soon available at MedH!
KI works with the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG). Goal number 5 is equality. To better meet this goal, MedH has decided to offer free period products at our different locations. This action is being implemented within a few weeks in Neo, ANA Futura and C2:94.

Welcome to environment brainstorming session
What can we do for the environment? Do you have any suggestions?
-Come and share your ideas at a brainstorming session about the environment with Sara von Bahr Grebäck, the Environmental and sustainability representative at MedH. Bring your own coffee cup and Sara will buy cookies!
Thursday April 13 at 10:00 in Erythrocyte 7015, 7th floor in Neo.


Meet a MedH staff member - Paul Petrus

Paul Petrus


What is your role at MedH?
I started at the Endocrinology Unit in July 2022, where I work as Assistant professor. I also lead a research group with two postdocs and one research assistant. Apart from that, I do some teaching in graduate and under-graduate courses.

What is your research about?
Our research is about circadian rhythms, the internal clocks in our bodies that allow us to function in synchrony with the day/night cycles. One area we’re currently investigating, is the role of the circadian system in metabolic- and mental- co-morbidities.

What is the best part of your job?
To get my questions answered. The worst part is when they don’t get answered…

What are your interests/hobbies?
Family, food and boxing!



Liver Academy seminar series at KI
The Liver Academy network at KI brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds and different departments.The aim is to enhance collaborations and to enable networking and interaction, especially among junior scientists. Welcome to join the monthly hybrid seminar series with a diverse set of speakers! Each seminar is announced in the KI Calendar.


Photo: Fauxels

Stem-cell-a-thon seminar March 16 with Dr. Vivian Li, Francis Crick Institute, London

HERM at MedH, is organizing a seminar series by distinguished national and international speakers from the field of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

Seminar: Does NGF matter in the continuum of the Alzheimer’s pathology?
Tips from the Dean of KI South: Professor Claudio Cuello visitis Neo, March 23.


CIMED project funding for clinical research projects for 2024-2026 open until March 5
Grants range from SEK 0.3 to 1.0 million per year. Researchers with activities linked to a department at KI Campus Flemingsberg can apply through Region Stockholm research web.

Education Minister visits KI and meets with CIM Professors

Professors Anna Norrby-Teglund and Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren from the Centre for Infectious Medicine (CIM) met with Mats Persson to talk about the dramatic reorientation of research that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Doctoral Student News - newsletter
Check out the KI newsletter and feel free to subscribe!

Drop-in, KI Career Service for PhD students, Postdocs and Researchers - March 1st

Welcome to attend in Solna + Online at 9:00-12:00. Registration required.

Webinars and workshops for teachers organized by Teaching and Learning (TL) at KI

There are a number of seminars, courses in higher education and workshops for those involved in teaching at KI.

Pedagogical Project Funding 2024 - apply before March 15

Apply if you have ideas for developing the pedagogical quality of higher education at KI!


Tips, tricks and KI tools

Don't miss all the KI tools and support available for you

Visit the staff portal and the Tools and support page for help with everything from e-meetings, business travel to steering documents and economy.

KI can help you to advertise in social media

Researchers at KI have the possibility to advertise for research subjects in channels such as Facebook and Digital advertisement is an effective way to find participants to your research studies. Feel fre to look for inspiration from other ads at KI Research.


Photo: Pixabay


Link collection

MedH newsletter archive
MedH operating info, news & calendar
MedH external KI web site
KI Communication tools and support


HERM seminar series
Grand Round MedH
Liver Academy series
CBB seminars

MedH News is an internal newsletter published by the Department of Medicine, Huddinge. The newsletter is issued around three times per semester. If you have any tips on current issues or changes of concern to the department for the coming issues of the MedH Newsletter, please send an email to the newsletter editor:
Please check KI:s news publishing guidelines prior to sending your email.

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